Chapter 4

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Time skip 3 months

Your Pov

Today felt different. I don't know if I woke up on the wrong side of the bed or maybe it was something I ate. I sigh, getting ready for another long day of school. Kakashi and I have been hanging out after school almost every day. We always go somewhere to train, which I don't mind. Kakashi has been helping me practice hand-to-hand combat skills. Usually, when we are done training, Kakashi comes over to my house and we make something to eat.

On the weekends or days off, Kakashi comes over and we walk to the nearby bookstore or we Just read at home.

Once I was done getting ready I grabbed something to eat and slid on my sandals. I left the house and noticed that the sky was dark grey, not its usual bright blue color. I decided not to think about it. I entered the academy and noticed that it was very quiet, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. I entered my homeroom, room 107

As usual, I walked in and headed for my seat but one thing was off. 'Where is Kakashi?' I sit down at my seat and wait for the masked boy to come walking in and say some snarky comment about being late. but, he never showed. Class began as usual and the weird feeling in my stomach began to rise. I decided to ask Obito who was sitting in front of me.

"psst, hey Obito? Where's Kakashi?"

"You didn't hear?" He says. I shake my head no, he leans closer whispering in my left ear.

"the White Fang of the Leaf committed suicide." Obito then turns around. 'oh no, that's Kakashi's dad' I spring up out of my seat sprinting towards the door. My Sensei shouting at me to get back in my seat. I ignored him and just kept running.

"I need to find Kakashi!" I said

I feel sick, worry begins to grow within me. I reach Kakashi's house and notice that the door is ajar. I hesitantly move the door, I look around the house walking towards Kakashi's room only to hear quiet sobs.

"Kakashi I'm coming in. " I say while opening the door to see Kakashi in a fetal position.

"What are you doing here?" He asks

"I'm here to see you I heard wh--" I'm interrupted by Kakashi.

"You should just leave me alone."

"Sorry, I'm not going to do that," I say walking closer to him. I sit down next to him and wrap my arm around him.

"What are you doing? Just leave already!" he says but, I wrap my arms even tighter.

"No, as I told you before, I'm not leaving you alone, because you're my friend." (A/n: 🎶 "you are my friend.."🎶 ok maybe now isn't the right time...)

"Hey, Y/n? " Kakashi said


"Can I come over to your house?" He asks and I just nod. I help him up and help him pack his things. Afterwards, we began to leave the Hatake household. As we continued our walk I noticed the sky only getting darker. I noticed Kakashi looking up at the ominous sky and we quickened our pace in order not to get caught up in the storm. Once we reach my house I open the door and we both take off our sandals.

Kakashi then walks over to the couch and sits down. I walk over next to him and we both sit there in silence.

"Hey, Kakashi?" I ask and he just turns his head slightly indicating his paying attention

"If you want I can make something to eat?" I ask, trying to figure out a way to help and he just shakes his head.

"Thanks, but I'm not hungry." Kakashi replies and gets off the couch and walks towards one of the spare rooms and closes the door behind him.

I let out a sigh and decided to just let him be and then walk towards my room. I got changed and slid under the covers. I brought my knees to my chest and watched the rain come down.

...3:00 a.m...

I was woken up by a loud BANG, this sound almost made me fall off the bed. most likely the bolt hit something nearby. 'Hopefully, nobody is outside right now. ' I thought. I then decide to get up and get something to drink. Once, I was about to open the door and I heard footsteps in the kitchen. Now my mind started racing, not thinking about the fact that the strange footsteps are coming from Kakashi.

No, my first thought was 'someone is in my house, it must be a burglar or worse...' I then look over to see what the time was and realize it's 3:00 a.m. 'This couldn't be worse, what if it was a ghost?' The thought sends shivers down my spine.

I decided to investigate. I slowly open my bedroom door and tiptoe into the dark hallway. I hear the footsteps stop. Once I made it to the kitchen I slowly peek my head around the wall and see Kakashi staring at me. 'Wow, I'm stupid' I mentally facepalm.

"What are you doing up?" I ask.

"getting something to drink, I'm guessing you couldn't sleep either?" he replied. I shake my head in agreement. I walk over to the kitchen cabinet to grab a glass.

I go to the fridge to fill up my glass with water. I then quickly chug my glass not realizing how thirsty I actually was. I notice Kakashi looking outside noticing the storm.

"hey? Are you ok?" I ask, knowing that he wasn't. He then turns his head back at me, debating whether to talk or not.

"You don't have to share if you don't want to. Though if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here." I then walk over to the sink and put the glass into the sink.I turn around and give Kakashi one last glance and decide to call it a night well... I guess now morning. I walk past Kakashi and feel him grabbing my arm. So, I turn around and notice Kakashi looking at me.

"Y/n, thanks," he says, letting go of my arm and walks out of the kitchen back to the guest room. I then decided to do the same, I walked into my room and shut the door, and got under the covers.

I slowly close my burning eyes trying to get back to sleep. Only, to be awoken by the sun peeking out through the clouds, telling me that it was a brand new day. 

Looking Through A Window (Kakashi X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora