Chapter 31

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I don't know how or why but I am wide awake in bed at 6 AM in the morning. Usually, weekends are when I sleep until late and get up only after Marques' coaxing. But today is different and the need to complete unpacking makes me get to work.

I enter the kitchen and cook myself some yummy Indian breakfast. It's so good that it makes me wanna call my mom and tell her, but it's still too early in India. So, I jump into the shower, freshen up and clear the leftover boxes.

I had gone to sleep at 3 in the night after shifting and unpacking most of my stuff with the help of Aa Ra Unnie and Chris. After a Chinese takeout and some beers, they had left. We had never talked so much as we did yesterday, right from gossips about idols to some really personal things.

I get another cup of tea and sit in the balcony of my bedroom, enjoying some peace and the beautiful skyline. At last, I have moved into my new apartment and everything is in its place now!

I lose track of time, not knowing how long I have sat in that exact spot when my phone starts ringing from somewhere. My numb butt indicates that it was long enough.

The phone ID read Jeff! "Hey, Anu. I really hate disturbing people on the weekend but there's something important I need to discuss. Can you be here in like an hour?"

Without asking too many questions, I agree and get dressed. The office seems quite empty, but I can see managers working and some music echoing on the floor. Idols never get a break, that much is clear.

"Hey, come in! How was moving in? Everything is settled now?" I answer his question while nervously sitting down in the chair.

He maybe reads the confusion and nervousness on my face which is why he quickly clarifies, "You have been doing an awesome job. Even with so many tasks thrusted at you, your primary projects are on track. And as a manager, nothing is more satisfying than this."

I nod, quietly, still not very convinced and offer a small smile.

"So, the reason I called you here was to discuss a new position in the company for you. Mr. Oh has been very happy with your work on Dynamite and actually suggested this. To ensure that our judgement was right, I gave you some additional work which was actually a test to consider you for the position. And you completed them without any trouble." 

Um-what is happening? I keep moving my head like I am understanding but nothing clicks until he says, "We want you to try for the position of Assistant Manager for BTS."

I don't hide the surprise and utter disbelief on my face because I couldn't, even if I wanted to. But Jeff continues talking, "I know it's a lot but trust me it's not that easy. We are considering you for it but there's still a lot you need to do to convince us. If you agree to this, there'll be some assignments to complete within a certain timeframe. And let me warn you, these tasks won't be easy, but they are pretty basic for what you'll be doing in case you get selected."

I am frozen in my seat with the words 'Assistant Manager for BTS' ringing in my ears. It's the word BTS that scares me the most. They are the biggest project that Big Hit has and trusting me with, I'm feeling nervous!

"Once you tell us that you want to pursue this position, we'll begin training you for the assignments. You will know if you have completed them successfully only after all are done." 

He slowly folds his hands on the desk and sighs before continuing, "Now, coming to this new role, I want to be very frank with you. There will be no work-life balance with the upcoming comeback and the world tour because yes, the latter is what we are prepping you for. The money will be good but when you'll be away, there will barely be any breaks. Professionally, this shall look really good on paper and the growth will just be upwards. But it depends on what matters most to you."

Both of us take a deep breath as he looks at me and says, "I want to know your answer by tomorrow. So, any doubts?"

How can I have any doubts right after he throws a bomb at me? But anyway, I come up with some, because I'll maybe end up looking dumb if I don't say anything after he gave me such a shocker.

Jeff discusses the timeline for the training and assignments before I leave for home to enjoy the rest of my Saturday. I walk back in a dazed state, not sure how my day ended up like this. 

Who knew I would come to work on a holiday only to find out that somehow, I can aim for something much bigger than anticipated? Managing BTS! Oh Lord, I need to sit down...

I end up at the Han river, dialling Marques to know what he thinks because I'm pretty much torn up. And what I get from him is 'go for it'. So, I read the contract containing the responsibilities and expectations thoroughly. 

The money is more than what Jeff referred to and that tells me I'll be working my butt off.

I'm getting a chance to work closely with BTS. A much-coveted position but just like Jeff said, I will literally be signing off my life to the cause of their success. If I pass the assignments that is...


Hello, guys! I don't know if y'all saw this coming but I had this planned since a long time ago. I hope I haven't disappointed my readers and that this change is a good one. Let me know what you think in the comments. Love ya, readers & ARMYs!!

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