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Your POV

Hello, my name is Y/n Senju, I am 4'0 ft or 121.92 cm, s/c, e/c, and have h/c. I am the great-granddaughter of the second hokage, Tobirama Senju. I live by myself at the Senju Clans mansion. Now you may say that I am living my best life, being born a Senju and being wealthy. But, it's not!

My parents, M/n Senju and F/n Senju died when I was three years old. I don't remember much about the incident but, from what my cousin, Tsunade said, was that my parents died while on a mission. I tried to ask Tsunade about my parents but she would always say the same thing: "your parents were great people. You will learn more about them when you're older."

I still don't understand the 'when you're older' part, how much 'older' do I have to be? I am currently five years old and I'm going to be starting the academy. I have already learned basic ninjutsu like shadow clone jutsu and substitution. Shadow clones came really easy to me, I guess it was because my great grandfather created the jutsu. So, I'm not too worried about being behind in the academy. But, what really makes me nervous is people, just thinking about them makes my skin crawl.

Now don't get me wrong, I like hanging out with friends...I guess I don't have any yet.... but you get what I mean? It's just that I'm not the best 'people person' aka not a social butterfly. I am an introvert and would rather read and listen to music under a tree or something. Because of this I developed major anxiety and I tend to get irritated easily.

....the next day....

Ring, Ring

'Ugh, stupid alarm clock!' I shout angrily, rolling to my said and slamming the shut off button. I roll out of bed and notice that its 7:00 a.m. 'hmm...class doesn't start till 7:55 a.m. So, I have 55 min to get dressed and grab something to eat.' I nod at my great math skills.

I walk over to my wardrobe and pull out my outfit for the day. (a/n: you can put on whatever you like because this story is about you). Once I am satisfied with my choice I decide to grab an apple and put on my sandals. I walk out the door, ready for the day ahead...'Yeah, right. Ugh, this day is going to be awful, I can just feel it.'


After my long journey from my house I see the school building off in the distance. I stop outside the school gates and take a deep breathe to collect myself. Once I'm mentally prepared I slowly enter the academy's green double doors. I walk down a long hallway with multiple doors decorating either side of the long pale walls. I quickly peek into each classroom and see kids chatting some my age and some who are older. I look up and notice that each door has a corresponding number, for example, 100. I then pause, 'I'm an idiot! I should have realized!'

I look to my left to see how far or close I was to my classroom. Let's just say that I wasn't close at all. My classroom number was '107' and I was now at the end of the hallway marked '125'. I exhale and journey back to room 107.

Once I finally reach my classroom, I bend over and grab my knees and take a deep breath. 'Why I'm I so tired?' I thought and wiped the imaginary sweat off my forehead. I quickly collect myself and enter the room.

I look around the blueish-green walls and see rows of long desks. Each seat has 2 individuals. so...that makes... yeah, I'm not doing that math. I look up and see that there is no one sitting in the back row. 'perfect!' I mentally shouted.

I walk up the steep wooden stairs and sit down. I place my elbows on the desk and place my head on my hand. I start to doze off until I hear chatter to the right of me.

"OMG, did you see him?!" said the purple-haired girl.

"YESS!! he's so...ugh" said the green-haired girl

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