49(PC) - Arthur Leclerc

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Sipping her gin and lemonade, Snow looked up from her seat as her sister entered the bar. Smoothing her hair down, Snow glanced up at her sister's boyfriend. She hated how her sister had managed to bag herself a celebrity boyfriend, how her sister who wasn't even that special managed to get someone as handsome as Arthur.

Rolling her eyes, she looked back at the drink in her hand as she heard her name being spoken before Iris sat beside her younger sister. "Are you going deaf?"

"No," Snow answered quickly as she put her glass back on the table before smiling at her sister, Arthur and some random lad who was besides Arthur. "Nice to see you again," she managed as she looked at Arthur.

"I'm going to get some drinks," Iris announced as she stood back up and placed her jacket down. "What does everyone want?"

Raising her glass for Iris to see, she instantly knew what Snow was having before she looked at Arthur and mystery man. Arthur relayed his order before sitting opposite Iris' chair, mystery man decided he needed to see behind the bar and accompanied Iris.

Snow looked at mystery man as he walked away before turning her attention to her sister's boyfriend. "Who's your friend then?"

"He's my brother," Arthur answered.

Nodding her head, Snow tilted her head to the side. "Anything you'd like to add?"

Arthur smiled at the pale woman. She lived up to her name, her skin very pale and her blonde hair was more platinum blonde in colour. "Charles, his name is Charles," Arthur watched her as she looked back at his brother who was standing at the bar. "Yes, he's single. No, I haven't brought him here to set you two up."

Turning her head to Arthur, she put her hand on her chest mocking him. "Oh, you seem to have my intentions all mixed up. I just wanted to know who he was, after all he will be sitting with us."

Leaning over the table, Arthur narrowed his eyes at the pale woman. "May I remind you what is going to happen tonight."

"May I remind you that you are in the one in a public relationship with my sister," her voice was low as she tapped her nails on the table. "It might be me you come to at night but to the outside world I am the one who is single."

"Hooking up with my brother isn't going to help," Arthur told her through gritted teeth. "No funny business, Snow." He leaned back in his seat just as the two others returned to the table.

Snow introduced herself to Charles, she already knew she would do what Arthur told her to do. She had proved herself time and time again to him only to be the other woman. This time there was no harm in some flirting and suggestive talk to his brother. She could only hope that one day Arthur would have the balls to finally leave her sister and be with only her.


Sitting on the hotel bed, Snow waited for Arthur to come to her. She knew he'd be here soon, it was always the same routine. Glancing at the clock, she noted he was running late today.

Removing her jacket, she hung it up before slipping her heels off. Standing in front of the mirror, she looked at the dress she was wearing. Her pale skin seeming to stand out in the black dress she wore. She stayed staring at her reflection when she heard the door open, her eyes looked over at Arthur who came up behind her.

He smiled at her before kissing her neck, before he made eye contact with her in the mirror. "You always look beautiful, Snow," he told me before kissing the smooth skin of her neck again. "You always seem to disappoint me though," he told her making her eyes widen as he changed his tone of voice pretty quickly as he spun her around so she was facing him. Her heart was fast paced before he pushed her back against the wall, her back hitting the mirror before his lips met hers. She kissed him back, the moves they made full of passion and rushed. He tilted her chin up so she was staring into his eyes, "I told you no funny business with my brother." He kissed her lips again as he put his over hand the other side of her head as his right knee moved up her legs, opening her thighs for him before he smirked at her. "You know what happens next." He kissed her again, the blonde returning it as he released his grip on her chin and moved his hand down between her legs, teasing her over the material of her wet knickers. "You're such a dirty girl."

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