Chapter 8

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I hurry to Jeff's office as we have an important report to discuss. But Jeff seems carefree and enquires about how it was meeting BTS. I reply shyly and then we both get down to business. After an hour-long meeting, I return to my cabin with a new task of hiring some individuals for the team. The HR has emailed me a list and I have to go through it with Chris tomorrow after I make the final list.

I am neck-deep into the emails when a knock on the glass door catches me by surprise. I look up to find Jungkook waiting outside! I blink twice to see clear any haze obstructing my view but it is really him staring back. I motion him to come on in and the room starts looking smaller with him inside.

"What happened?" I ask him formally as I stand with my back to the furthest end of my desk.

"Weren't you going to show me your ID?" He replies smugly. My eyes widen for a moment with the realisation that he really is interested in confirming that.

I turn around and get my South Korean as well as the Indian ID card. He looks at both of them side-by-side and says, "We really do share the birth date and year!"

"Yeah." I say with a small smile. He returns the ID and motions his chin towards my desk. "You seem really busy. I am sorry if I disturbed you..."

"Oh no! It's totally fine. It is good to see some familiar faces around here." I say while offering him some chocolates I had bought last night.

He happily takes two with childish glee and then composes his face with an embarrassed smile.

"It must get lonely as there aren't many offices up here." I agree with a nod.

We then bid goodbye and I get back to work with a refreshed mind. I really cannot believe that Jeon Jungkook came down to my office! This news is heady to be honest. I wonder how he found my cabin, though. A call to Jeff? Guess I should have asked him that.


For the next two weeks I don't run into any of the BTS members and nor does the opportunity to meet them come my way. But one day as I am getting ready for a presentation with the team, I end up getting down at the wrong floor.

I get on the elevator with tons of notes and am busy reading the papers, trying to remember the statistics when the lift opens on some floor. I hurriedly get off, thinking it's my floor, and walk to the usual direction of my office while reciting my speech when the space which should be my cabin is just a wall. I turn around to find that the floor is completely different!

I start walking back to the elevator only to realise that someone is walking towards my direction. It is Jungkook but not so dressed! What should I do!!?


Hey guys! So, I did not mean to leave you on a cliffhanger, I swear but the next update will be quick :) But there was something important I wanted everyone's opinion on. I wrote this book while picturing myself as the main character, Anu and maybe y'all will like to do the same? ;) So, the question is do y'all prefer a y/n book or prefer Anu as the main lead? In case everyone wants a y/n book, I shall make changes likewise. Lemme know in the comments, so start typing and do not forget to vote if you liked the update. Love ya, readers & ARMYs!

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