Oh, How Things Have Changed (3)

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Your Pov  

timeskip to the afternoon  

"Don't ever talk to me again"

'why do I have to mess everything up' I sigh, 'I didn't mean what I said, I just said it out of anger and now I lost my best friend, someone I care about alot.' 

I walk into the kitchen and grab a piece of paper and a pen, 


I am sorry, though these written words can't express how I feel. I regret what I said to you, I said it out of anger. I should have then came after you to apologize in person but, I felt that would only make things worse. I hope that we will be able to talk once again but, for now I will stay out of your way and when your ready to talk I am here. 

I am going to be staying over Mikoto-sans house for a few days, I thought it would be for the best, I also, recently found out she had a baby boy, Sasuke. So, I am going to help her. 


Thanks, For being there, your someone that I have come close too, who I can talk to when I need someone to talk to. 

I understand if you don't want to talk to me ever again

sorry for everything, 


I folded the paper in half, writing his name on the top and setting it on the dining room table. 

I walk back to my room and pack my bag and finally then walking to the door sliding on my sandals.  I walk out the door and head to the Uchiha estate. 

As I am walking I a bump into Minato-sensei and Kushina-san. "Oh, Y/n, your back. I have been meaning to talk to you." said Minato-sensei. I then look over at Kushina and notice a small bump on her stomach. "Wow, Kushia-san, your pregnant!" I say smiling and she giggles. "yeah, dattabane."  and I hear cough come from minato-sensei, who is signaling for my attention. 

"Minato-sensei, I know...what happened to Rin. Kakashi told me." I say saddened. "Oh, he did? How has he been? i-" Minato-sensei pauses before stating the obvious "Y/n? Are you going somewhere again? What's with the bag?" 

"Oh, this, haha, I'm just going to see Mikoto-san." I say slightly beginning to move forward. "Y/n, you had a fight with Kakashi didn't you." said Kushina-san which shocked both Minato-sensei and I. 

"N-Noooooo, haha, I don't know what you talking about." I say nervously laughing. She then walks forward and places her hand on my head. "You, may fool Minato." Kushina gets interrupted by Minato-sensei saying "HEY!" "You can't fool me, I suggest you go talk to him, rather than running away from your problems. No matter how bad the conversation was, if he was your teammate, or friend, or... he would forgive you."  Kushina-san concluded. 

"Thanks, Kushina-san but, I don't think he will forgive me this time, I said something unforgivable to him yesterday. He doesn't want to talk to me, he said so himself." I replied saddened. 

"HE DID WHAT!" Kushina says angrily  "Kushina, calm down, it's not good for the baby." Minato-sensei said trying to calm Kushina-san but, ultimately failed. "I DON'T CARE, I-" "Kushina-san, please calm down. We will talk to each other when we are ready. Please don't do anything." I said "Sure" she said almost convincingly "Well, anyway see ya!" 

Kushina's Pov 

"You're going to do something aren't you?" Minato said nervously 

"Haha,nooo" I laughed evilly and began walking towards the Senju household 

"Kushina, wait-" Minato shouted sprinting after me

Your Pov

I knock on the door and Itachi opens the door. "Neechan?Your back?" "Hey, Itachi, Yeah, I'm happy to be back I say entering the the household. "I'm glad. you made it back safe." he said happily. I then follow him into the livingroom and we sit down on the floor.  "So, tell me how is the academy going?" "Well, while you were gone, I graduated from the academy and soon I will be place into a squad."  'Wow, time does fly' I thought 

"How was your trip?" he asked

"It went well, Shisui taught me alot, but, I also, learned that you like to talk about me behind my back." I said while smirking. 

"R-really, I don't know what your talking about." Itachi said nervously. 

"sure, sure, whatever you say Otōto." I while laughing. 

The door the door then opens and Mikoto-san walks into the house with Sasuke in her arms. "Oh, Y/n your here? I was wondering when you would come over." She laughed "Also, I ran into Kushina and she seemed upset, she told me you and Kakashi got into a fight or something." 

'I should have known that she would have done something' 

"Don't worry, I got her to calm down." Mikoto-san 

"I do agree with her, you should go talk to him, tho, I am more than happy to let you stay here. It means more girl time, that I get to spend with you. Just between you and me, It's nice having  a girl in the house." she whispered yelled the last part.  We both end up laughing, which sasuke moves slightly, but, then falls back asleep. 

We all sigh in relief. "Y/n, do you mind taking sasuke, while I make something to eat?" and shake my head 'no' and walk over and grab Sasuke. I walk back over and sit down next to Itachi who is looking down at Sasuke. 

I rock him back and forth "Your, so cute." I whisper, "Hey!" Itachi whines and I laugh. I then poke his forehead and he just crosses his arms. 


Kushina's Pov

I walk up to the Senju household and knock on the door.  


I then knock on the door again 



The door then opens and Kakashi stares at me and says "what?" 


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