Mick Schumacher - Inbox Request

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'I feel so blessed to be looking at you'

The morning had come around too quickly for Alexandra's liking. Her head was pounding from the night before after spending most of her night at the bar with Gina doing shots, she regretted it as she opened her eyes wanting to pull the blanket over her ears to drown out the cries from her young daughter. After taking a deep breath, she dragged herself from the bed before slowly trudging across the room and retrieving Sara from the cot. Sara's cries didn't stop though which only made Alexandra's head worse. 

"Come on baby," Alexandra whispered to her little girl as she bounced the seven-month-old on her hip as she walked across the room. "Mummy isn't feeling too good," she confided in the oblivious baby. "And I would pretty like a few more minutes in bed."

As she rocked her daughter, she grabbed her phone from the empty bed. She knew her partner would be out on his early morning run, something he did every morning without fail. After checking the time, Alexandra set about trying to make her daughter more comfortable. 

None of her efforts worked though, Alexandra settled for getting dressed and taking the screaming child with her to breakfast. Even the buggy didn't soothe the child. Alexandra was glad she was hiding her eyes under a pair of large sunglasses as she walked towards the dining area. She noticed the stares from other holiday goers, she could only imagine what they were thinking. She knew how it looked at this moment in time, a young mum with no partner in sight and a screaming child, it didn't look good. 

Once she got to the dining area, she was smiled to herself when she spotted her partner's mum and sister who had accompanied them on holiday too. She made a beeline from their table, ignoring the stares as Sara disturbed the peace. 

"I can't get her to stop," Alexandra slumped in the spare chair defeated as she reached for a mug and the coffee jug on the table. 

Gina rolled her eyes at the young woman's dramatics, "She's just missing her auntie Gina," she cooed as she took the young child from the buggy. Even Gina's efforts were futile as Sara continued to cry. 

Alexandra looked at Gina almost wanting to laugh but the longer her daughter cried, the worse Alexandra felt. "I just don't know what to do."

Gina's mum reached for the tot and held her close to her. "Come on, Sara. What's wrong, pumpkin?" 

Sara continued to cry, almost like nothing was going to stop her. 

"Now what?" Gina looked at her mother hoping that she was going to have a magic cure for the baby's tears. "She's getting louder!" 

Sipping her coffee, Alexandra leaned forward in the chair as she felt the caffeine entering her body. "I can't take her out today if she's going to cry all day, maybe she's ill."

Corrina checked the tot over as she held her. "She's not ill," she said to the young mum. "Maybe bringing her down to the pool might settle her."

Alexandra nodded as she looked down at her hands. For a moment she needed to take a deep breath but she didn't want to offend anyone. Being on holiday with her partner's family was hard, especially when it came to her daughter. Alexandra thought that maybe she was being extra sensitive because of the situation, Sara's cries were stressing her out. 

"Have you given her food?" Corrina asked as she looked over to the tired mother. 

"She had a full bottle and some weetabix," Alexandra explained. "Do you want me to take her back?"

Corrina shook her head. "She's alright with me."

Alexandra wanted to stick her fingers into her ears as her daughter's cries intensified. She wished there was something she could do to stop it. She pulled herself to feet before heading over to the breakfast area to gather herself some food. Sara's cries continued on, they were loud, almost echoing around the room. 

When Alexandra returned to the table, she took Sara back who she said on her knee bouncing her up and down. 

"There must be something else wrong with her," Gina said as she looked over at the young child. 

Alexandra sighed, "I don't know. I don't know what to do with her."

Gina looked up at the window, her eyes following someone. Alexandra turned to look and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her partner. When Mick came into the dining hall, his eyes glanced over at the table of women who he was on holiday with. He smiled as he approached, "What's wrong with this beautiful little lady?" He reached for Sara, pulling her into his arms. 

Sara looked up at her father, her beautiful eyes sparkling from the tears as she stopped crying. She pulled her arms around her dad as she let out a giggle. 

Looking up with wide eyes, Alexandra shook her head a little. She was totally jealous that Mick had the magic touch but she didn't care, the love she felt for both of them was much more. 

Mick leaned down and kissed Alexandra on the cheek before he winked at her. "I take it she's been like this all morning," he said as she walked around before giving both his mother and sister a kiss on the cheek too. 

"I don't get what you have that I don't," Alexandra admitted as her partner sat in the last chair at the table. 

He jiggled his daughter up and down as he smiled at her little laughs. "It's a father daughter thing," he told his girlfriend with a smirk. 

Alexandra didn't even care about his comment, she smiled like an idiot at her little family. 

Meeting Mick had made everything perfect, even if they had become parents at a young age. Even with his career, every thing seemed to just work. Alexandra couldn't help but grin as she looked at the interaction between the two people she cared about the most. 

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