Chapter 32

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Kushina's Pov

With much convincing, I got Kakashi to leave and head toward the Uchiha compound. Once we get to the Uchiha household, I knock on the door. I see Itachi open the door. "Hey Itachi, is Y/n here?" I ask 

"why, you asking?" he says noticing someone behind me. I then push kakashi in front of me and the cough. 

"I came, to see Y/n" kakashi said. 

The door then closes and I hear footsteps and Mikoto's voice. "Itachi? who was at the door?" she said. 

"Just, Kushina-san and some old dude." Itachi said snickering at the end.  "Itachi, don't be rude!" Mikoto said in a warning tone.  

I then hear more footsteps and the door is swung open.  "Hello Kushina and Kakashi, sorry about Itachi." Mikoto laughs nervously and continues "I'm guessing your here to talk to Y/n?" 

I nod and notice kakashi looking off to the side. I then hit his head and says "hey!" 

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"Right... Anyway, Y/n just left with Shisui to go train." She says. I then hear a tsk and a "of course" come from Kakashi's lips. 

"Your more then welcome to come in, but, Kushina? I thought I told you not to go up and talk to him." Mikoto said annoyed. 

"haha, well... about that...Kakashi where are you going?" I said and he doesn't answer, just putting his hands in his pockets, just walking away. 

'Typical Kakashi' I thought

"Kushina, you'll have to fill me in..." Mikoto said evilly "Right" i laugh nervously while scratching the sides of my face. 

"Well, it all started..." I said


Kushina's Pov

I walk up to the Senju household and knock on the door.


I then knock on the door again



The door then opens and Kakashi stares at me and says "what?"


"ok fine" Kakashi said moving aside. I walk into the home and walk over to the kitchen table to sit down.  

"Right, I just wanted to talk about what happened. I haven't seen you and Y/n fight ever. So, I just want to know what happened between you two." I said 

"Nothing happened, I don't know what your talking about." Kakashi said leaning up against the wall with his arms folded. 

"Kakashi, don't play stupid, I am not it the mood." I said annoyed 

"tsk, fine..." 

time skip 5 minutes later... 

"Right so?" I ask 

"What do you mean so? 

"Well, obviously you were both upset and said some nasty things that you both didn't mean. It was you first fight." I said calmly 

"Well, it still hurt." He said, now unfolding his arms. 

"Yeah, of course it would hurt, but, you should go and talk to Y/n." I say 

"I don't want to, it's going to be awkward, especially after the long note she wrote." He said 

"Huh? What note?" I asked 

Kakashi then handed me the note and I read. 

'Wow, Y/n, you got some issues you need to work out.' I thought 

"See?" he said 

"Yeah, that was a little weird, but, what do you expect, she obviously cares about you and felt hurt. Which is exactly why you two need to talk to each other." I said getting up and placing the note on the table. 

"Right Let's GO!" I shout 

"Huh, no way." He said walking away. 


I hear a faint "fine" 

"Also, while we are on the way, tell be about why you hate Shisui so much." I say cheekily 

"NO!" Kakashi shouts while blushing. 

Flashback ends 

"Right, so that wasn't so bad, I guess, I expected more shouting." Mikoto said while sipping her tea.

"See, I told you! and hey, that's rude!" I said laugh slightly

'I wonder where Kakashi went?' I thought. 

Kakashi's Pov

I was walking by the training grounds and heard Y/n laughing. I followed her voice and say her getting ready to face off against Shusui. 

The match was very fast, I was barley able to keep track. But, there was something off...

That's when I saw it. 

"Y/n?" I say walking out in the open. 

"Kakashi!?" She says and looks at me shocked. 

"Why or How do have a sharingan?" I ask 

"Huh?" She says bringing her hand to her face. 

"Kakashi, I can explain."

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