Daughter - Nico Rosberg (Part 1)

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"Siellähän sinä olet," the distinct Finnish accent of my father spoke as he rounded the corner of his pitch garage and looked at me. I was standing at the side of his Formula One car staring at the controls on the steering wheel before I stood up straight and smiled at him. 

"I've been here all along," I rolled my eyes as I looked at him. My brain had to quickly convert his Finnish to English before I replied. Don't get me wrong, I am Finnish like my father but I much prefer the English language even going as far as to study it at college and as of now I was waiting for my university application to return. 

He put his hand on my shoulder as he slung his arm around me moving me away from the car, he was already in his racing outfit, the all in one, the bright white catching me in the light. "Why don't we find your mother?"

"She's not here," I told him as I pushed on the sleeves of the light cotton of my cardigan sleeves. "It's just me."

"I thought-"

I put my hand up to silence him, they had broken up about five years ago, every year he paid for me and mother to attend my favourite race, this year I had chosen the Japanese Grand Prix. "I am old enough to travel alone, is it too much to ask that for once it is just you and I?"

"Who will look after you whilst I race?" He asked me seeing as I had only arrived today missing the qualifying and practise sessions from the day before. 

Smiling I shrugged my shoulders, "I'm sure I can stay here, keep out of the way."

My father stopped walking before changing our direction of travel, "I have someone who can keep an eye on you."

I didn't try to argue with him, he'd already made up his mind that even now at 18 I needed looking after. My father had always been pretty protective of me, I guess he just wanted to keep me safe especially with him being a big name in Formula One, Kimi Raikkonen. 

When we stopped I looked up, in front of me was one of his close friends, Nico Rosberg. "Kimi," Nico greeted my father with a smile before they shook hands, a friendly hello. "How are you?"

My eyes wandered around the pit area, there was a lot of cars and so many people. 

"This is my daughter, Kaisa," my father introduced me. I looked back up at Nico and smiled, his bright blue eyes burned into my soul as he stared down at me.

He offered his hand to me which I cautiously shook not wanting to be rude. His hand was warm and soft as he shook my hand in return, "It's a pleasure."

"Kiitos," I spoke in Finnish as I stared up at him. 

I watched as he looked at me confused before looking at my father, my father spoke as he looked at me. "Nico is still learning Finnish," he told me then he turned his attention back to the man in front of us. 

I couldn't help but look at him as him and my father spoke. There was something about him that drew me to him. Sure he was a little older than me but he was good looking, in fact, he was beautiful. His skin was smooth, his smile was captivating and his voice and German accent were alluring. 

To be honest I didn't hear the words they spoke until I found them both looking at me a few moments later as they waited for me to speak. "What?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest, my arms pushed up my cleavage but not on purpose, it just seemed to happen, it probably didn't help that the top I was wearing was a little low cut. I uncrossed my arms letting them fall at my sides before smiling awkwardly. 

"If you could stay with Nico," my father said with a grin. "Just behave."

Wow, my father could be so embarrassing when he wanted to be. I nodded slowly before he kissed my hair and walked away leaving me with the German blonde. 

He smiled at me, "Shall we head up to my box?"

I raised my eyebrows, "You have your own box?"

"Not exactly," he admitted. "It's a friend's, but he isn't here today so it's just me and you."

Nodding my head, I laughed, "Sure, let's go."


Standing out on the balcony of the box I watched as the race began, my father was around 12th and considering the run of bad luck he'd had recently I didn't expect that he would be finishing any higher which was a shame. I leaned against the railing as I held a glass of wine in my right hand and watched as the lights changed and the cars moved away starting the race. 

Nico was next to me, his eyes were wide as he watched the cars. I looked at him for a moment before returning my gaze back to the race in front of me. I didn't want to get caught staring, I just couldn't help it. 

"You don't come along to races much?" He asked, I think he was asking, it could have been a statement. 

I smiled as I kept my eyes off of him, "I go to one race a year. This is the first time I have come alone which is why you are stuck with me."

He laughed, "You've father doesn't trust you alone?"

"Ehdottomasti ei," I mumbled in Finnish before he cleared his throat, I looked at him before speaking in English again. "It would seem not," I changed my words to make sure I didn't sound too harsh when speaking about my father. 

He galnced back at the race as I looked at him. 

"You are a grown woman," he noted as he spoke. 

I shrugged my shoulders as I looked back out over the balcony, the cars were no where in our view. "I'm 18, practically an adult."

"Not in this country," Nico spoke softly.

"I'm not from this country," I reminded him. "I'm an adult in my country. I'm an adult in most parts of the world." I decided to ask about him and not speak about me, "How old are you, Nico?"

He looked in my direction, he flicked his sunglasses down over his eyes. "I don't think you should be asking people that?"

"It's just a question," I smiled. 

"I'm 34," he admitted. This attraction I felt towards him was wrong, I was only 18 and he was 34, only 4 years younger than my father but for some reason, it didn't actually bother me, I mean for now it was only that, an attraction, there was nothing happening, right?

I nodded as I looked away from him, a smile creeping across my face as I felt my cheeks reddening and it certainly wasn't the American heat that was doing it.  

If he noticed he certainly didn't say anything, we just stood there together like two old friends watching the rest of the race, there was some small talk before the race finally came to a close. Nico escorted me back to my father who was more than happy to see me, his plan was to take me out for dinner that evening before we returned back to our hometown in Finland. 

"Thanks for letting Kaisa stay with you during the race," my father smiled at Nico before he looked at me. "I just hope she was nice."

"I'm always nice," I pointed out before looking at Nico. "Thank you."

"We will see you at Jenson's wedding next week," my dad smiled. "It'll be just me and Kaisa coming along."

"Then I will see you there," Nico said to my father politely before he looked at me. "Nice to meet you, Kaisa." The way he said my name made me feel a little weak, for now though I knew I would just have to wait and see what next week's wedding brought.

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