Oh, How Things Have Changed (1)

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Time skip 6 months, You are now back at the village. You are now 15 years old

Your Pov

As we get closer to the village I can't help feeling excited to see everyone again. 'I hope things haven't changed too much while I was gone.'  A few minutes later we enter the village gates and as I enter the village, I can't help but, feel bad vibes. 'It's probably nothing.'

 "Hey, Shisui? I'm going to go on ahead." I say.

 "Right, I'll tell the Hokage we are back." Shisui said. 

I glide through the village and as I'm walking I hear 

"Y/n! You are back! You are looking youthful as ever!" Guy says while putting his thumb up.  

"Guy, how have you been?" I ask 

"Good but," he stops looking away. 

"Did something happen? What's wrong?" I ask worriedly. He then puts his hand on my shoulder and sighs.

 "You should go find Kakashi" he said. 'huh?'

I back up and wave goodbye to Guy and head home. 'I hope he's there.' Once I get home I climb the porch steps and open the door. I take off my shoes and drop my backpack by the door. 

"Kakashi, I'm back! Are you here?" I shout. I walk into the kitchen and notice dishes pilled up in the sink. 'hmm, that's weird' I didn't hear a reply, so I tried to listen for footsteps. But, just silence. I walk into the hallway and see my bedroom door slightly open. 

I open the door and notice a new book on my nightstand titled How should Shinobi Die? 'Kakashi, what happened to you?' I am pulled out of my thoughts by the front door getting swung open. I quickly leave me room and see kakashi staring directly at me. 

"you're back?" he said in a shocked but saddened tone. 

"Yeah, I just came back today." I said and saw Kakashi nod and hesitantly began to walk forward. But, stopped a few feet away from where I was standing. 

"Kakashi, Are you ok? What happened?" I ask slowly.  

"I'm fine." He said and began to walk past you. 

"you have no idea." he finished and walked back to his room, shutting the door. 'what is that supposed to mean?' and I sigh 'well, there's no point in trying to force the information out of him right now, especially the way he is.'  

I then walked over to the living room and open the curtains to allow sunlight into the dismal household. I then walk back into the kitchen and decide to clean up. I go into one of the cabinets and pull out a cloth, laying it flat on a free space on the counter top. I then turn on the water, grabbing a sponge, adding soap, and begin washing the dishes.  


'finally done!' I sigh in relief. I then walk to the fridge and open it up deciding what to make. 'hmm, there isn't a lot of food. I have to go grocery shopping.' I sigh in annoyance 'honestly, I just got back.'  I then notice the clock and noticed it was almost 5:00 p.m. 'looks like I'll go have to go tomorrow.' I then hear my stomach growl 'there's got to be something in the house to eat' I then walked to the cupboard and swung open the door looking through. 'hmm, I could make soup. I thought I saw some vegetables in the fridge? Yes! there was!' 

I pulled out a large pot and poured the broth into it, as the broth began to heat, I washed the vegetables and began to chop them into small pieces. Once I was done, I dumped the vegetables into the pot, adding salt, and finally closing the lid.' I set a timer and decided to head back to my room. I then looked back to where Kakashi's book was and decided to read it. I grabbed the book and went back into the living room and sat on the couch. 

I opened the book and began to read and the first chapter was titled Shinobi Ideology 

Shinobi ideology 

What is a Shinobi? At a very young age we are taught that a ninja must endure hardships. 

A battleground is a dangerous place and many comrades will parish. How can a ninja 'endure' or move on from-

I pause and retrace the words written on the tan pages laid before me. Every time I read through the passage. one word stood out to me.


It was like, someone just hit me in the face. But, before i could give it much thought the timer went off. I set the book on the coffee table, walking over to the kitchen, and turning off the heat. I the decide to walk to Kakashi's room. I knock on the door.

"Kakashi? Are you hungry?" I ask through the door. I hear shuffling noises and drawers being opened. 'What is he doing?' 

I grab the doorknob and open the door slightly and notice kakashi looking around his room for something. 

"Hey, what are you looking for?" I say slowly opening the door. Kakashi then looks directly at me and sighs 

"I'm just looking for my book." Kakashi replied in a matter-of-fact attitude.  

"Oh, which one, you did leave one in my room." I said and he then walks past me and then into my room. 

I follow him and saw him quickly glancing around the room and then leaving, walking into the living room. Kakashi then notices the book on the coffee table and pauses. 

"You didn't happen to read any of it?" he said asking with worrying and concern. I then walk closer towards him but, still keeping distance.

"Yes, I did, Kakashi why do you have this book?" I said calmly.  I then hear Kakashi curse quietly. He then looks back at me with regretful eyes. 

"Y/n, I'm sorry, i-it's all my fault I-" He hesitates and then looks down at the ground. 

I then began to connect the dots but, I didn't want to believe it. But, the words that came out of his mouth confirmed it. 

"I killed Rin" 

Looking Through A Window (Kakashi X Reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara