Shisui Adventures Part 2

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Your Pov

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. I began to sit up and stretch my limbs. Then it hit me 'Shisui didn't wake me up for guard duty.' I quickly exited the tent to find Shisui leaning against a tree with his arms crossed.  

"Hey, Shisui? why didn't you wake me up." I said and there was no reply in return. So, I walked over to see his face and realized his eyes were closed. 'Is he sleeping?'


 "Hey, Shisui? Wake up!" I said. 


I leaned closer to his face and check if he was breathing. 'Is he just that tired?' I thought and began poking his cheek. Again there was no movement. 

"How are y-"

"BOO!" Shisui shouted while opening his eyes. 

"Aah! Shisui what the heck?! You were awake the whole time?!"

 "Yeah, I couldn't help myself, your face was priceless." He said while laughing. 

"So, do you want to tell me why you didn't wake me up? I feel kinda bad." I said. 

"Look don't worry about it. I was going to wake you up but, you looked so peaceful while you slept and I didn't have the heart to wake you up." He replied as he started to pack up the camping site. 

"Just promise me that our next stopping point you are going to let me keep watch. You need sleep." I said and glared down at him. 

 "No promises but, I'll try." Shisui smiled and my face heated up. I had to admit he was bad to look at. 

"You good Y/n?" Shisui asked with a snicker and I panicked. 

"Y-yeah! You have a leaf in your hair." I blurted out but, it was true. 

I watched Shisui look up toward his forhead and shook his head. Making the leaf fall forward. I crotched down next to him and swept away any leftover particles on his hair. 

"U-uh. Thanks." Shisui smiled and I nodded. 


"Ackem, we should get something to eat and start heading towards are next checkpoint." he said and I nodded. 

timeskip to when your traveling

"So, What's your deal with the masked boy?" Shisui asks out of the blue.

 "Wow, that was straightforward. Why do you ask?" I ask and Shisui scratched the side of his cheek. 

 "No, reason. Just wondering. You two seemed pretty close?" he asked. 

"Yeah, I guess you could say that?" I replied and he nodded. 'Weird' 

"So, do you have anyone close to you or..." 

"No, not in the way you are referring to. I'm mainly trying to focus on my studies and such. Though you never know, maybe in the future?" and looks at me and winks.


"Haha, chill out Y/n, I was just teasing."  Shisui smirked and blushed in embarrassment. 'I'm down with this.'  

"Y/n! Wait come back!" 

'this is going to be a long trip.' I sigh 


Kakashi's Pov 

I am currently walking through town. But, I can't help this feeling of someone watching me. I try to shake off the feeling. I walk past a nearby restaurant and see the other teams chatting. 

"Hey! Kakashi! My eternal rival! Why don't you come over and eat with us?" Guy said and I just kept walking. 

"Kakashi! Wait up!" Guy shouted and I feel him hook his arm around my neck. 'Ugh, just go away.' 

"Come on, why don't we have a rival contest?" 

"No, I'm not in the mood" I said while moving Guy's arm. 

"Oh come on Kakashi! You aren't looking very youthful right now. I know you're upset about Y/n leaving."  I stop and turn to where Guy is standing.

 "No, I am not. Now if that is all then I will be going." 'honestly who am I kidding, I do miss Y/n and I don't like the fact that she's with Shisui. I also, haven't see Rin recently, to be honest I'm not sure where she went and Minato-sensei has been focusing on missions.' 

"Hey, Kakashi-kun!"  (?) says and I keep walking forward ignoring the voice. Only to by pulled back by a hand. 

"I caught up with you! You walk really fast." (?) laughs and I turn and see Kami. 'What the hell does she want' 

I flick her hand off me and begin walking forward. Making Kami follow me. 'That wasn't an invitation.' 

 "So, Kakashi-kun? I've noticed that you have been walking around by yourself. Where did Y/n go? Did she leave you or something." she asked trying to insinuate something. I tried to lose her by making quick turns but, Kami grabbed onto my arm. 'God this is the worst' 

 "You know it's not nice to ignore people." she pouts and pokes my arm. I ended up looking over at her and she leans into me. 

"Bye." I said and substituted out of the situation. 'Honestly, Why does everyone want to kiss me?' 

I kick some rocks across the dirt road and sigh. 

'I Hope Y/n is ok, no I know she's fine but-' I rub my face and shake my head. 

 "Honestly why I'm I thinking this way?"


Your Pov

Shisui and I have been walking for three hours. Along the journey we have been making small talk. Shisui is easier to read then Kakashi but, I don't think I will ever be as close to Shisui as I am with Kakashi. As we are walking I notice a murder of crows flying above us. 'honestly, I do love the animal but, I can't help but get ominous vibes from them. Like everywhere I go I see them.' I take a deep breath and exhale, trying to ease my mind. 

"Y/n, are you ok?" Shisui asks

 "Yeah, just lost in thought is all." I replied and he looks over and nods. Shisui looks up at the dark sworn above us.  

"Doesn't crows mean death?" he asks.

 "I guess so."

 "I wouldn't think much of it. It's just an idea to make people scared." he says noticing my unease. I nod. I continue to look up at the sky and sigh 'even tho, it's not true, I still feel like something bad is going to happen. I can't lose anymore people, I don't know if I can take anymore death.' 

"Hey Shisui, how much longer till we get there?" I ask 

"three more days" He says

'I think the crows are after me, because I don't think I can walk anymore.' 

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