9(TBP) - George Russell

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Laying on my sofa, I looked up at the ceiling as I let out a sigh before I turned my head and glanced at my friend, George who was checking his phone. "George!" I snapped before I dramatically threw my arm over my head and looked back up. 

"Una!" He mimicked my voice as I heard him lock his phone. Smiling, I turned back to him and groaned loudly. "What's wrong now?"

Sitting up, I met his eyes as I put my phone on the seat next to me. "I'm just bored. Can we do something?"

He rolled his eyes at me before he laid back on sofa he was on. "I've been back from Spin less than twenty hours, can we please just chill today?"

Groaning, I flopped back against the cushions as I picked my phone back up. "I'm going to go back to bed, check my tinder and probably go back to sleep. You're boring me now," I was honest with my friend and roommate as I managed to pull myself up from where I was.

"Jesus Una. Stop wasting your time on Tinder. The guys on there are all after the same thing."

"You should know," I raised my eyebrows as I turned back to him. "Skipped over your profile the other day."

He got to his feet, my eyes on him the whole time. "What do you mean you skipped over me?" George almost looked offended by my words. 

I winked at him as I stood in the doorway to the living room, "After all, the guys on there are only after one thing." I leaned against the frame with my right shoulder, "Unless you are going to tell me you are the minority."

"I mean," he stopped for a moment as he tried to think of something to say. 

"There we have it, you are no better than everyone else on there," I teased him. 

He laughed, "Neither are you then."

Crossing my arms over my chest, I watched him as he walked towards me, stopping in front of me, leaving a few inches between us. "I don't pretend to be anything different," I reminded him as I smirked at him. 

"You always pretend to be such a good girl," he said. "We both know that's not really you though."

I put a hand on my chest in fake shock, "Well, I'm hurt by that." Then I gave him a knowing look as I put my arms by my side. "But, I've seen your good boy act on TV. You act like butter wouldn't melt, so sweet, so innocent. Don't forget I know you too, I know what you're like."

George looked me up and down, "Tell me then, Una, what am I like?"

"You're the guy who would rather have ten one night stands than have a month-long relationship. You're the guy who pretends to not have a care in the world but really worries about everything. You think you'll never live up to the expectations that everyone has in place for you." I tilted my head to the side, "Can I go and waste my time online now?"

"How about you waste your time with me? I'm here right now," the words left his mouth so easily. I was in total shock over it, I didn't know what I was meant to say to that, what did it even mean?

"What do you want from me, George?" I asked him. 

His eyes were wide as he smiled, there was something about him which made me feel unsure right now. "I'm just saying," he gestured between the two of us with his hands. "It looks like we are both after the same thing."

"Oh, come off it. You were trying to warn me off Tinder only five minutes ago," I reminded him. 

When he leaned forward, his left arm leaned on the door frame high above where my head was closing the space between us a little more. "I just don't want to see you getting hurt," his voice was quiet as he admitted this.

"So, you're saying I'm going to get hurt if I continue to meet random men from Tinder? What do you suggest I do instead then?" I stared into his eyes as we seemed to naturally move our faces towards each other as we talked. 

"I think you should find yourself someone to hook up with regularly." 

My eyes flickered from his lips to his eyes, "Do you have any suggestions on who that could be?"

George's eyes mimicked mine, his eyes moving from my eyes to my mouth before our lips finally met. My eyes seemed to just close without any thought as we shared a passionate sweet kiss. I could feel his right hand in my hair, lightly tugging at it, his left hand rested on the side of my neck and bottom of my jaw. 

"What do we have here?!" Our moment was interrupted, jumping apart from each other, I turned around to face our other roommate, Ash. "Since when did this-" he looked between the two of us. "Happen?"

Laughing, I shrugged my shoulders before walking away, "There's nothing happening." 

Before George or Ash could protest I skipped off, back up the stairs and away from my two close friends, a chuckle still on my lips as I thought about that kiss. 

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