The Chūnin Exams Day 2

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Your Pov

Today was day 2 of the chūnin exams. We got our test results yesterday afternoon, which of course I got top results, only because Kakashi got all of the answers right. We had to meet up with the rest of team 7. We both arrived early with the rest of the teams. Unfortunately for our team we had to wait for Obito to show up before we could start. 'When is he going to show up?' I thought worriedly.

"I'M HERE! " Obito shouted from afar.


The Proctor let's us into the gate. We received the heaven scroll and needed to get the earth scroll to complete the mission. It took awhile to find someone. But, we finally saw Guy's team.

"KAKASHI! MY ETERNAL RIVAL! FIGHT ME! " Guy shouts while pointing at Kakashi and he sighs.

"I really don't want to, but we need a scroll. " Kakashi replied.

"This will be so youthful!" Guy shouted and I noticed the rest of his team facepalm.

'Let the match begin.' I thought and began to form hand signs. But, Obito jumped out in front of me.

"Fire Style: Fireball jutsu!" Obito shouted and choked on his lollipop and got kicked in the face by Guy. Kakashi and I facepalm, while Rin on the other hand was just standing there. Kakashi and I finished the match and won.

"Hand over the earth scroll. " I say while holding out my hand.

"Earth scroll?? We don't have an earth scroll, we have the heaven scroll. " Guy replied. 'ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW!!' I mentally shout.

"Alright let's go, we don't have time to chat. " Kakashi says. We all start running looking for the scroll. It is currently nighttime and day 1 has completed. We have two days left to find an earth scroll. We set up camp.

"I'm sooo hungry. " Obito complains. I sigh and pull out a scroll from my back pocket.

"Y/n-chan, I am not eating paper. " Obito wines "Obito stop whining and stop calling Y/n, chan! " Kakashi counters.

"If you don't like it then I am going to keep saying it! Isn't that right Y/n-chan?~ Obito states. I ignore this comment and open my scroll and reverse summon the objects that were stored. Out pops 3 days of food.

"What do you want first? " I ask smugly, Kakashi notices the canned broth and takes it.

We make a campfire and put a pot over the fire. Kakashi opens the can and pours the broth into the pot. He then grabs the vegetables and starts to cut them up.

"I don't like vegetables!" Obito wines.

" Well then you can starve! '' Kakashi says in an annoyed tone.

"Rin, how are you doing? " I ask. In reply she just tsk'd. This is why I don't ask her things. The soup finally finishes. We start to eat

"this pretty good Kakashi-kun! '' Rin replied sweetly

"Yeah" Kakashi mumbled and we finished eating. We decide to head to bed, I reverse my sleeping bag and Kakashi's.

"Oh no I forgot my sleeping bag. Rin says and places her hands against her cheeks. Kakashi walks over to Rin and hands her his sleeping bag which in result she blushes.

"Wait! Where are you going to sleep Kakashi-kun? " She asks. I lay down in my sleeping bag only to see Kakashi crouched down next to me.

"Move over." Kakashi says and pokes my shoulder. 'I'm so done with this trip.'

Kakashi lays next to me in my sleeping bag. Honestly, I don't mind, but what made me uncomfortable was not Kakashi's closeness but the fuming Rin in the background. But, she should be happy, she got what she wanted.

"Who is going to keep watch? " Obito asks, Kakashi sighs, I feel his breath on my face.

"I got it! " I say

"no!" Kakashi replied.

"Huh? I was just going to make a shadow clone. " I say. Kakashi then realizes and looks away. I create two shadow clones, one to sit outside and one to sit inside the tent. So, if the one outside gets hit, the second will wake me up.

Kakashi and I fall asleep, only to be awoken in the morning by I blushing Obito and a screaming Rin.

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