Genin Graduation

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Your Pov

I woke up not to the same sound of my alarm clock but, something, no someone poking my cheek. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Kakashi staring at me.

 "WHAT!" I yelled in annoyance.

"Get up, we have school." he said. 'huh?' i rolled over to my alarm clock and noticed it was 6:00 a.m.

'Are you kidding me, I'm not getting up!' I put my head back on my pillow and try and go back to bed.' I then hear footsteps walk to the end of my bed and pause. I feel hands wrap around my ankles pulling me off the bed. 

"Why are we up so early?" I mumbled into the floorboards.

"A ninja gets up early to take on the day. So, get up." he replied while walking away. 

I slowly move my aching body and walk to my wardrobe pulling out an outfit. I turn back to my bedroom door and notice it's wide open. 'honestly! If you came in to wake me up, the least you could do is shut the door.'

I quickly shut the door and get changed, I walk to the bathroom and finished getting ready for the day. After getting ready I walk out of my room and see Kakashi cooking breakfast. "Took you long enough." Kakashi stated. I just ignored him and walked to the dining room table, sitting down, and placing my head on the table.

Before I knew it breakfast was done and we ate in silence. After we ate I helped Kakashi clean up and put the clean dishes away. I noticed it was 6:45 a.m and thought I could relax for the rest of the morning. But, I was sooooo wrong.

"Are you coming?" Kakashi asked.

"Where are we going?" I whined while putting on my sandals. He didn't say anything but, just walked out the door. I followed him for what seemed like an hour but was more like 10 minutes. I finally saw Kakashi stop and noticed we were standing underneath a cliff.  Kakashi then attempted to climb it while using one hand.

"I am not doing this! By the time we get to the top we will be late to school!" I yelled at Kakashi

"We then hurry up!" He yelled down at me. 

I then began to climb but, I wasn't trying to show off. For one thing, I couldn't climb using one hand even if I tried.

Time skip to when you managed to get to the top T_T

"YESSSS! I did it" I yelled in joy while proceeding to fall over in exhaustion.

 "Ok, now we have to go to school." Kakashi said. As I tried to get up my legs only began to wobble and I eventually managed to walk slowly behind Kakashi, who didn't seem tired at all.I hear a loud sigh and see Kakashi walking towards me. 

"Your walking too slow, we won't make it to school on time." he said while turning around so that I could get on his back. I got on his back and placed my chin on his shoulder.

 "thanks" I mumbled. During the journey to the academy, I must have fallen asleep because by the time I woke up I was sitting in my seat in homeroom.

"Go back to sleep, class hasn't started yet. I will wake you up when class starts."  Kakashi said. I then drifted back to sleep.

Kakashi's POV

'she must be tired? ' To be honest, I don't know why I felt guilty for making her train with me this morning. 'meh, whatever.' I thought trying to think about something else. 

"Hey Kakashi-kun!  I am glad you're back at school. I was worried about you since Y/n-chan said she didn't see you." Rin said 'huh? is this what Y/n was talking about in the note?'

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