57(TBP) - Lando Norris

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I hated being stuck inside, my father had told me it was the best thing for me right now. He'd made a decision and the country was not in agreement with him. I guess there is always a price to pay when you are the Prime Minister of England. Being cooped up meant I didn't get to see many people, only the people that came to visit my father and they consisted of old men and women. 

Today was no different, so I thought. In my bedroom, I was currently engrossed in a game of COD that had me hooked. I was sprawled out on my bed wearing a pair of Christian Loubtains on my little feet which I had received yesterday but knew I wouldn't get to wear outside for a while with a pair of denim shorts and a tank top. 

When I heard a knock on the door, I looked up from the game for a brief moment seeing my dad at the door. "You alright?" I asked him before I looked back at the screen. I didn't want to miss a moment of the game I was in. 

"I'd quite like you to come downstairs and meet someone, Roxanne." My father used his posh voice, that's when I knew he was being serious. 

Groaning, I turned my game off. "Sorry guys, duty calls," I told my squad being turning the Xbox off and sitting up, removing my headphones. Looking at my dad, he looked at my shoes, a clear indication he wanted me to take them off. 

Slipping them off, I left them at the side of my bed before I put my headphones and controller into the drawer. I walked over to my dad before we walked along together, heading to the main meeting room at number ten. 

"So, who is here?" I asked him as I swung my arms wildly at my sides. 

He sighed as he shook his head. "Downstairs is a family that I have known for years. They are usually out of the country on business when they visit you happen to be at your mum's. They have a son around your age, I thought it would be good for you to have a friend for a bit, whilst I do business."

"You want me to keep him out of the grown up's business?" I questioned with a smile. 

My dad laughed, "You are so cynical. I thought you might like someone to talk to."

When we entered the main room, I followed my father as he walked towards the family of three that was by the window. "Mark, Shirley," my dad said, "This is my daughter, Roxanne."

I shook the adult's hands as I smiled. Their son turned from the window and looked at me, I stared at him with a curious look. He was strangely cute, in a weird way. 

"And, this is Lando," my father motioned towards the son. "Lando drives for McLaren as a F1 driver."

Smiling at the son, I shook his hand which he offered to me. "Nice to meet you," I said in my business voice. I used the voice when I was around my father's colleagues and visitors.

"Why don't you and Lando find something to do whilst we talk?" My father spoke again getting my attention. 

Nodding, I smiled at the lad. "I have a games console upstairs if you'd like to play."

Lando nodded before I walked away, him following me. 

Once we got into my bedroom, I watched as he looked around my room. "When your dad talks about you, you're not what I imagined." He told me as he sat on the chair at my dressing table. 

Sitting on the edge of my bed, I slipped my feet back into my new shoes. "What do you mean?"

"He speaks about someone who is more of a tomboy," Lando looked around my room again. 

I raised an eyebrow before I spoke. "I can hang with the boys," I told him as I awkwardly rocked my shoes on the heels. "Just because I have all of this in my room it doesn't mean I can't do all those other things."

"Come on then," his eyes were on my Xbox. "Tell me what your favourite game is?"

Shrugging my shoulders, I thought about it. "Right now, Call of Duty. Of all time, Fifa."

"You can't play Fifa."

"I could beat you at Fifa any day of the week," there was damn competitive side coming out. 

He got up and sat on my bed next to me, "Come on then. Prove it."

Getting up, I opened my tech drawer, grabbing two controllers before handing him one and sitting back down. As the Xbox came back to life, I watched as the game requests and chat requests popped up from my squad and various other friends. Ignoring them all, I loaded Fifa before looking at the lad next to me. "Ready to have your ass beaten by a girl?"

Lando laughed, "I highly doubt it."

A message popped request popped up, I opened it as my game loaded. 


Martin's losing it, get back in the game.

I sent a quick reply telling him I would be on in the evening before I returned to Fifa which was on the loading screen. "Popular tonight?" Lando said from next to me. 

"Always," I joked but I knew it was far from the truth. Seeing these messages and requests was constant. At least I had friends in the online world, didn't have much going on for me in the real world. "So, ready to have your ass handed to you?"

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