Chapter 30

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It's a weekend I have been very much looking forward to as I will be moving to my new apartment tomorrow. It's also the only thing that has kept me on my feet and helped my mind keep busy without too many thoughts.

But as it's Friday, I end up pulling an all-nighter with Chris because I haven't been able to work on my projects at all. So, instead of cramping up in my small cabin, we head to the floor where the entire team sits and munch on chips while trying to get work done.

I have always been very comfortable in Chris' company and since he found out about Marques, he has been quirkier than usual.

"Hey, let's get some fresh air? I'm craving a smoke and the coffee from the vending machine did nothing for me." He mutters, eyes still very much trained on the screen.

"Sure! I think I need some as well." That's how we head to Starbucks that has opened near the building and hang out in the underground parking lot.

Chris hands me his cup and bends down to tie his shoelaces.

"So, what's the plan for tomorrow? I want that Indian dessert you had promised me. When are you making those?"

I huff out a sigh, craving my mum's tea badly. Handing him the cup, I smack him in the head and lean against one of the pillars.

"How the hell am I supposed to make it when I have just moved in?"

We end up negotiating the day I'll bring him the kheer for helping me move my stuff when the topic shifts to Marques.

"Do y'all talk?" I nod and tell him how we have literally talked every day since he has left Seoul.

I see the disapproval on his face, so I turn the spotlight on him and ask about his love life.

"To be honest, I can only relate to foreigners. I mean, I have stayed here for so long and my first Korean friend was Aa Ra, because you knew her! I literally have no dating scene, just casual hangouts." I make a displeased noise as he grins, "I knew I should've made a move on you! Only if it wasn't Big Hit ruining our chance at love..."

I kick at him as we both laugh out loud and he steps away to avoid getting shoe prints on his jeans. It feels nice to smile and mess around like this...

(Jungkook's POV)

I am holding in my laughter as I see Jin Hyung performing Dynamite's choreography in the parking lot. I try to do the same as I approach our ride for tonight. Smacking the hood of the car, I open the door to get inside when I see movement ahead.

On the far end of the parking lot, it's Anu-shi standing against a pillar. Who is she with—the American guy! I quickly hoist myself in and get behind the tinted window.

I haven't seen her since that day when I ran my mouth without thinking it through. Just remembering it makes me feel guilty. I hadn't planned on hurting her, but I did.

Though I was pretty frustrated, the speech was impromptu, and I had more to say than just accuse her. But Nam-shi interrupted us right at that moment and also observed that she was quite hurt. 

It took everything in me to not follow her and tell her the truth. At least that would be better than implying she was coming onto me or something.

Hell, I don't even know what she must have interpreted it as. But I could only calm myself down thinking that she wouldn't be friendly anymore. And I need that, badly, to move on from this crush.

I look up to see her playfully kicking at the guy who was trying to come closer to her. I sigh in envy and try to get some shut-eye. The door opens and Jin Hyung gets in beside me. Yup, the right time to pretend to be asleep.

He's been keeping an eye on me since the other day when I crashed in his room. He must have sensed that it wasn't just his company that I needed but much more than that.

I cannot wait to get away from all this. The much-coveted world tour with filled stadiums and cheers. Magic happens out there, and the feeling never gets old. 

Even though I feel my muscles and body screaming at me to take a break, nothing can stop me from giving my hundred per cent to ARMYs on-stage.

Just a few months and I'll be away from these feelings and hurt. And you won't see her until you're back, if she's still here that is!

And thoughts like these upset me, though I don't know how I got to this point. Yes, I have had infatuations before and dated a few female idols as well but nothing this strong. Maybe some time off shall help and allow me to move on. I hope to and I don't!

The car starts and I look back at Anu-shi who's smiling at something Chris has said. She's hardly able to stand straight with the way she's laughing while taking the support of his shoulder and smacking him at the same time to maybe stop. Yeah, stop Chris!

Oddly, I find myself smiling as the driver pullsout onto the busy roads of Seoul. So, many things I wish I could do but cannot...


Hello, guys! Hope you enjoy reading this chapter. I'm more excited about the next one as something very unexpected happens. Pretty plz, don't expect a lot, I would warn :) But I guess the next chap would explain a lot as to why I have held on so long about JK & Anu. Until the next one ;) Love ya, readers & ARMYs!!

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