78(PC) - Toto Wolff

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'Baby it's you, we don't have to go nowhere, it's not what I want'

It had been a long day already, now I was sitting at the wooden table in the garden as I watched my husband standing by the BBQ with his one number driver as they discussed work. I was sitting with Lewis' latest girlfriend, Annie. I'd met a few different girls over the years, but Annie was special, I could tell. 

"So," she beamed at me as she sat opposite me. "Lewis tells me you and Toto have been married for nearly four years now."

Nodding my head, I smiled. "Four years in September," I looked over at my husband before I looked back at the young woman before me. "You and Lewis, how long have you been together now?"

Annie thought for a moment before she spoke, "Only four months. I haven't been to a race yet though. They clash with my filming schedule, but I'm hoping to be at the next one."

"Filming schedule?" I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "You're an actress."

"I thought you knew," she laughed. "I'm currently filming a new sitcom for Netflix." She had such a cute smile on her face as she spoke about her upcoming job. 

As I went to speak, Toto and Lewis sat down next to us, putting plates in front of us. "Finally finished," Toto said as he grinned at me. "I hope this is up to your standards." I let out a small laugh before Toto looked at Lewis, "Last time we had a BBQ, Dawn was not so keen on my cooking."

Rolling my eyes, I put my hand on my husband's right thigh under the table, "If I recall, it was slightly pink."

"She's right about that," Lewis agreed with me as he looked at me before making eye contact with Toto. "

"No one wants their beef well done," Toto nudged my shoulder with a smile. 


When the night began to draw to a close, myself and Toto accompanied Lewis and Annie to the door of of home. Annie pulled me into a hug, "It's been so much fun this evening."

"It really has," I agreed with her as I held her back, my arms around her back. "Hopefully I'll see you again soon," I said as she pulled away and stood straight back up. 

Annie grinned as she pushed her hair behind her ears, "You'll be at the celebration party, won't you?"

I didn't know about it, Toto hadn't said anything about it at all. I looked at my husband who raised his right eyebrow before it hit him that he hadn't said anything yet. "Of course you'll be there, silly, you're my wife." He put an arm around me before he kissed me on the temple. "I just forgot all about it."

"Seriously?" Lewis questioned Toto with a slight chuckle. "How could you forget that we will be celebrating another constructors win?"

Toto looked at the driver in front of him, before he looked back at me. "Because when I come home, I try to forget about work. Being here with Dawn makes up for not being there."

I guessed there was some kind of compliment in there as he looked into my eyes, his dark eyes watching me as I smiled at him. "Now who's being silly?" I asked him as I snuggled closer to him. Turning my attention to the couple who was leaving our home, I looked at Lewis with a smile, "Take care of this one." I looked at Annie with a nod before Toto bid his goodbyes to his friend then they got into the car. 

Toto looked back at me, as we waved them off. "You know, I didn't-"

"I don't even care," I told him as I looked at him. "It's just another party, you've never not took me before." I tip-toed up and kissed him on the cheek before I pulled on his hand and back into our home.

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