Chapter 3

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Your Pov

I woke up the same way I do every day. But, today was different. It was FRIDAY! 'I can't wait for the weekend!' I thought. I finished getting dressed, ate, and left the house.


I entered the classroom and saw Kakashi looking out the window in deep thought. I walk up the stairs and stand in front of the desk. I squeeze his nose which ends up scaring him.

"What happened to you?" I ask while walking back around the table to sit down.

"Are you feeling ok? your face is really re-"

"Ssssh! Ok, due y-you remember the book w-we read yesterday?" he said and I nodded in response.

"w-well, I figured out what the book is about." He finished and placed his head flat on the table.

"So what was it about?" I ask and then he shoots up and then grabs my shoulders.

"you don't want to know." he replied and stared directly into my eyes.

"ok?" I say and then he puts his head back on the table. 'Now I'm really curious!' I thought and patted Kakashi's back trying to comfort him.

"Hey, Kakashi?"


"I was wondering if you wanted t-"

"I'M HERE!!" Obito screams, interrupting me. I sigh and put my head on my hand staring at the board. The teacher walks in and begins the class.


I meet up with Kakashi at our normal spot and sit down next to him. We both eat our lunches and throw away the trash. I pull out my book and open it to where my bookmark was. I noticed Kakashi leaning over but looked hesitant.

"Do you want to read with me?" I ask

"I don't know...It doesn't have any weird stuff in it?" he asks while scratching his cheek.

"No?" I answer kinda confused about what 'weird stuff' meant. He then moves closer and we begin to read.

(a/n: anything that is bold is happening in the book and anything that isn't bolded is happening in the real world)

"Are you sure that it was Kai?" said Lily

"Yes! All of the evidence leading up to this moment proves that he is the one who ki-"

"Should I be reading this?" Kakashi asks

"If you worry about being spoiled then it's a little too late. Where basically at the end of the book." I replied and went back to the book

"Yes all of the evidence leading up-"

"By the way, Y/n? I was wondering what you were trying to tell me earlier before Obito interrupted you." he asks

"Oh right! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out and get something to eat? I wasn't sure what you might want to do, I just wanted to cheer you up." I say

"Sure, we can hang out. My dad left on another mission this morning." he replied.

"Really?! I didn't think you would say yes." I said

"Why is that?" he said while looking away.

"hmm. I don't know...does this mean we're friends?" I ask and lean forward.

"I guess so," Kakashi says while turning toward me. Which made me smile.

"So.. Does this mean I can call you Kakashi-Kun?" I ask jokingly

"No." He says bluntly

"Oh come on...ok what about Kashi-kun~?" I ask and he looks at me and blushes. Just then the bell rings and I grab Kakashi's hand heading back into the academy.

....after school...

Kakashi and I walk out of the academy debating what we want to do. I then see a girl with brown hair and purple rectangles on both sides of her face.

"Hey, Kakashi-kun?" she asks 'this better not be another one' I sigh and shake my head.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go get ramen?" she asks.

"Sorry, no." Kakashi replied.

"Oh, that's ok." she says while glaring at me angrily. 'man, I had high hopes that she wasn't a Kakashi-kun fan girl'

She then walks away with her hands behind her back. I hear growling noises and look over at Kakashi who is trying to pretend it wasn't his stomach.

"So, do you want to go get something to eat or I was planning on making miso soup for dinner if you want that." I ask. This immediately makes Kakashi's mood change.

"Did you say miso soup? if so then I'm in." he says happily.'if this is all it took then I would have just said that, to begin with.'

"Alright then follow me," I say. We then begin to walk toward my house. Once we get close I notice Kakashi's eyes widen a bit but quickly change his expression. I open the front door and we both take off our sandals.

"I'm going to start cooking." I say and then walk over to the kitchen and pull out all of the ingredients.

...25 minutes later...

"Done!" I shout over to the living room. Kakashi comes over and sits down at the table. I put two bowls on the table and we both began to eat.

"Are your parents away on a mission?" Kakashi asks. I stop eating and close my eyes.

"No, they died when I was three, I live by myself." I replied and reopened my eyes and continued to eat.

"Y/n I'm sorry," he apologized.

"It's fine, though it's nice having someone to talk to. It's usually so quiet." I say and notice Kakashi looking back at me.

"oh, I'm sorry, I just totally messed up." I say

"No, it's fine. it's just that I get what you mean, my dad is usually away on missions and I'm usually by myself." he said

We finished eating and Kakashi helped me with the dishes. We both then notice that the sun is starting to set. We both look at each other and don't say anything.

"Well, I guess I should get going?" he asked.

"Yeah...Unless, you wanted to sleepover? I have a spare room." I ask and he nods. We continue to talk for the rest of the night and the once silent household is now filled with laughter. Once we both get tired, I show Kakashi to the guest room and we both say goodnight.

I get into my pajamas and slip underneath the covers watching the moon come into view.

'Today was a good day' I smile drifting off into a deep sleep.

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