16(2) - MV/LN

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Looking over at the screen, I watched as my brother made his way into second place, he'd been weaving his way through the traffic throughout the race and all he had to do now was take the top spot from the number 1 rookie, Lando Norris. My eyes flickered over the telly as I kept my eyes on the ball, things were going smoothly for Max. My brother was one of my best friends, he'd always done his best to keep me safe even if sometimes it wasn't the most ideal way.

"Come on Max, you can do it," I heard our father's voice from next to me. 

I looked up at him for a moment, his teeth were gritted and his eyes were narrowed. My father was always a lot tougher on Max than he was me but Max had dreams that were like our dad's. My dreams were different, I didn't have any plans with what I was going to do with my life, I had thought about going to medical school to become a nurse but it wasn't something I was excited about. I guess I had never thought about what I really wanted, Max was always the smart one when it came to that sort of thing. 

As I looked back at the screen, my eyes widened as Max's car hit the barrier from the aggressive driving. I was horrified as he hit off it before his car spun out of control and careered into the tyre wall. I gasped in shock as I stood up, my father next to me put his hand on my shoulder as he cursed loudly before his fingers seemed to dig into my skin then a couple of seconds later he removed his hand and threw his headset off. 

My attention was on Max, I could hear Luke trying to get Max on the radio. I looked up and saw Christian looking a little frantic as he picked up a headset to speak to Max too. 

"Luke!" I heard my father snap as he rounded the table to get towards him. "Get hold of my son, right now!"

"Dad, please," I tried to reason with him but my father just sent me a glare before he turned back to my brother's engineer. 

I listened to the calls to Max through the headset before I heard Max reply finally. "Fuck," he was livid as he spoke I could hear it in his voice. "I cannot believe it," he huffed before I watched the telly screen and saw him climb out of his car slowly. "What happened?"

My eyes looked up at my father who was shaking his head, "Ridiculous."

I didn't want to enrage my father any more than he already was. I ignored his comment, I knew that Max would already be mad with himself, he didn't need our father getting up in his grill about it. 

Leaving the garage, I headed towards the back rooms I needed to get away for a bit. Taking a deep breath, I locked myself in Max's private room. Sitting on the sofa, I rubbed my shoulder where my dad had hurt me as I shook my head to myself. 

Twenty minutes pass, during this time I had heard shouting and clattering in the garage but I ignored it only getting up to unlock the door knowing Max would be here soon. Sitting on the sofa, I waited, a few seconds passed and then the door opened. The door slammed against the wall behind it as Max glared at me, I watched him warily with wide eyes as I got to my feet. 

"Max?" I said his name as he stepped into the room, he kicked the door shut forcefully behind him. "What did he say?"

My brother leans against the door, his eyes wild and his breathing heavy. "Just leave it, Saskia!"

I should have been surprised by his outburst but I wasn't. "You can't let him keep doing this," I told him as I watched him carefully. "What happened today-"

"What happened today?!" This time it was Max shouting, he was shouting at me. There was a vicious circle in our family, Dad shouted at Max, Max shouted at me. It was Max's way of dealing with the way out Father was with him. "What happened on that track, what happened with Dad, none of it should have happened!" 

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