20 - Lando Norris/Carlos Sainz

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Jeamssiee

Everything was coming together in my life

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Everything was coming together in my life. 

Today was my wedding, in a few short hours I would be marrying the love of my life. And that was okay, that was fantastic news. I was so excited. 

I hadn't seen my husband-to-be for nearly three days, three whole days. My friends thought taking me away for a while would make me appreciate this day even more. I didn't like being away for so long, but in a way they were right. Everything was perfect. I couldn't wait to see him waiting for me at the end of the aisle, I couldn't wait for him to see my dress. I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with him. 

The makeup artist arrived early, along with the bridal party photographer, the hairdresser, the bridesmaids and my female family members who needed to be here. I was staying at a friend's home, luckily it was an old hotel converted into a house which meant she had more than enough space for us all to get ready at the same time. 

I was a mess when people arrived, my hair was wavy, and my skin was pale. I hadn't even got dressed, I was in a pair of short pyjama shorts and a black tank top. I let people into Kerri's home, every greeting me at the door before heading through to the large living room. I followed them through, a smile on my face as I checked my mobile, my husband to be, Carlos, sending a text telling me he loved me. 

"No phones!" My twin sister, Poppy, piped up as she snatched it from my hands. "You can see Carlos at the church."

Rolling my eyes at her, I shook my head. "But what if the wedding planner needs to contact me?" I smirked at my sister, knowing she would have to give it back to me. "Come on," I put my hand out to her.

Narrowing her eyes, she placed the phone into my hand. "You win this time, but if I see you texting him, I'm going to be in charge of your calls and texts."

I smiled at her, "You just need to feel important." I laughed as she pulled me close to her. "Thanks for today, Poppy."

She hugged me back, "You are my baby sister." Of course, even today, on my wedding day, she would remind me that she was born first. "I wouldn't miss today even if I was in the North Pole."

The morning progress in a good way, everyone had their hair and makeup done. The photographer had been taking photos from all different angles and of everything. I scurried off to the bedroom I stayed in overnight for some alone time after a couple of hours. 

As I pulled my wedding dress on, I heard my phone ping again. I managed to pull the zip up at the back before glancing in the mirror at myself. Everything suddenly felt so real. In an hour, I would be at the church, I would be saying my vowels. 

It scared me, I had never had any doubts about marrying Carlos until just now. Was I too young? Was I rushing into this? Did my friends think I was getting married for the wrong reasons? Did Carlos love me enough?

Reaching for my phone, I was relieved to see it was Lando. I replied to his message, he was sending me luck. I asked him to come and see me, I knew he was with Carlos, but I needed him here with me. Men worked differently to women, Carlos probably wasn't even thinking about all these things, he was perhaps set and ready to go. 

Five minutes later, Lando messaged me to say he was outside. I headed down the stairs in my full wedding gear, dress, tiara and shoes, in my hands was my flowers. Opening the front door, I front myself face to face with the young lad who had been my rock for so long. 

"You look amazing," he told me as I let him into the house. 

"Thanks," I blushed a little before I pulled him into the music room. Closing the door to, I looked up at him. "How is Carlos?" I needed to know if he was like me. 

Lando smiled, "You have nothing to worry about. He's going to be there waiting for you."

I reached for Lando's hands, a friendly gesture as I held them. "I'm afraid I might not be." I looked down at our hands, "I don't know what to do, Lando." I admitted as I shook my head. "I'm scared," my voice was quiet and small. "I'm so scared right now. You know," I sighed as I looked back up at him. "I don't even know why."

He laughed a little, "You're scared because you've never let anyone love you the way Carlos does. You scared because you think that at some point you are going to push him away," Lando tried to explain my feelings. 

"When did you become so wise?" I asked him as I let go of his hands. "I'm the old one in this room."

Lando grinned as he pushed a loose strand on my hair away from my face tucking it behind my ear, "You and Carlos are meant to be together. I've never seen two people, so in love."

"But is that enough?" I asked as I turned away and looked out the window to the large garden. "I need to be sure that it's what he really wants."

I felt his hands on my bare shoulders as he stood behind me, "Trust me. He's the closest friend I have, I wouldn't let him do this if I thought for a moment it's not what he wanted. I promise you, you have nothing to worry about. He loves you, he'd do anything for you."

I smiled as I listened to his words, it was just what I needed right now. Some words of encouragement, some truthful words about our relationship. 

"Ahem," the sharp voice of my mother came from the door. 

Turning to look at her, Lando stood to the side of me as I looked at my mother, my eyes wide like a deer in the headlights. "This is Lando," I introduced him to my mother with a smile. "This is my mother, Katheryn."

My mother looked at Lando before stepping forward, "Carlos has told me so much about you."

"All good I hope," Lando grinned ever the charmer with the ladies. 


Arriving at the church, my nerves were jumping about like crazy. I needed to get to the end of that aisle and marry Carlos, I could do it, but it didn't mean I wasn't nervous. 

"Are we ready?" Iona asked me as she linked her arm through mine. She'd been my friend for almost ten years, she was a bridesmaid, and there was no way I would be doing this without her. 

I nodded at her, "Have you seen him?"

A smirk crossed her lips, "Trust me, he's here." She kissed my cheek, "I'll see you out there."

She headed away and started to walk down the aisle, fair warning that it would be moments before I needed to go out there. With my father not attending due to personal problems, there was no one to give me away. I was nervous as I waited. Would I trip and make a fool of myself? Would I start crying and have no one to hold me? 

I listened, and after a minute the music change, it was my cue. Taking a deep breath, I gripped my flowers tightly before heading into the room. I stared ahead, hoping to help myself stay in a straight line. 

My eyes landed on Lando and Carlos, Lando was looking at me, a smile on his face, I returned it before I looked back to Carlos, after a few seconds he turned his head. 

Suddenly everything felt right, I kept a stupid smile on my face as I walked towards him. I didn't know what he was thinking, but it was a good thing, a grin on his face until I stood beside him. 

"Hello, beautiful," he kissed my right hand. "You look," he didn't quite have the words. "You look like the princess you are," his words a play on my nickname as he stared at me. 

My world was right here, I knew it was I stared into his eyes. I don't' know why I was so scared earlier, standing here next to him just made me feel safe.  

Formula One - One-Shots Collection - Completeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें