Chapter 10

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Your Pov

Tomorrow is the chunin exams! Minato-sensei called team 7 to meet at training ground 3. Kakashi and I walked out of the house.

"Hey, Kakashi? I will meet you at the training grounds. I have to pick up Itachi." I said. Kakashi looks over and nods. I walk over to the Uchiha compound. I walk up to their front porch and knock on the door.

knock , knock

"Hello, y/n how are you doing?" Mikoto-san said while opening the door.

"I'm doing well, how about you?" I say entering the house

"Good, thanks for watching Itachi tonight."

"No problem," I say. Mikoto then walks over to Itachi's bedroom grabbing a sling bag, along with Itachi.

"There are snacks in there, extra clothes, blankets..." She continues counting the items on her fingers.

"Everything is going to be fine, have fun today, I will come find you if something happens." I laughed and Mikoto-san sighs

"I know." She replied and kissed Itachi's head and waved goodbye.

....At the training ground...

As I entered the training ground I saw everyone, well, except Obito. 'Honestly, where is he at?' About five minutes later Obito comes bolting in screaming "I MADE IT!!!!" I flinched to make sure Itachi didn't wake up. Luckily he didn't, I sighed in relief.

"Y/n? Why do you have Itachi?" Obito asks.

"Oh Mikoto-san asked me to watch him while she went out with Fugaku-san." I said. But, before Obito could ask any more questions Minato-sensei began to talk.

"Ok so let's get to the point of why I called you all here. " Minato sensei starts "I would like to wish you all luck on your exams. Unfortunately, I won't be able to meet with you all before the exam, so I wanted to make sure to say it. Secondly, remember your teamwork. If there are no questions? That will be all. " Minato concludes.

Itachi begins to giggle, I bring him up to my face and say in a cute voice "aww, who is the most adorable Uchiha ever, you are." This made Itachi clap his hands.

"Geez, Yn-chan~ I feel slightly offended. I thought I was the cutest Uchiha~?" Obito says, giving me a look to agree.

'Chan that's new?' I sigh, I look over and see Kakashi. For some reason, he looks angry. He looks at me and I mouth 'are you ok? ' he starts to walk over before Rin grabs his arm. Before I can see what she's doing I get pulled out of my thoughts by Obito grabbing Itachi out of my arms.

"Hey, Obito I don't think that's a good idea." I say

"Chill out Y/n-chan I got this." Obito says. he does not 'got this' Itachi began screaming while hitting Obito's face. I quickly grab Itachi, rocking him back and forth.

"ssh ssh, it's ok." This calms Itachi down.

"How come he likes you so much?" Obito whines. But, before I could answer Kakashi came speeding over and pulled my arm.

"HEY! Y/N! WAIT! " Obito shouts.

"Sooooo.... What did Rin want? " Kakashi says nothing and I sigh. Itachi notices this and frowns.

"It's ok Itachi don't worry," I say. As I look back up I notice Kakashi starts trailing ahead. I quickly catch up and grab his hand.

This spooks him, but he calms down and grabs my hand back.

"so... This is where you went to Kakashi-kun? " Rin says, waving and running over. Kakashi grips my hand harder and I wince. Rin notices this and stares at me angrily.

"Why are you with her? Why don't you ditch her and come and get ramen with me?" Rin says with her hands behind her back. Kakashi looks over at Rin angrily and tsk'd.

"No, I am not leaving her! Secondly I told you I don't like ramen anymore! And thirdly, I am with her because I want to be! " Kakashi pauses and looks over at me ''Now if you will excuse us, we need to get home and get some rest for tomorrow's exams." Kakashi concludes by pulling me towards the Senju household. We finally reach the door and take off our shoes.

Kakashi just keeps walking to his room and shuts the door. Itachi then looks at me and whines. "I know Itachi," I say.

Knock, Knock

"Hey Kakashi, can I come in? " I ask from outside his door. I hear a faint 'sure' come from him. I open the door to see Kakashi lying on the bed with his arms behind his head staring at the ceiling. I walk over and sit down next to him.

"Do you want to talk about it? " I ask. He sighs and looks away

I then see Itachi moving around in my arms. So I sit him on the bed, he starts crawling on the bed sitting next to Kakashi. He then begins grabbing his face, while Kakashi just sits there annoyed.

"Itachi? Can you please stop grabbing my face?" Kakashi said but, this only makes Itachi happy. He begins to giggle while pulling harder on Kakashi's cheek, which in the process starts pulling his masks down.

"Oh, so you find this funny? ok then." I then see Kakashi move his hand.

"Don't do anything stupid Kakashi." I warned him.

"Y/n-chan~ would you relax, I wasn't going to do anything." 'man everyone is 'chaning me today' I get up turning away from the bed. But, it the span of 5 seconds Itachi begins crying.

"KAKASHI WHAT DID YOU DO?" I yelled now quickly walking over to the one-year-old.

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" he said, I gave him a look and Kakashi sighs.

"well, I may have 'booped' his cheek." he said embarrassed. Itachi then immediately stopped crying and looked over at Kakashi.


"you did that on purpose!" I said to Itachi and he just smiled. I look down at the ground and laugh.

"Well anyway, I am always here for you if you want to talk." I say while looking back at Kakashi. Kakashi looks over at me in surprise. His face then relaxed and I could tell he was smiling.

What I didn't realize was how hungry I was, my stomach began to growl. I see Kakashi get up and walk past me toward the door.

"Well, Y/n-chan, let's make you something to eat." he says snickering. I then follow him into the kitchen. I grab the bag and pull out Itachi's baby food. Itachi then pouts at this.

"Well, Itachi, you need to eat something."

.....30 minutes after getting Itachi to eat...

Kakashi finished making f/f and you both ate. After eating you helped Kakashi clean up. Afterward, Kakashi went to his room to grab a book. but, you ended up falling asleep with Itachi on your stomach.

What a crazy day.... 

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