11(PC) - Lando Norris

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'You're insecure, don't know what for'

Sighing to myself, I felt Lando's fingers on my leg as I continued to eat the plate full of food in front of me. I had to admit, the conversation wasn't pulling me in, listening to the women around this table made me feel like I didn't belong, therefore not listening was easier. My eyes landed on Charlotte's mouth as it moved, there was noise in the room but I didn't hear it much. In her right hand, she held her fork in a dainty manner as she let out a laugh and looked over at Charles who was next to her. She was so pretty, such a beautiful woman. All of her features were perfect, her skin was so smooth and her face was slim in all the right places. 

Comparing myself to her only made me feel worse. 

Looking at her, I felt sick. 

Charlotte was beautiful. It was no surprise Charles stared at her like she was the only girl in the world. 

I turned to look at Lando, my eyes looking at his profile as he looked at Charles as they spoke. 

When I had met Lando, I was so much skinnier. I guess time apart and travelling around the world just made it easier for me to justify another takeaway. Now I was in a state where I didn't feel happy with myself. 

I placed my utensils down on my plate, yet my eyes never left Lando. He was so perfect. His eyes sparkled in the light, especially when he caught the light at the right angle. Everything was in the right proportion. What was he, Lando Norris, F1 driver, doing with me?

My attention then turned to the girlfriend of George, Lottie. If there was ever someone that wasn't a model that should be, Lottie was it. Her skin was flawless, her legs were long and her face was beautiful. I wondered if I had ever looked like her, even when I used to be slimmer. I wondered if I could ever look like her and why I didn't now. The truth was it was all my fault, I had done this to myself and only I could help myself.

The night continued, it was a long evening. 

I spent most of my time watching everyone else, listening to their conversations and feeling sorry for myself. If I was honest, there was nothing I wanted more than to get back to the hotel room and just go to sleep. 


Once we arrived in the hotel room, Lando sat on the bed and watched me as I looked through my suitcase. "Si, what you looking for?" He asked me as he took his jacket off. 

"Umm," I mumbled as I continued to look, my eyes not looking at him. 

I heard him moving behind me, the bed creaking for a moment before his hand touched me on the shoulder. I jumped at this moment of affection, I stepped away from him. "Sienna, what's wrong?"

Wrapping my arms around my stomach, I felt really self-conscious. "Maybe I shouldn't have ate so much." My voice was quiet as I looked down.

"Is that what you are worried about?" Lando asked me as he moved closer to me, his hand lifting my chin to get me to look at him. "Babe, you are beautiful as the day I met you."

Shaking my head, I pushed his hand away from me. "I'm not. I'm really not." I sighed as I stepped further away from him. "Charlotte looked absolutely stunning tonight, Charles couldn't keep his eyes off her. And Lottie, she looked amazing, George is so lucky."

Lando looked confused at my words. "I don't care about them. I'm dating you, not them."

"Why are you dating me?" I asked as I wrapped my cardigan around myself trying to make myself feel smaller. "Lando, look at me!" My voice was rising as I looked at him, my voice sounding desperate. "I'm disgusting, I'm fat, I don't deserve you."

"What are you talking about?" He moved towards me. "Sienna, you are breathtaking." He put his hands on my face, his touch comforting me. "I wish you could see what I see, love. You are perfect. I'm with you because," he went quiet for a second as his hands cupped my face. "Because I love you."

Putting my hands on his, I smiled up at him. "I love you too."

"I promise you, Sienna, you don't need to change for me," he told me as he stared into my eyes. "If you want to change, do it for you, but I, I don't care. I love you however you are."

"But, I'm not like the other women-"

"-Babe," he interrupted me sharply. "I love you. I love how perfect you are. I love every inch of you." Lando tried to make me see how he felt. "No one else matters, only you and me."

I relaxed a little as I listened to all the words he said. I may not be happy with myself but hearing that Lando was happy with me was enough for me right now. He pulled me a little closer before placing a kiss on my forehead as he wrapped his arms behind my neck pulling me into a hug. "You are the prettiest girl I have ever met, Sienna. You will always be beautiful to me." 

Formula One - One-Shots Collection - CompleteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz