A/N About the Story

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Hello, long time no see. Happy 2021! Let's hope for a better year. 

I started this book in 2020, I made this book just for fun and a way to pass time during quarantine. This was my very first book that I have written on Wattpad. Everytime that I would read this book I ended up not like it and kept deleting it, trying to make it sound better. Anyway, This book starts with the you at the academy. Now this book starts off with you being five years old but, the way I wrote this book sounds like your 13 or 14 year old. I don't now, but let's be honest must 5 year old in anime tend not to act there age.  

Also, if anyone who initially read my first 'draft' of this book you would know that I started writing about young Itachi. Not keeping into account the age difference between him and the Y/n Senju. So, As you read the new storyline Itachi will be a baby, and you will meet the Uchiha differently then the original draft. Now this isn't to say that I won't make character(s) older or younger than the actually are. 

Finally, In this book I will have my own characters and jutsus that I created.

Thank you to everyone who read my book thus far and if your new, welcome. 

Without Further adieu, welcome to 

Looking Through a Window (Kakashi x Reader) 

Looking Through A Window (Kakashi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now