26(TBP) - Lewis Hamilton

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"Here's to Jon and Kelly," Cara listened to her friend, Jax, who was more than happy for everyone to toast the happy couple and why shouldn't they be? She sighed as she lifted her glass into the air like everyone else, she mouthed the names without speaking before taking a small mouthful of the wine. Placing her glass back on the table, she stared over at the bride and groom. 

It was only two years ago that she was wearing a wedding dress and marrying the love of her life, now she was sitting here alone watching someone else have all the fun. 

"This is so beautiful," Gabriella spoke from next to Cara as she nudged the arm of her. Gabriella fell silent for a moment as she looked at her friend's arm before she shrugged it off, "Where's Lewis? Is he racing today?"

Cara smiled as she turned to her friend, they had known each other since college. Cara looked at her phone, checking the time before speaking, "He's probably working out." 

Gabriella smiled, "It must be hard for you."


"Well, coming to your friend's wedding without him. I couldn't be here without Luke." Gabriella sighed as she wrapped her arm around her partners before staring up at him lovingly. "All this wedding stuff makes me all loving."

Rolling her eyes, Cara looked away from her friend. Her eyes landed on the plate of food that had been placed in front of her. It could have been a single slice of apple or a huge majestic feast, it did not matter to Cara, she knew she couldn't stomach it. 

"Hey, Cara," Kelly approached her as she carried the front of her wedding dress. She leaned close to the woman, "I think you need to go outside."

Cara raised her eyebrows, "What? Why?"

Kelly smiled at her friend, "Trust me."

Getting to her feet, Cara walked towards the fire exit. As she pushed on the bar to open the door, she heard a loud noise, pushing the door open more she was surprised to see a helicopter landing on the field. Stepping out, she pushed the door closed behind her. The door opened to the main helicopter before Lewis ducked out, running towards his wife. 

"Oh my God!" She shouted over the loud sound of the helicopter blades as it started to take off again. Wrapping her arms around him, she held him close to her, "What are you doing here?"

Lewis put his arms around her small body, he noticed it every time he returned home or saw her, she was always a little smaller than the last time, her frame shrinking more and more. "I wanted to surprise you, love," he told her before kissing her on the forehead. He couldn't help but worry about her but right now he didn't want to confront her. "Besides, you'll need someone to dance with tonight, won't you?"

Cara looked up at him, "But what about tomorrow? Don't you want to be well-rested? It is your home race," her main priority would always be him. She married him knowing she was sharing him with his job so making sure he was in perfect shape and sound mind for races was just natural for her. 

"There is no where I would rather be right now, than with you. I can worry about tomorrow when it comes, I'm here with you." He always knew the right words to say to his wife to reassure her. 

He stepped back from her, his eyes looking her up and down for a second, it was subtle that she barely noticed. Taking her hand, she wrapped her fingers through his as they made their way towards the hall's main door. 

He bit his lip as he thought about what she might be doing to herself. Lewis had never seen Cara look so skinny, they had known each other over ten years and in that time she'd always been so healthy, slim but healthy. Now she was barely there, her bones protruding through her skin and her colour drained leaving her a pale tone. 

As they entered the hall, people greeted the couple, mainly Lewis. He answered and returned the hellos as they walked towards the table where Cara had been sitting. His mind was not on the people around him only the woman he held his heart. 

Once they were seated, Cara smiled to herself feeling much happier with her husband beside her. She didn't know how long he was going to be at her side before he returned back to Silverstone ready for his race which was the next day, all she knew was she was going to enjoy this time together. 


Lewis had watched her carefully through the evening, so when they retired to the hotel room that Cara had booked he knew he had to say something. He sat on the bed as she moved around the room in a drunken like state having consumed too much alcohol for her small body to take. "Cara, I think we have to talk," he spoke quietly as she stopped pacing in front of the mirror and looked at him. 

Her eyes were wide as she stared at him. Her mind was racked with the worst things he might say to her, was he about to break up with her? Was he cheating on her? Did being at a wedding make him regret their marriage? 

"Come and sit with me," he put his hand out for her to take watching her as she looked at his hand. Reaching for him, he clasped his hand around hers feeling how thin her hand was, the bones were easily felt through her thin skin as she took the seat beside him. He turned his head to look at her, she really had changed. It was just shy of 2 months since he'd last seen her in person but so much had changed in that time. 

"What's wrong?" Cara's voice was shaking as she looked at him. Even when he looked at her with only love in his eyes all she could think about was how much better he'd look with someone else. 

Although Lewis was a world famous celebrity and could speak to any news outlet, speak to each fan like they were the only person in the world when it came to his wife things were different. They had been through so much together, now seeing her in such an awful state he was worried something might just tip her over the edge. He knew he had to say something though, he had to just... say it. 

"What you're doing isn't healthy." 

Cara looked at him with a confused look on her face, "What are you talking about?" 

"Cara, you're killing yourself. I can see, you are thinner and thinner every time I see you," Lewis told her with a small shake of his head. "You have to stop, please?" He held her hands in his, "What can I do? What will it take to make you get help? What can I do to help you, to get the woman I married back into my life?"

She let go of his hands as she got to her feet, her eyes stayed wide as she shook her head. Turning her back to him, she crossed her arms over her chest. He would never understand her reasons for what she did, no one ever did. "You've been back in England for two weeks, Lewis," her voice was angry as she spoke to him. "You've been two hours up the road for our bed, you haven't come to see me once." She was bitter now she was alone with him, "Go back to work, Lewis." Cara turned and looked at him, she could see the hurt in his eyes as she glanced at him. "I knew work would always come before me but being in the same country as me and not even making the journey once to see me takes the absolute piss, Lewis."

"Cara? I love you," he stood up but she only stepped away from him. 

"I love you too, Lewis. I love you and it's what I have put up with this for so long." 

Lewis didn't know how to respond to her, he just stared at her for a moment. Then he opened his mouth, he had to speak. "Please, Cara. Let me help you, tell me what you need from me. Tell me what you want me to do."

She sighed as she shook her head.

"Come on," he begged her as he tried to reach out for her. "Anything, Cara."

"Stay here with me," she tested him already knowing what he was going to say.

Lewis stopped in his tracks as he thought about her words. "You want me to stay here? You want me to not go tomorrow?"

Cara didn't speak, she waited for him to work it out for himself. 

"Okay," he shrugged his shoulders before taking his coat off and getting his phone out. Cara watched as he tapped on his phone before he threw it down on the bed behind him, "Done."

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