Ex - Charles Leclerc

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"And into the final lap, we go," the voice entered my headphones as I listened to Simon Lazenby annouce what we were watching on the screen. I was currently in the garage of my father's, my eyes on the screen but my mind else where. Sure, I was supposed to be here supporting his guys, because it was the right thing to do. In my mind though, I was secretly supposing the man who was currently running in first place. 

"Lewis, you have this." My father's voice rang in my ears as he relayed a message to his top driver, Lewis hamilton who was currently in second and gaining on first place. 

Rolling my eyes, I watched as Lewis tried to make a move on the red Ferrari which was in first place. The Ferrari blocked him but when Lewis tried again on the next corner things weren't so smooth. Lewis clipped the back wheel when he over took not giving enough space before the Ferrari spun and smashed into the barrier at the side of the track. 

My eyes widened as I blocked out all voices as I stared at the screen, the car had ploughed straight into the barrier, stoppping and crumpling at the front. 

Ripping my head phones from my head I turned my head and looked at my father who was sitting in his chair, his arms folded over his chest as he looked at me but continued to talk into his headset. 

"The session has been red-flagged," he said into his microphone as I looked back at the screen. "Kat!" My father called out to me as I picked up my mobile phone and my handbag. "Kat," he said my name again as I turned and looked at him. He took off his headphones, for a moment taking his personal life more seriosuly than the career he had held for so long. 

"I have to go," I couldn't stand to be here. 

My father, Toto got to his feet, he didn't show emotions very often but he wrapped his arms around me tenderly as he kissed my hair. "Go to him," my father hadn't been behind the relationship I had forged with another Formula One driver but when we broke up he could see how heartbroken I actually was. 

"He doesn't want to see me," I told him as people around us headed off to the podium to celebrate. "I'm the last person he wants to see."

I watched as my father raised his eyebrows at me, "You might be surprised." He kissed my hair again before he disappeared off to celebrate with the others. 

As I stood in the garage with a few of the attendants I sighed loudly. I didn't want to go there and be disappointed but I didn't think there was no one who cared. He probably had his family here, I would turn up and look right out of place. 

Leaving my bag on my father's chair, I took my phone and took a slow walk to the Ferrari garage with his picture hanging over the top. It was mostly empty, everyone heading off to celebrate Sebastian's podium place as I stood in the open doorway. 

"Katerina?" I heard someone use my full name, a voice I recognised. Looking up I saw Charles' mother who seemed to be the only one here. "He's okay, he's on his way back."

I nodded, "Good. I just wanted to make sure..." I trailed off as I walked towards her. 

She came to me, kissing both my cheeks as she smiled at me, "How have you been, love?"

"Not too bad," I lied as I smiled at her. She didn't need to hear my ever-growing list of problems. "How about yourself? I didn't think you would be here."

Pascal laughed, "I love the Spanish track, it's one of my favourites." She looked towards the doors as a car pulled up.

I watched as she walked towards the car and helped her son out of the car. I watched as he limped on his right foot as he told his mother he was fine. He was holding his right side of his ribs as he looked up and our eyes met. It was almost like he was looking through me, the way he stared at me, it caught me off guard every time. 

"What are you doing here, Katerina?" He asked me as he limped towards me, his mother walking cautiously on his right side ready to help him if he needed it. 

The words affected me more than they should have, in my mind going to see him was a good thing but he was just plain rude to me as he spoke. "I saw the crash," the words left my lips awkwardly as I looked at him. I had never had any problems talking to him before, then again whenever we had a conversation before we'd either been friends or a couple, things were different now. 

He looked me up and down, I watched as his eyes raked me over before he spoke. "I'm fine, you can leave now."

Pascal sighed from the sigh of her son, "I didn't bring you up like this." She looked at her son before looking at me, "I'm sorry, Kat." She smiled at me, then turned to her son, "I'm going to leave you two alone for a bit. Maybe you can actually talk about things."

Charles didn't try to stop her as she left. I stood there staring at him until he turned back to me once his mother was out of sight. "What do you want?" He asked me bluntly as he straightened up on the spot. 

Opening my mouth to speak, I realised I didn't really know why I was here. I did, but I didn't think I could say it out loud. "I wanted to check on you," I informed him as I stood there like a lemon not knowing how he was feeling about me right now. 

"Look, Kat, you don't have to come here to see me. If this has eased your conscience or whatever that's good for you, but I don't want to see you right now."

I could feel my emotions welling up behind my eyes, if I cried in front of him then I would look weak. There was no way I was giving him that satisfaction, "Do you ever question what happened between us?" I asked him as I narrowed my eyes at him. Gone was the nice girl I had been brought up to be, instead I was replaced by this person who was consumed by heartbreak and anger. He didn't answer me, so I continued on as my voice turned cold. "You told me it was because you wanted to focus on your career, the truth was you just did it because you can't deal with emotions."

His eyes flashed at me, "You have no idea what you are talking about."

Stepping closer to him, leaving millimetres between your faces, I smirked. "Why don't you enlighten me then?"

"Kat," he warned sharply as he clenched his jaw and held his hands by his sides almost like he was restraining himself. "Don't."

There was obvious fury in his eyes as I tested him. "What exactly do you think you're going to do?" I taunted, "You won't do a single damn thing-"

I jumped back when I heard a smash against the metal cabinet, my eyes followed the sound and there on the floor in front of the cabinet was a wrench, a dent obvious in the cabinet. Looking back at him, he nodded at me. "I warned you." He stepped forward, my first instinct was to take a step back as his right hand knocked over a stool angrily. "You have to go, Kat." His voice was calm for a second before he raised his voice, "I said, leave Katerina!"


Stopping quickly, I noticed the change in his eyes. Sure, he was angry before but now he had full-on rage in his eyes. I shut up instantly as he crossed the room, my feet taking steps back before I found myself backed against the wall furthest away from the entrance. My shaking hands were by my sides feeling the wall behind me as I looked up at him, his eyes burned into mine as he moved his face millimetres from mine. "Why don't you ever listen to me?" His voice was a whisper before his right hand snaked up my left arm, his fingers grazing over my skin before his fingers wrapped against my throat. My breath was hitched as I widened my eyes and reached up for his arm with both my hands, panic setting in for a brief second before his lips met mine. 

His kiss was dominant, aggressive like he'd never kiss anyone again as he held me against the wall. I hated the way he made me feel, knowing that he was only kissing me right now out of anger, yet at the same time I loved the way he made me feel. He knew exactly how to keep me here, how to keep me coming back for more. 

When he pulled away, he stared at me for a moment, his hands leaving my skin before he looked me up and down. "Turn around," he demanded in a deep voice. 

My mouth fell open a little as I looked at him, "What?"

Grabbing hold of my shoulders, he spun me around so I was facing the wall. My hands stopping me as I struggled with my balance before he kissed my neck from behind, a small moan escaping my lips as I closed my eyes. "You never listen, Kat."

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