Chapter 2

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Your Pov

I woke up the next day to the same sound on the same alarm clock. I roll over and slam the snooze button. I rub my dry burning eyes, sit up, and dangle my feet off the bed. I slide my slippers over and put them on. I finally get up and walk to my bathroom. I look at the light grey walls and direct my eyes toward the mirror.

"geez, I look disgusting." I say while moving my greasy hair out of my face.

I walk over to the shower and turn it on. Once the water is warm I decide to get in and shut the glass door behind me. I let the water hit my face and then realize something is off. 'Was there something I have to do today?' I thought and then shook my head. I finish my shower, grab my white fluffy towel and wrap it around my body.

I walked out of the bathroom and bypassed the clock not realizing that it was already 7:37 a.m. and I had 18 minutes to get to school on time. I open my wardrobe and grab my favorite outfit. I quickly dry my hair with a new jutsu I created called 'water style: vaporize', (a/n: this justu basically makes your hair dry in a second). This became a big lifesaver when I am running late. I finish getting ready and decide to get something to eat. I grab a bowl and pour cereal into the bowl and then grab the milk.

I finish eating and put everything back into its rightful place. That's when I noticed it, the clock. it read 7:50 a.m. Then it hit

"Omg! school starts at 7:55, Aaah, I'm going to be late." I shout. I quickly put on my sandals and dash out the door. You wouldn't believe how fast I was running, I was running as fast as Minato-sensei teleports. I finally reach the school building and kick open the door.

"I'm here!" I scream and notice everyone in the classroom staring at me and giggling.

"There you are Y/n-sama, hurry up and go sit down. You're interrupting the class." Our sensei says.

I quickly turn and face the class heading to my seat, it feels like a walk of shame. I sit down and put my head on the table.

"You came later than Obito." Kakashi whispered

"Gee, thanks Kakashi, no need to rub it in." I said annoyed.

"Why are you late anyway? Didn't you set an alarm or something?" He asked

"yes, I did..." I replied.


"Y/n-sama! Do you have something to share with the class?" my sensei said, calling me out for talking.


"Then I suggest you keep your mouth shut! Now everyone please flip to page 50 in your textbooks."

I look over at Kakashi who is smirking in accomplishment that he didn't get caught. I then hit his shoulder and looked the other way.

"Hey!" Kakashi said and glared at me.

"Kakashi, do you have something to add to this conversation? If not, then be quiet! If you two can't stop talking then I have to separate you two." sensei shouted.

I looked over at Kakashi out of the corner of my eyes and almost burst out into a fit of laughter. The look on Kakashi's face was hilarious and he decided that it was only fair that I hit him and that it was ok to hit me back.


"Finally time for lunch! I'm so hungry!" I say out loud while grabbing my lunchbox and close my locker. I walk outside and look around for a spot to eat. I see a tree off in the background sitting away from everyone. I quickly sneak past everyone trying not to draw too much attention.

Once I made it to the tree I sit down and open my lunchbox. Only to be interrupted by the one and only masked boy that everyone loves.

"Yo," he said while sitting down next to me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, trying to get him to leave.

"If you're trying to get me to leave.. it's not going to work. Firstly because I found this spot first and secondly, it's only fair that I'm allowed to sit here because you hit me and got me in trouble," he said as if he was actually hurt.

"fine...I guess so." I said annoyingly. He then gave me a closed eye smile and pulled out his lunchbox. I began eating and we sat there in silence, it wasn't awkward or anything, it was very peaceful. Once I finished eating, which by the way was like a game, I kept trying to see what this boy looked like without a mask. But, every time I would try to look at Kakashi, he would already be done or he would just glare at me.

We both grabbed our book and decided to read. I look over and notice that Kakashi is reading a drama. 'hmmm, I didn't think he was that type of person' I look at his shoulder and try to read the page. Kakashi ends up noticing and moves closer to me and shares his book.

(a/n: the book will be in bold below and anything that isn't bolded is happening outside the book)

I got out of the car and walked towards my friend's house. I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. "There you are, Liam, what took you so long?" Chris asked. 'Wait, who is Chris? I'm guessing that's the protagonist's friend?' I continued to walk through his house and was led into the kitchen. 'guess I'm hungry?' Once we enter the Kitchen I notice a girl sitting on a bar stole leaning over the countertop. I notice that she is-- "WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?" I yell at Kakashi and he just looks at me and says "what?"

"Where did you even get this book and what is it even about anyway?" I ask while snatching the book out of his hands and looking at the back cover.

"hmmm...I got bored one day while my dad was away on a mission and decided to look for something to read. I found this book laying in my dad's bedroom on the nightstand. So I grabbed it and started reading it and as for your second question, to be honest, I'm not really sure, but from what I've read so far it seems to be some type of romance novel." Kakashi said while shrugging.

"mmk? But, why would your dad be reading a romance novel?" I ask "I'm not really sure, but he was kinda mad when he got back and saw that it was missing. Oh well," he said. As I was about to ask Kakashi another question, the bell rang signaling that lunch was over and the class was about to start. Kakashi then stands up and grabs my hand to help me up.

...when class is over...

Kakashi and I leave the academy talking about random stuff only to see a man with long spiky grey hair waving at us. The man walks over towards us.

"Kakashi, is this your friend?" he states. Kakashi just turns the other way and the man just shakes his head in disappointment.

"Well, as you may have guessed I am Kakashi's father, Sakumo Hatake, it's nice to meet you," he says while smiling.

"My name is Y/n Senju, it's finally nice to meet you, Kakashi has been tal-oof" I get interrupted by Kakashi punching my shoulder and glaring at me to stop talking.

I look up and see Sakumo rubbing his face. We finish talking and they both walk away waving goodbye. I walk home and make something to eat and afterward I get into my f/c pajamas and get underneath the covers watching the stars.

What I didn't know was this would be the first and last time I would actually see Sakumo Hatake. 

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