Chapter 25

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(Jungkook's POV)

It's been more than two weeks since I last saw her, and I am starting to feel anxious. I keep hearing people mentioning her, now that she's working on Dynamite and with her name being so unique, it's easily distinguishable. This makes it harder to forget.

After practising the new song for the zillionth time, I hear RM Hyung ask if anyone wants to go take a look at the new BTS Universe app. Will she be there? She's almost in on most projects leading some, too.

Even though the chances of seeing her are less than 1 per cent, I decide to accompany Hyung. Most members just want to leave after a hectic day of practice.

We go to a conference room on the lowermost floor in the building. The guys inside recognise us immediately as RM Hyung asks about the app demo he was promised. I look around and she's almost hard to miss.

Seated beside the same American guy I have seen her with, they are discussing something very seriously. Her nose ring is what catches my attention first as I stand there debating if it's a clip-on. But the ring looks very much pierced. I haven't seen it before, and it doesn't look like a new one!

She's wearing a long-sleeved traditional top with her hair loosely braided at the back. I have never seen the kind of silver earrings she has on in South Korea or the top for that matter. Makes her look prettier. Stop, Jungkook! I pinch my eyes close, in an effort to get a handle on myself.

We finally sit down with one of the guys who hands us a phone with the app loaded. But only if I could concentrate on it. This is when she notices Hyung and greets us with a 'Hi' in English.

RM Hyung greets her with a hand-wave as I sit there not knowing if I should smile or say hi. The demo guy happily hands over the responsibility to her after noticing our interaction and that's how she ends up sitting next to me.

I have heard many people claim that Indians usually smell like curry and strong spices but with her so close, I am engulfed by the scent of green apples. My sensitive nose is having a blast. I need to know where she got the perfume from!

I can barely understand what she's saying 'cause I'm busy listening to her voice and analysing her attire closely. She is wearing something similar to harem pants with sequenced ballet flats which is foreign to me again.

"The game version of RM looks quite similar to you. I think they got you down very accurately." I hear her tell Hyung as she carefully leans over.

"It's very cool. The visuals are beautifully made." Rapmon Hyung replies.

This is when Anu-shi catches me starring at her footwear. "You like them?" She asks me.

"They look very pretty," I say, shyly now that I am caught.

I find Hyung trying to get a look as well who then nods approvingly. "I agree! Do they make such for men?"

"Yes, they are called Jutti in India." She replies while checking a message on her phone. "They make similar ones for men, too. A little less sparkly for daily wear though." She explains.

Excusing herself, Anu-shi swivels around to look at the American guy and informs him that she has been summoned by Jeff. Chris is his name I learn. I try not to send an annoying look his way and turn to Hyung who's happy with the demo.

She is busily typing away on her phone as we step out and I quickly try to come up with an excuse to avoid an elevator ride together. The last thing I want is an awkward time all the way for ten floors, or worse, Hyung talking to her. 

This is when a ringtone loudly echoes on the floor and it turns out to be Hyung's. He turns to give me a look which means that it's someone important.

I come at a stop near the lift and so does Anu-shi. Trying to contain the urge of conversing with her, I stare at the shiny granite tiles. So many questions aching to be voiced, my throat itches as I try to keep it in.

I am pulled out of my struggle when she suddenly asks me something about Busan. Isn't that where the pictures on the beach were taken?

"You have been there?" I know I am trying to fish out a mention of her boyfriend, a dangerous route, again.

"Yes, I went there with a friend—" She says chingu (friend) whereas I was looking forward to namjachingu or namchin (boyfriend).

"It's hectic with the release of a new single, huh?" Anu-shi enquires looking ever so genuine.

For a moment I forget she asked me a question, "Uh...yes. Our schedule has been really tight." I share, trying to keep my answers short.

Wasn't I supposed to distance myself from her? 

But aren't you the one who came here in the hopes of seeing her? I continue to question my intentions when I see her turn towards me.

I can tell she's struggling with something as her eyebrows furrow. "I may be out of line here, but I am not trying to pry. Just worried about you as a friend." I continue to stare at her as she says, "You have been very off lately which is why I wanted to ask if things were okay. If you were ok."

Her confession just side-tracks me like the last time when she enquired if I was okay.

I slowly inhale, knowing that I'll be lying through my teeth, but it has to be done. "It's been exhausting with the comeback and the upcoming world tour. I am just tired due to the back-to-back schedules. That's all."

She looks convinced, nodding politely and believing my blatant lie. The elevator pings and she motions her head to ask if I am coming. I point towards the direction of Hyung and the obvious hold-up. So, that's how she leaves, and I stand there feeling worse than ever.

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