The Chūnin Exams Begin

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Your Pov

Today was the day of the chunin exams! I got up and changed. I went into the kitchen and saw Kakashi eating fruit. I grabbed an apple and threw away the core. We walked over to the building where the test was being held. (Sorry author-chan was too lazy).

We entered the building and saw people of all ages in the room. Kakashi and I sat in the back of the room. I watched everyone enter the exam room and surprisingly Obito was not super late this time! Two claps for Obito. The Proctor clears his throat and explains that everyone will have to answer a set of 10 questions varying in difficulty. We will have 1 hour to complete. 'GREAT! I AM A TERRIBLE TEST TAKER!!'

I slam my head on the table, mentally sobbing. I felt a hand pat my back signaling that it was going to be ok. The Proctor then started the timer and said go. We all flipped over our test and began. I look at the first question. 'If an enemy ninja throws a kunai at you from 20 feet away and the sun is directly behind you. How far do you have to throw your kunai to hit your opponent. 'OH NOOOOOOOO. THIS IS BAD THIS IS JUST THE FIRST QUESTION!!! WHY WOULD I EVEN CARE ABOUT THE STUPID SUN?'

Geez, honestly if I was in combat I would just throw my kunai! I don't have time to calculate! What even--- I mentally panic, I look over at Kakashi and look like he is almost done. Geez, show off! I'm going to fail. I look at the clock and 10 minutes have passed. I now mentally prepare myself that I am going to fail. The only thing I can do is cheat!

Yeah, cheat! I smirk wickedly. I put my chakra into my pencil and connect it to Kakashi's, hopefully he doesn't get mad... I then let the pencil write down everything that Kakashi does. What I didn't realize was that Kakashi completely skipped over the first 5 questions and went to the hard questions first!

That's smart! So when Kakashi finally finished. I disconnected my chakra thread and we both got up out of our seats and walked out the door.

"You finished?" Kakashi asked me when we left the room.


"That's weird because I started before you... " He started and I began to mentally sweat

"You know..." He continues as we walk out of the building heading home. He walks close to me.

"If you wanted to cheat off me you should have made it less obvious. " I looked over shocked


"That was pretty clever with the chakra thread. You will have to teach me how you did that. " He finished.

"I can't believe you knew the whole time. " I said guilty

"Yeah, don't worry about it, besides what am I going to do if you don't become a chunin. For one, I would be lonely. " He states. He then realizes what he said.

"Ackem, w-well, whatever" He looks away beat red in embarrassment.

"Well... Thank you Kashi-kun~" I say. I look over at Kakashi and if you think a person's face can't get even redder, then you would be wrong.

"Y-y-ea-h s-s(coughs) -u're thing! " He says looking away. I had to admit that I found him quite adorable at that moment and I smirked.

'Who knew cheating would be for the better?' You thought

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