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"Y/n?" I say walking out in the open.

"Kakashi!?" She says and looks at me shocked.

"Why or How do have a sharingan?" I ask

"Huh?" She says bringing her hand to her face.

"Kakashi, I can explain."

Your Pov 

"Kakashi, I can explain. Just calm down and listen for a second."

"Well, looks like a take my leave." Shisui quickly says while speed walking away.

"Ok, where do I start? I guess from the beginning. Do you remember a few days before my birthday I started acting weird?" I ask and Kakashi nods  

"Well, I had recently became close with the Uchiha family and the day before that I was called by Fugaku-san. I wasn't really sure what he wanted but, he said..." I paused 

'should I be telling him all of this?'  "Y/n? Are you going to tell me or not?" Kakashi said annoyed

"r-right, he said that the Uchiha were upset about the second hokage, my great grandfather Tobirama Senju, casted them out of the village.  He then began to ask his question, about me becoming the user of the rinnegan. So that-" 

"Wait, what! hold up, that doesn't make any sense. How do we know he wasn't using you to begin with? What even is the rinnegan, is the some form of dojutsu? Like the sharingan?" Kakashi asked. 

"Well, the rinnegan was a dojutsu that the sage of the six paths had apparently, and to answer your other question, To be honest I'm not sure myself but, I would like to think that wasn't true." I replied solemnly 

"Well, I guess I should continue?" I asked and Kakashi slowly nodded.

"Right, So that night I came home and went to bed,"  "I this really important?" Kakashi asked 

"Hey, you wanted to know, so, I'm trying to remember and tell the story." I said looking directly at the screen. 

"Anyway the next couple of days were basically, a blur, I kept deciding on what I should do, Should I help the Uchiha or should I not. Tho, you did pull me out of my thoughts screaming "I GOT IT!" and preceding to run out the door." I laughed. 

"First off that wasn't true, you are just over exaggerating." Kakashi said annoyed. 

"yeah, yeah, sure, whatever you say kashi-kun. Ok, so back to the story, When you came back home do you remember the conversation we had?" I asked and Kakashi nodded saying "somewhat" 

"Ok, so anyway, The answer you gave me, helped me make up my mind. So, that's why I ran out of the house. When I reached the Uchiha household I told Fugaku-san that i wanted to become the user of the rinnegan. Which he was happy about, we then left the house and entered this huge building that had guards outside. And let me tell you they were awful! They just started yelling at me and stuff. They did eventually let me through and I was led into another huge room. The walls where whiteish grey and there was a table in the center."

"Then this really pretty lady came out and said her name was Yuiko Uchiha. She then told me to go lay on the table and asked my blood type. To be honest it was really awkward and silent, She then later came back with blood and preceded to put ivs and tubes into my arm." I paused

I looked over at kakashi who looked mortified "What the hell, is wrong with you! Why did you let this lady do that?" He asked 

"well, I dunno, I mean, I just rolled with it?" I shrugged and Kakashi just facepalmed

"Ok, again, back to the story, So... I guess I blacked out and when I woke up a day passed, Which was a little scary." I laughed rubbing the back of my head.  

"So that concludes my story." I sighed 

"Um, so, when did you activate it?" Kakashi asked 

"Oh, when Obito died." I said 

"Why didn't you tell all of to me sooner! I don't understand! Do you not trust me? a-and let me guess that whole medical ninja adventure you had with Shisui was related to all of this?" Kakashi said annoyed and angry.

"y-yeah. It was." I said walking closer to Kakashi 

"Kakashi, I do trust you, its j-just-" 

"No! It just nothing! If you trusted me you would have told me! Y/n, I trusted you, I told you about everything and what did I get in return? Nothing!Just lies!" Kakashi yelled walking away. 

"Kakashi! Wait! Please!" 

"No! this is over!" Kakashi said walking away. 

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