4 (2) - George Russell

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Sipping on a cocktail, my eyes glanced across the room to where my ex-boyfriend sat. Of course, I had taken a massive chance coming to this hotel hoping to actually see him. My placed my glass on the table in front of me as I watched him approach me. My heartbeat became unbearable as I kept eye contact with him, I smiled as he got closer before he silently took a seat at the table opposite me. 

My hands wrapped around my glass as we stared at each other. I didn't know what he was thinking and it killed. I wanted him to speak first but with each passing second, I knew it was going to have to be me to make the first move. 

"Hi," my voice came out in a squeak. I was always nervous around him and it showed even more so today. 

"What are you doing here, Lainey?" His question was a valid one, I noticed his bright green eyes glanced down at the engagement ring that was hugging my finger. 

I didn't know, I wish I could have answered that question properly but I could only come up with one thing. "I had to see you," I managed as he looked back into my eyes. 

He shook his head, his light brown hair moving slightly as he did before he sighed. "You know it's a bad idea coming here," he was right and I knew it. 

The problem I had with being here, was he was so intoxicating. George was not only my ex-boyfriend but my childhood sweetheart and first love. We'd started dating at the age of thirteen, our school was a place to see each other before we started to get really serious at the age of sixteen. At seventeen we even had a pregnancy scare, my life seemed to stop for a moment at that point. By the age of eighteen, I was blindly following him around the world as he chased his dream of becoming a Formula 1 driver. A year passed, my father got fed up with paying for me to do nothing but go where ever George was, he cut off my allowance and told me to go to college or get a job. Being apart from George was hard, it was even harder on our relationship before at we just stopped trying. I hated my father for what he had done, I hated myself for being so dependant on a man but it had happened. 

Today was supposed to be a test, I was supposed to come here and feel nothing but as I looked at him I knew I didn't want to continue the rest of my life without him in it. Tomorrow though, tomorrow was my wedding day and I couldn't let everyone down, not after all the money and effort that had gone into it.

"The longer you sit there, the harder it's going to be to walk away." He always spoke such sense, yet I just couldn't bring myself to walk away. 

I nodded, "I know." 

"And," he sighed as he stared at me, "The longer you stay, the harder it's going to be for me to let you walk away." I noticed the way he glanced down at my hands every few seconds before he returned his eyes to mine. 

I put my hands on my lap out of his sight, "I better go." I knew now was the time to leave, if I stayed any longer I knew I would do something that I would have to live with for the rest of my life. 

Pushing the chair out, I stood up as did he, "Lay," he used the nickname he always called me as I looked up at him. My eyes widened as I saw the way he looked at me, the same way I had looked at him the whole time we were in a relationship. "Don't go."

"I have to," I tried to be strong as I put my coat on, looking away from him. 

He walked around as I finished putting my arms in, he reached for my hands, I held them close to me as I shook my head. "Give me one good reason why you have to go," he sounded almost desperate. I knew that he was, it was how I felt when I first left him. 

I didn't want to walk away now, but I knew that if I stayed now I would forever have the reputation of a woman who cheated on her men. "Because tomorrow if my wedding day. Tomorrow is supposed to be the best day of my life, that's why."

George didn't look surprised at my outburst. Calmly he nodded, "I know. Tell me one thing, Lay, if you're so happy and you're getting married tomorrow, why are you here with me?"

He was right, I knew he was. How could I marry Jack tomorrow when today I went looking for my ex? I looked away from him as I shook my head, "I'm sorry." The words were more of a mumble as they left my lips before I quickly walked away from him. 

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