The Warning - DR (Part 2)

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I had never thought about the fact that Daniel might just return home. Sure it had been a while since I spoke to him but just knowing he was close by was enough for me. Sometimes it was too much for me, knowing that he was not too far away maybe with another woman who could make him feel something again. I, on the other hand, I stayed single after our marriage broke down, I went on a date with a man a hand had set me up with, but it didn't make me feel anything so I didn't pursue him. 

I returned to my seat, my hands shaking as I held my glass of wine, sipping it as I absent-mindedly stared over at my ex-husband. Why did Nico think that my words might change Daniel's mind? We've been apart for so long, I doubted that he remembered many things about me let alone let himself be affected by my words. 

"You're staring," Camilla spoke from beside me making me return to reality. 

When I actually looked forward, I noticed Daniel was looking at me too. My eyes widened for a moment before I turned away from him quickly, "I'm not feeling so well." I made an excuse as I put my wine on the table then picked up my bag from the seat next to me. "I think I might get going, try and sleep off this headache."

Camilla sighed as she put her hand on my knee keeping me in my place, "I thought you said that we were all adults here."

"I did," I agreed as I tried to play it cool. "But I have a pounding head, so-"

"I have some pills," she interrupted me as she fished in her bag before handing me a strip of painkillers. "Today is Aimee's wedding, she invited you to celebrate with her, please don't leave so soon."

Reluctantly, I reached for the tablets before nodding, "You're right." I pushed two tablets out of the strip before pretending to take them, slipping the pills into my bag to discard later. I sipped my wine before I smiled at Camilla, "I'll get the next round, what do you want?" 

She gave me her drinks order before I walked over to the bar, bag in hand. Standing leaning against the wood, I waited to be served as more people started to join around me. "Jenny," I heard my name being said in that all too familiar accent. I looked up and to my right where he stood, he gave me a wide grin as he kept his eyes on mine, "I thought it was you."

I smiled at him, my hands were clutching my bag tightly as I stared into those beautiful brown eyes. "Nice to see you again," I managed to choke out some words as I mentally scolded myself for not saying something more interesting. 

"Have you come alone?" He asked me, his eyes glancing to the table where I was sitting previously.

Taking the moment his eyes were off me, I looked him up and down, my eyes taking in his outfit and appearance. He always looked so, Daniel. Even when we were at such an event, he had his own unique twist on looking smart casual so he didn't lose that part of himself. Daniel wore the same as the rest of the wedding party him being close to Nico it made sense. Instead of the average black shoes all the others wore, Daniel wore bright yellow shoes, a little something to be himself. When I looked back up at his eyes, he was looking into mine waiting for me to answer him. 

I nodded, "I didn't bring a plus one if that's what you mean." 

Daniel looked forward to the bar, "Let me buy you a drink."

My eyes followed his, the bartender was making his way towards us, "I don't-"

"What can I get for you?" The male bartender asked as he stood in front of myself and Daniel. 

Before I could speak, Daniel was already answering. He ordered drinks for himself and his friends before he glanced at me, "What do you want?"

"Two large red wines and a pint of Guinness," I gave my order to the man who nodded before he headed off to prepare the large list of drinks. Turning back to Daniel, I noticed him looking at me. "How's work?" 

Formula One - One-Shots Collection - CompleteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora