The Fall - Sebastian Vettel

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The day started off so beautifully, Taylor had no doubts in her mind when she headed to the yard to see her beautiful stallion, Socks. On arrival she let her horse out into the field as she pulled on her gear, her hands struggling to do the helmet clasp as she watched Socks running on the grass. 

Giving up on her helmet she threw it to the ground before she grabbed the tack for her horse and geared him up. Trying her helmet one more time, she was relieved when it clipped into place before she climbed onto her baby. 

Jumping the fence, she rode Socks out into the wooded area that was at the back of the stables. Usually she would go with a friend, but everytone seemed to be busy today, so Taylor went alone. 

The rode peacefully for most of the day, stopping for breaks and a drink before the night started to roll in. As Taylor returned back to the stables thorugh the woods, there was a loud bang, Taylor was surprised and didn't have time to react as Socks bucked sending her flying down, her head smashing off a nearby tree before her horse in his panic ran over her stomach. 

She didn't react, she couldn't when she was unconcious. She laid on the ground, her body bruised and broken as Socks ran off leaving her alone. 


Sitting at home, Hanna glanced at the clock before looking back at her work laptop before looking back at the clock. She expected her oldest daughter home by now, she hadn't said she'd be staying out late, there was no indication that she was running late. Picking up her phone, she called the teenager but the phone just went to the voicemail box. 

Her next port of call was her husband, Taylor's father. Calling his phone, she waited as the call connected before he answered. "Hallo, Schatz." He answered the phone in a cheery voice. 

"Please tell me you have heard from Taylor," Hanna rushed her words as she got straight to the point. 

Sebastian laughed, "She's probably hanging out with that boy again. What was his name? Luke."

Hanna rolled her eyes at her husbands lose attitude. "I haven't even had a  text from her."

"So, go check down the yard. If she's not there then go to Luke's, then we can start to panic."

Hanna headed to the stables, her sister popped by to look after to the two youngest children. When Hanna arrived she found Socks wandering around in his tack and out of his field. "Where's Hanna?" She asked even though she knew the horse couldn't reply to her. She looked around, even putting her light on her phone as she called out her daughter's name loudly. 

She knew Taylor wouldn't leave Socks out and with his gear on. Taking large footsteps towards the woods, she started to run as she flashed her light around hoping to find her soon. 

"Taylor!" She called again hoping for a reply. 

Getting further into the woods, she gasped when she saw her daughter laying on the ground in the woods. She looked like she was sleeping and she would have looked peaceful if there were no bloodstains near the teen's ears and nose. "Tay," she dropped to her knees as she felt the girls skin. Her hands fumbled with her phone as she called for the emergency services, she needed to get help to her and quickly. 


Sebastian wasn't worried when Hanna called him about Taylor, it wasn't the first time she had gone missing on a whim. Sitting in his car, it was the last session in qualifying, there was less than five minutes on the clock as she watched it count down. He was currently up for a second-place on the grid but he was hoping the second run would make it a first. 

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