Chapter 34

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(Jungkook's POV)

I hate it when the members get upset especially if it's Namjoon Hyung. Ugh! Guilty as charged! Why do I always do this! Just open my mouth and spew hurtful things!

My soul had left my body the moment I saw Anu-shi enter the room after what I said. Her expressions were so blank that I wasn't sure if she had heard it or not. And then she went on to say the saddest thing! Ugh...

I hang my head down as Namjoon Hyung continues to talk about today.

"I have heard about how hard she has worked to get where she is. And, thus, I cannot have you say such things, Jungkook. Even if she hadn't, you know better! I really don't understand why, and I don't want to know why but henceforth, just...!" Hyung's frustration is clear in his voice.

Yes, I am not denying how stupid I acted. So, I just sit there on the couch with nothing to say while the other members also get an earful due to me.

After Anu-shi had left, the look on Namjoon Hyung's face almost killed me. He just muttered 'why' in the most irritated tone and left to find her. Nobody said anything to me and went back to their tasks knowing how badly I had messed up.

Jimin Hyung just patted my shoulder but nothing really helped until she came back. I wasn't even expecting her to talk to me, but her apology just broke me. I don't deserve her!

"Understood?" Namjoon Hyung asks in a low tone, bringing me back to reality.

I quietly nod and apologise once more as everyone disperses and goes into their rooms. We have non-stop schedules tomorrow, so we need all the rest we can get. I, too, start retreating to my room when I feel an arm go around my shoulders. V Hyung...

As I open my bedroom, he says the most unexpected thing, "So you like her, huh?"

I push his arm off and move to my bed while he continues behind me, "Come clean to your Hyung. It's been a while since you've kept this to yourself. It must be killing you; I can see that."

Why why why! Him of all people! Okay, I wouldn't prefer any of the members finding out but not V Hyung. He'll just keep teasing me every moment that we spend from now on.

I bury my head in my palm as he casually sits down beside me and chuckles.

"When did you find out?"

"I guess, we all knew at some point. But the way you have been beating yourself up since that argument in the practise room said it all. However, today...why did you do it?"

"Does anyone else know?" Namjoon Hyung definitely doesn't, but the others...? I have been too self-absorbed these days that I even missed cues that led V Hyung to find out.

"No. What do you take Hyung for? I care about you! Now, answer the question."

He's not leaving until he gets something, "Can you imagine liking someone so much but having zero chance of being with them? And then you try moving on, forgetting them but they keep following you everywhere! Her becoming our manager was the worst thing that could have ever happened." I spurt out.

Okay, maybe this wasn't a bad thing. I feel much lighter now that I have someone to share this with.

"Why can't you be with her? Do you think she won't like you back? Your Jeon Jungkook! That's some crap!" He says, in an angry tone, hands flailing.

"No, Hyung! She has a boyfriend. And she's our manager now. What are you even talking about!" Yes, this was definitely a bad idea. V Hyung has a habit of saying things without thinking it through. Only he would suggest that I ask out our manager for a date.

He gives this a thought while I get ready for bed. There's no way he can help me, so I just have to learn to live with the reality that he knows the truth.

"Why don't you try dating someone else? Someone who's better. Maybe that'll help you move on."

The annoyed look on my face gives him the answer to his question. "Manghaeso (It's over)!" He declares and gives up.

"You would think I didn't know that," I mutter under my breath. "Just keep this to yourself, please. I have created enough trouble to last us a lifetime."

"Weren't things better when we were just rookies? Our passion to be something and our desperation kept us on our feet. Now, look at us. We barely have time to ourselves." V Hyung replies while hugging one of my pillows.

"I prefer now. We have proved so many people wrong, at least the ones who used to look down upon us. And we still have a long way to go. I'd love to see what we can do next." Though things have been pretty tough for us, I would always choose the same path. "And when did we ever have time for ourselves? As rookies, we gave up our sleep and time towards practising for our debut without any surety."

"I just miss that innocence. Our hard work did pay off, but money and fame haven't really brought me peace."

Hyung's sad tone makes me want to reassure him that things will be fine. But even I know the harsh reality.

"Do you love her?" As I am falling asleep, Hyung hits me with the most absurd question.

"Hyung, why would you ask me that?" Why is he adding new ideas to my head! As if liking her wasn't enough!

"Hyung, let me sleep. Goodnight." I hear him let out a sigh and pat my head gently before turning off the lights to leave.

Do I love her? Can you love someone in such a short span of time? NO! No! I barely know the first thing about her.

I bury my head deeper into the pillow to wardoff any thoughts. I must stop this. Every day starting tomorrow, she'll bearound me and I cannot go around fantasising about love when it's not evenpossible in a parallel universe! Sleep Jungkook...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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