Maybe I'm Wrong - Lewis Hamilton (Part 1)

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I hated working when it was so hot, I hated working when I could be doing other things, almost like everyone I knew. This weekend was supposed to be special, I should have been celebrating my impending wedding, this weekend was the weekend my friends and I had planned to go to Spain for my hen weekend. Everything was paid for, everything was set, until I came home two weeks ago. When I walked through the door after leaving work early, I wanted to surprise my husband to be, Matt by coming home and cooking a meal for when he arrived home from work. The problem was when I got in the driveway, his car was already parked up. Never the less I entered the home to find him on the sofa with my best friend, Sarah. 

So, everything was promptly called off. I paid my actual friends back if they couldn't get their money back leaving me very out of pocket, as for Sarah and Matt, they were welcome to each other. 

Quickly I moved out, the very same day I packed up my stuff and left, now I was living out of a hotel room with the few possessions I took with me. I guess the end of a relationship shows who your real friends are. 

And that is exactly why I am working today, it was only Friday and I was dying as I served these rude ass customers. I had signed up to an agency and I was working in a pop-up takeaway place at Silverstone for the F1 weekend. I knew nothing about the sport, nothing about the people who raced, nothing about any of it. 

"Can I get a large pepperoni pizza?" A bloke leaned over the counter as he made awkward eye contact with me. He was wearing an F1 hat, I knew from the logo on it, "Can you hurry it up?"

I smiled fakely at him, "It will be about 10 mins." I reached for a number tag, "Here."

He took the tag before disappearing into the crowds of people, I continued to take peoples orders and hand out tags then giving them their pizzas when they returned and taking the money. This went on for a good few hours, by the time my shift ended I was shattered. 

I bagged my apron and changed from my white work top into a long sleeved black blouse before heading out into the people who were milling around. I walked through and headed towards the track, I jsut wanted to see what the fuss was about. I stood behind the crowds of people and watched through the gaps as cars whizzed past quickly, I rolled my eyes before I turned around. 

"Woah, sorry," I held my hands up as I nearly walked into someone. 

He nodded at me before putting his head down pulling his cap down further so I couldn't see his face not that it mattered, his eyes were covered by a pair of sunglasses. "It's fine," he muttered before walking away. 

I watched him walk away before shrugging my shoulders and walking away. I needed to get out of here, I had to work again tomorrow, I didn't want to hang around any longer than I needed to.


Saturday morning came by too quickly, I headed to the track where I found I had been moved from the pizza place to a VIP area food restaurant. I walked there and was given a new uniform to wear on arrival, a short sleeved black shirt and a short black shirt paired with a black apron. I changed in the back before heading to the front. There I was duty to take orders, I stood by the till getting to know the prices and how to use the machine when I heard the door open. 

Looking up I raised my eyebrows when the strange man from yesterday walked through, he was wearing his cap low down and his sunglasses again. "Hello, again," I said to him as I stood up straight and smiled. 

"I'm not signing any autographs, I'm just here to get something to eat."

Wow, he was arrogant. "Well," I let out a sigh. "I don't mean to burst that little bubble of yours but I'm not quite sure I know who you are." I shrugged my shoulders as he walked closer to the counter. 

As he got closer I could see a large diamond stud in his ear and a large gold chain around his neck, he removed his sunglasses and looked at me, his dark eyes stared into mine. "Recognise me now?"

I squinted my eyes at him before handing him a menu, "Can't say that I do."

He waved his hand to a picture on the wall, I panned over to it and saw this man's face staring back at me. I looked back at the guy as he spoke, "Now?"

"Nope," I tapped on the menu in his hand, "But if you could order we could-"

"Oh my God!" I heard a shriek as the manager of the restaurant came through to the front, he looked at me disapproval in his eyes. "You cannot speak to customers this way, espcially not Lewis."

To be honest even saying his name didn't mean anything to me, I looked at the manager and just stayed silent, I wasn't too sure what to say.

The manager, Chris turned to this Lewis guy, "I am so sorry for her attitude. Please order whatever you would like, on the house." He turned back to me, "You're dismissed. Please don't return tomorrow."

I didn't argue, I didn't stand my ground. Instead I just walked away slamming the apron down on the counter, I didn't sign up to be in this restaurant anyway. Everything for me just seemed to go from bad to worse. Taking my bag I left the restaurant two minutes later, I didn't even change before I left. The sooner I was out of there the better. 

"Hey, wait!" I heard someone calling out. 

Turning I saw the guy from the restaurant jogging towards me, "Please leave me alone." 

"I didn't mean for you to get fired," he told me softly. "I am just surprised you don't know who I am."

I looked him up and down before speaking, "I have to go."

"Don't go," he smiled. "Come hang out with me, let me make it up to you."

Pursing my lips together I debated his offer in my head. I didn't really want to hang out with a stranger but it wasn't like I had anything else to do. "Just for a bit," I agreed in an unsure voice. 

"I'm Lewis," he introduced himself as he held out his hand for me. 

My eyes looked down at his hand before awkwardly shaking it, "Joanna." I told him my name queitly. 

"So, Joanna, how about we hang out, watch for racing, I'll show you my car."

I walked alongside him as he put his sunglasses back on, "I hope that's not a code for something else."

He chuckled, "I like you, I think we're going to get along just fine."

Now when he said he was going to show me his car I thought he was joking, when he walked me straight into a garage which had his face on it I was surprised, and there was his car. Surrounding his car was so many people and equipment. 

"Lewis, you can't jsut be bringing people back here," a large man headed over to us. "It's against regulation."

Lewis looked up at the man, "It's okay. Joanna here just lost her job because of me," he admitted why he'd brought me here. Not that I needed his help to lose my job, I could do that all on my own. 

My phone bleeped loudly, I pulled it from my bag as the two men spoke to each other. I looked down at it and saw it was a text from Matt telling me that he was selling the house and I needed to pick up the last of my stuff before the end of the weekend or he was going to be taking it all to the skip. I ignored it and placed my phone away before looking back up at Lewis who was watching me. 

"I should go," I told him as I hugged myself with my arms. "I kind of have an emergency."

He laughed, "It either is an emergency or it isn't. Which is it?"

"I mean I have two days, today included to get back to my old house and get all my belongings out before my ex takes them all to the skip. I guess it's kind of important to me."

He gave me a sad smile before he looked around then suggested an idea to me, "How about you hang out here with me, I get through qualifying and then I'll take you there, I'll even help you get your stuff together."

"You don't have to do that," I was shocked at his suggestion. "I can just go now."

"Please," he touched my arm. "I feel so bad about you losing your job, now this. I just want to make sure you are going to be okay."

I smiled at him, I guess making Matt wait wouldn't be such a bad thing. I had a habit of running to him whenever he called.

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