18(2) - Lewis Hamilton

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Lewis Hamilton sighed as he watched from the window, skipping up his drive was his younger sister and although she had a spring in her step he knew it wasn't natural. He might have had everything he needed and more in the world but there was one thing he knew money could not buy, happiness and that was all he wanted for his sister. 

The youngest Hamilton sibling knocked on the door to the home of her famous brother, she grinned to herself as she waited for him to answer, knowing he was home as his security let her into the grounds. When the door opened, she looked up at her brother with the widest eyes he had ever seen. 

"What have you been doing?" He asked her as he shook his head at the twenty-something. 

Pushing into his home, she took her coat off as she started to speak. "Hi Willow, how are you Willow? Would you like to come in, Willow? How are you, my dear sister?" She said all the questions she hoped he would ask her although she knew he wouldn't. Lewis seemed to ask anything but the questions she hoped he would. "I'm alright, Jack." She groaned as she turned to look at his dog, then ruffled its head. 

Lewis closed the door behind her and turned to her, she was still patting his dog who seemed to be enjoying the attention. "Hi, Willow," he gave in starting his talk as she'd asked. "Seriously, what have you bee doing? Why are you here?"

Willow stopped annoying the dog before she sat on the cold ground, the laminate flooring making her bum a little chilly. It probably didn't help that she had thin leggings on which wouldn't give her much protection against the chills. "I wanted to see my favourite brother," she stared up at him. 

He rolled his eyes at her lies. "It's only me and you here, be real."

She closed her eyes as she put her knees up and leaned her head on them. "I can't stop," she mumbled barely coherent to anyone else but her brother knew what she said, he'd heard it all before with her. 

"So, lets get you some more help."

"I don't want any more help. Going to rehab worked so well last time!" She snapped as she moved her head, her eyes glaring at him. "Stop wasting your money on me."

Lewis crossed his arms over his chest as he sighed, "So, what exactly are you doing here then? Do you need some more money to pump more drugs into your body? Maybe you are after somewhere to crash on your way down. Whatever it is, I can't help you if you are going to be like that."

The youngest Hamilton sibling got to her feet quickly, almost stumbling back down as she did. She put her right hand on the nearest wall to support herself as she pushed her greasy brown locks away from her face. "I just want to be myself," she told him as she stared at him. "Why can't I be happy?"

"Willow, do you ever think about the future?" His question was simple as he took his jacket off and slipped it around her bare shoulders. "You have so much to live for, so much you could do with your life. Please don't choose drugs over everything you could have."

She scowled at his words, "I'm not."

He raised his eyebrows, "Then let me help you. I have a friend who has been through the same thing, I can get you the best help."

Willow began to cry, her tears falling quickly but no sound came with her silent tears. She put her arms around her brother as she hugged him, Lewis put his arms around her, holding her close to him. "Last week, I fell down when I was out. I ended up the hospital, they have diagnosed me with early Parkinson's." This was the first time she'd admitted it out loud, knowing her brother wouldn't judge her. 

He kissed her hair as Lewis struggled with the right words to say. He didn't know how to help her with this. 

"I know you want to help me," she continued to speak noting her had not replied. "But I don't want help." She stood up straight and looked up at him, the innocent look gone from her eyes as she spoke. "Taking everything else makes me forget."

"I can get you help."

"Stop it, Lewis!" She abruptly shouted. "There is no help for me, this disease is going to take over my life and ruin my future. If I can numb my pain I will."

He stared at her like she was stupid. "You're going to kill yourself." His words seemed harsh but he wanted to get through to her. 

Willow laughed coldly, "I'm going to die anyway. Please, Lewis, I didn't come here to have an argument, I came here because I needed my brother." 

Lewis nodded when he saw how scared she really looked. The twenty-five-year-old had always needed more attention than himself or his brother, going off the rails at an early age. He pulled her into his arms again, holding her tightly. "I'm here for you," he assured her as he closed his eyes. "Whatever you want, whatever you need, it's yours. Please, Willow, just let me do whatever I can for you. I'm always going to be here for you."

His sister didn't reply as she smiled to herself, this was all she wanted. She needed someone to look after her and it seemed she had it in the form of her oldest brother, Lewis. 

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