Chapter 19

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Your Pov

I squinted my dry burning eyes tightly together. As I open my eyes a savory smell hits my nostrils. 'Is that bacon and eggs?' I thought. I slowly sit up and walk over to my wardrobe to grab clothes for the day. Once I feel somewhat put together I lazily walk out of my room and meet Kakashi in the Kitchen.  

"Good morning" He smiles. 'Am I still sleeping?' I blink my eyes and sit down at the table.

"So, what all of this for? " I ask. He stops eating and looks over at me. 

"Really?" He asked.

 "Umm, yes?" I replied. I watch Kakashi rub his face and let out a low chuckle. 

 "Happy birthday, Y/n-chan." He said with a closed eye smile. Ok, I am definitely dreaming right now. I smack my face and look over to see a very confused look on Kakashi's face.

"Um. Ok, that was stupid. " He replied and started to eat again. Mmmm ok maybe I am awake. I continue to eat.


"Wait! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!?" I shout now processing what Kakashi said.  In response Kakashi looks over at me and face palms. 

"This is going to be along day." Kakashi sighs. 

"Hey!" I replied angrily and cross my arms.  After we finished eating I tried to help Kakashi clean up but, he kept pushing me away. 

"So, is why you have been acting weird? " I ask out of the blue to start a conversation. 

 "No. I have no idea what you are talking about." Kakashi replied. 'Yeah right! Last week you practically ran out of the house screaming "I GOT IT!"'

I walk over to the fridge and Kakashi jumped out in front of me.

 "Kakashi, move over! " I say

 "No, you can't look in there. " He stated.

 "And... why is that? Are you hiding something? " I questioned while leaning closer to his face.

 "N-no." Kakashi replied while looking off to the side. 

"Mmk, sure whatever you say scarecrow. I'm going into the living room to read." I said while walking away. I plop down onto the plush couch and grab my book. Now that I think about it. I'm pretty sure breakfast wasn't the only thing I smelled wafting through the house. I shrug my shoulders and flip to where I left off. 

"Ackem." A voice coughs and I close my book. 

 "What is your deal? " I asked in annoyance. Kakashi ends up taking my book and tosses it onto the coffee table. 

"Hey what the hell!"  I exclaimed and Kakashi rolls his eyes.

"We are leaving. Let's go." Kakashi ordered and began walking to the door. We slip on our shoes and head into town. 

"Where are we going? " I asked waiting for a response of some kind. But, alas nothing like usual. 


 "Are we training? " I asked as we near training ground 3. 


I bend forward and grunt. 'Why is he ignoring me?' We continue on passing through our squads training fields. Walking through the forest and everything starts to get quieter. It felt like something in a horror film but, I guess that was my anxiety kicking in. Around five minutes later of complete silence I hear a stream. I quicken my pace and head toward the opening.  

I couldn't believe my eyes. There was a large pond decorated with lily pads and to top it off there was a waterfall. 

 "Wow this is really pretty! " I said in awe. I slowly turned to face Kakashi. 

"Where did you find this place?" I asked.

 "I got bored one day during training and found it by accident." He replied nonchalantly.

"But, why take me here? " I asked and Kakashi shrugged. I slowly walk over to the pond ad slip my feet in the water. It felt refreshing to cool off from the oddly warm morning. 


"Psst, Kashi, come over here." I said while patting the ground next to me. Kakashi stuffs his hands into his pockets and squats down next to me. 


I slowly look over and watch Kakashi run his fingers through the water. He looked deep in thought and I lean forward to look at his face. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?' Kakashi asked and I scratched the side of my face. I leaned back onto the grass placing my arms behind my head. 

"No reason." I replied and let out a short laugh. 

"Ok?" Kakashi replied and leaned back. 


"You know? You haven't changed much." I said and Kakashi quickly turns toward me.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Kakashi asked slightly offended by my remark. I close my eyes and think back to when we first met. 


 "So, you finally sit up? Are you going to pay attention now?" 

"Is that supposed to be a joke or something? because it's not funny, especially coming from someone who also wasn't paying attention." I say and hear a tsk. 

"Anyway, by the way, my name is Y/n Senju," I say.

"ok, I good thing would be for you to say your name," I said kinda annoyed.

"Oh, you don't know who I am, most of the class does," he says.

"I am Kakashi Hatake"

flashback ends 

"Nothing, you just tend to make the same facial expressions is all." I smiled and He tilted his head.


"Well..." Kakashi mumbled and laid next to me. 

"Huh?"  I replied and looked over at him and he looks away. 

"Eeh never mind." Kakashi said. 

"What what-" 

"That cloud kinda looks like a bowl of ramen." Kakashi shouts and points at the sky. I look up and see a blob of white floating through the sky. 

"Uuhh sure whatever you say." I snicker and Kakashi looks over at me. 

"It does though!" Kakashi countered. 

For the rest of the day we chatted and watched the clouds drift through the sky. When it was time to go home, we raced each other back. Of course I won but, It wasn't much of a challenge. I think Kakashi let me win cause it was my birthday. 

Once we got back Kakashi started cooking and kicked me out of the kitchen once more. He ended up making f/f, which I was very happy about.  We continued making small talk and after Kakashi ran over to the fridge and pulled out a birthday cake. 

 He sang happy birthday and we ate cake. I was very surprised 1) that he was eating cake and 2) that he could sing very well.

After we had the cake he told me to wait while he ran off into his room. He came back out with a small square box wrapped with f/c wrapping paper with a matching bow. 

"Here you go. " He says. I open the box and see a heart shaped locket with a picture of Kakashi and I when we first met.

"It was my mothers. I had to get a new chain and I put the picture inside. I didn't know what to get you so--" He stuttered.

 "No I like it. Thank you Kakashi. I really appreciated what you did for me today. " I say and give him a kiss on his cheek.

"No problem. " He says while looking away. We talk for most of the night only to realize that it was almost dawn. We both looked at each other and decided to call it a night. I quickly change into my pajamas and slid underneath my plush covers. I turn over and look out my bay window. 

"Thank you Kakashi. " I smiled while slowly drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

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