Chapter 17

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Jungkook steps into the cabin wearing zero makeup on his face and dressed in black, again. Wow!

He's holding a file that he hands to me and says, "This contains the lyrics to most of the songs that have been finalised or which are work-in-progress

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He's holding a file that he hands to me and says, "This contains the lyrics to most of the songs that have been finalised or which are work-in-progress. You will also find the lyrics we need to change in there."

I glance through the pages and there are lyrics for endless songs in it.

"You will find this useful for the session on Wednesday. And I'm really sorry for not sending it yesterday! Kinda got busy with...things." He says while leaning against the wall.

"It's okay. I shall finish it today itself." I promise him.

"You may have to leave the file here...rules and all..." His voice drifts off as I am about to reply with an okay. But he is busy looking at my desk.

I turn around and find him staring at the screen of my monitor which is displaying the tickets to the anime movie screening. While I was wrapping up the call, I had opened the website to book seats for myself but Jungkook had come in at that point.

"So, you are going to the screening of 'Weathering with You'?" He asks.

"Yes. I was just checking if there are enough seats. I was doubting if I should go 'cause there's no one to accompany me there. But I guess I should give it a try!" Though I am happy about putting my introvert self out to test, Jungkook looks dejected.

This is when I remember him complaining the other day about wanting to go to the screening as well.

"Do y'all never go to such public events?" I ask, careful about hurting his feelings or prying.

"We do go out in public, sometimes but there's always a risk of being recognised. I have been to movie theatres, but we usually pick late night shows because of less viewers." I nod, understandingly.

"So, never been out in disguise?"

"A mask is always the norm. Maybe the bucket hat. But I've never tried pretending to be someone else. I have done my fair share of sneaking out secretly." He smiles, shyly, obviously not something he can tell the fans. " you think it would work?"

I am taken aback by the excitement in his voice and the way he bites his lip to contain it. He waits patiently as I try to think about what he has asked.

Hmm...a disguise. I hold my palm in front of his face and only try to look at his eyes. The signature styles of Jungkook are the ear piercings and the tattoos.

"Maybe if we do away with the earrings and—" I look down at his right hand which has the ARMY tattoo on it, "—hide those tattoos, I think you could pass off as a commoner just like me

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"Maybe if we do away with the earrings and—" I look down at his right hand which has the ARMY tattoo on it, "—hide those tattoos, I think you could pass off as a commoner just like me."

"You really think so?" He is still biting his lips, not completely convinced by my analysis.

"You could wear the bucket hat and a mask. Dress up normally and you are just another citizen of Seoul!" He considers this and then stares at me with a dead-serious look.

"So, if I came to the screening like that, do you think we could get caught?" WHAT? All this time we were conspiring to go to a very crowded place, together?

"Big Hit wouldn't mind you taking that risk?" I am so not okay with this idea! Jungkook did say we, right? We, as in, us going together.

"The company usually doesn't mind such personal matters." He shares as one of his hands massage the back of his neck. "Would you mind going with me?"

"I—I am scared of getting caught. Big Hit would screw us over!"

"Okay, I'll send you a demo picture today. Let me know what you think." Those freakin' bunny eyes! How do you say no to them?

"Ahh—okay. I'll book the tickets later then."

His smile widens and man, it's something to see it in pictures but it's a different deal to feel that smile, physically.

He thanks me with a thumbs up just like Jin usually does on-screen, and leaves. So, I continue to sit alone and imagine going to an anime screening with a Jungkook in disguise. A sight to behold, definitely!

In the evening, I get a message from Jungkook asking me to meet him downstairs with the file, if I can. I reply with an okay as I am already done with the lyrics and get on the lift to leave for home. It's a bit early for anyone in Big Hit to leave, so there aren't many people around.

All I can think about is going home and sleeping on my very comfy bed. If somehow, I could get Marques to crash at my place again—

"Excuse me (Chogiyo)!" I am shaken out of my reverie when someone behind me requests to press the ground floor button.

I comply but suddenly something seems off. The button was already pressed and that voice—


Hello guys! Hope you like this update 'cause as you may have guessed, the next one's gonna be bomb! Also, I understand that JK cannot be seen in the picture much as our MC, Anu, is taking her sweet time but I have to tell y'all something. I didn't want to reveal this until later but here goes everything: A JK POV is coming soon! I wasn't sure if I was going to do it because that keeps the suspense but I want y'all to know JK's side as well. So, I said soon and not the next chapter. Which means hold your horses and be ready! Love ya, readers & ARMYs!

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