Coming Home - Sebastian Vettel

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Signing off my computer, I turned my head to the woman on the desk behind me, "I think this is me." I let out a sigh as I ran my fingers through my frazzled auburn locks, "Don't be staying here too much longer." I glanced at the clock on the wall as I stood up grabbing my phone from my desk just as Amy spoke.

"When's he home?" When I looked down at her I noticed that she had a sad smile on her face. It was like she wanted to ask me but didn't want to upset me at the same time. 

I shrugged my shoulders before I faked a smile and picked up my bag from the floor, "Hopefully soon." I wanted to believe my words but the truth was when he worked I never knew when he'd be home. Sometimes he'd just turn up back home on time other times he'd be gone for months at a time. With his work season ending, I hoped he'd be home before the end of the week but I knew it was probably just wishful thinking. 

Amy got to her feet and pulled me into a tight awkward hug, "If you want to hang out later, just send me a text. I don't want you all alone with storm that's coming in tonight. Liam won't mind if you want to stay over." Her hand patted my back before she pulled away and looked at me. 

"I'll text you if I need you," I already knew I wasn't going to text her. I would rather be alone in the storm than sit at her home and be pitied for being alone again. "Speak to you later," I said before I left the office quickly. 

Once I arrived home I flung my blazer down on the sofa before kicking off my heels by the sofa. Leonard jumped up at my legs again as he barked chirply at me, his beautiful tan face staring up at me. "What is it, boy?" I asked him as I sat on the sofa then stroked his soft head. "You better be a brave boy tonight," I rolled my eyes already knowing he was going to wuss out when the storm started. "I need all the love in the world." I knew my silly beagle didn't understand a single word I was saying, I did know that he knew I was lonely, every single night he'd crawl up the bed next to me and lay with me. 

Leonard started to walk away from me leaving me on the sofa just at the rain started outside, I could hear it banging on the window loudly. I sighed as I got to my feet and followed Leonard out of the living room. I watched as he went the stairs, his little doggy paws bouncing up each step as he went, I knew he was probably going to lay under my bed, to hide from the upcoming storm. 

I checked the front door was locked before I headed on up the stairs also, my hands sliding along the bannister as I took each step. "Leonard," I called playfully as I got to the second floor, "Where are you?" I asked knowing full well that he couldn't answer me. 

Walking passed the spare bedroom I popped my head into the room looking in in case he was hiding in there, my eyes sadly looked over at the unused Moses basket and the untouched changing table before I exited the room closing the door fully. I hated that room sometimes. 

When I took the last few steps towards my bedroom I raised an eyebrow when I noticed a light emitted from the room. Surely I hadn't left the light on all day, I couldn't even remember this morning to be honest though. Pushing the door opening all the way I smiled when I saw Leonard snuggled on the bed next to him, my beautiful husband who was sound asleep. 

A smile crossed my lips as I headed towards the bed, my footsteps light as I looked down at him. I pushed his long hair out of his face as I took in his features, his tanned, smooth skin, how I loved looking at him. Just as quickly as he was asleep he opened his blue eyes stared back at my own, a smile appeared when he saw me. " Ich würde dich überraschen," he spoke in German as he stared up at me. 

"Hey," I playfully touched his right arm, "You know I took French at school." Even now after four years I didn't understand hardly any German. 

"Oh ich weiss," he teased before winking at me and sitting up. He pulled on my hand which pulled me close to him. "I'm just playing with you," he laughed as he put his arm around me. "I just said I was going to surprise you," he recounted his words to me before he placed a quick kiss on my lips. "I've missed you too much," he told me as he grinned before tugging me next to him on the bed so we were laying together. "Lets just stay here for the evening," he held me close to him before kissing me on the forehead just as Leonard got in the middle of us he tail wagging happily and his tongue hanging out showing his apperiation for havng us both home with him again.

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