Chapter 7

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I and Jeff are moving out with him conversing about the report I had sent yesterday when RM calls out Jeff's name—the Korean one, Lee Ji Sung. I am revelling in eventually finding out his real name, as I hear RM ask if I can stay for their dance practice, who then turns to ask me the same. The sudden realisation causes me to lose my breath, but I don't show it and stare at the middle of RM's forehead (which is bare by the way).

"Oh yes, she is a big fan. I guess you can stay." Jeff turns to me and replies in English, "Please pop by my office so that we can discuss the report later."

Without turning back, he leaves me alone with the guys who are being their usual selves and kidding around with each other. RM turns to ask me how to pronounce my name so I teach him the nickname, Anu, for ease. He nods and tells me about Ji Sung-shi mentioning that I was a big fan. Damn you, Jeff!

Everyone else files out while RM walks with me to the practice room. He continues to ask about my journey and how I am liking it here.

As we enter the very familiar practice room that most Armys have seen on Bangtav TV, RM requests me to call him Namjoon and explains that they are practising for an upcoming program. I politely thank him for allowing me to have this close experience and head back towards the couches opposite the huge mirror.

 I politely thank him for allowing me to have this close experience and head back towards the couches opposite the huge mirror

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They begin stretching and then position themselves in the room for 'Black Swan' dance practice. I am stupefied for the entire dance routine and cannot shake this overwhelming feeling of being in the same room as them! The guys put their all in the dance, not letting any beat slip.

As the choreography gets over, I find myself applauding, not the very loud kind, but a quiet one. But it gets their attention and they return a bow as a thank-you, where J-Hope goes an extra mile to do this princely bow familiar to Armys.

Jungkook slowly starts strutting towards where I am seated as 'Ugh' comes on. We both give each other mini bows as our gazes meet. The rap line gets ready with their mics to spew some fire as Jungkook collects a water bottle and settles on the couch beside the one I am sitting on.

He is gulping the water like a madman and the need to ask him to drink it slowly paralyses me. I force myself to concentrate on V being his usual happy self during a rap line song when the awkwardness starts taking over me. The silence between us begins to claw at my throat, so I casually turn to him and find him towelling his neck.

"Black Swan has a really beautiful choreography. I remember it airing for the first time on James Cordon's show!" I share with him as I watch the rest of the members goof around.

"Yeah, it's completely different from our usual style. But we were happy with how it turned out." Jungkook tells me. I know that he is getting ready to get up but instead, he turns his face towards me and asks, "Have you come to South Korea with your family?"

I, too, turn to face him without hesitating this time, "No. I have come here alone. My family is back home in India."

"Must be tough right, to be alone? I hope you have made friends around here..." His sombre expression causes my smile to falter. No way do I want to leave here with Jungkook in a sad mood.

"I have made friends here at Big Hit and some outside work as well. It's really nice. Now that I think, I really haven't been alone since I came here." I tell him gleefully. Something in my voice causes him to look up at me and see that I am telling him the truth. Maybe this reminds him of the time when he came to Seoul all alone at a young age.

He nods with a smile that doesn't seem to touch his eyes. We both turn to hear V rapping J-Hope's part loudly and messing around. The sad mood doesn't sit well with me which is why I turn to tell him something that maybe I shouldn't have.

"You want to know something surprising?"

As soon as the words leave my mouth, I start wondering if it's really surprising or just dumb of me to share this with him.

He moves his head in a 'yes' and turns his body towards me. Oh, hell! This better not disappoint him.

"We share the same birth date."

He goes still for a while and then says 'jinja' when I don't burst into laughter. I give a smug smile and nod. "I would have shown you the proof, but I don't have my official ID with me."

His expressions go from surprised to teasing like he does not believe me but lets it go. This signals the end of our conversation and he goes back to where everyone is hyping the last part of 'Ugh'. As the song ends, I get up and thank everyone for letting me watch their practice. All of them bow and R--Namjoon walks me out.


Hello guys! A quick update for y'all 'cause I know that just one chapter with BTS isn't enough after reading 5 whole chapters! Annnnd, yes I share my birth date and year with Jungkook and no, it wasn't added to look cheesy ;) Hope y'all love this update, next one will be up soon. Love ya, readers & ARMYs!

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