65(TBP) - Lewis Hamilton

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Laying in the arms of my lover, I looked up at him and smiled happily as I put my hand on his chest. I could feel his heart beating rapidly under my hand as I hitch up the bed a little more before kissing him on the cheek. "What time is she home?" I asked him as I put my head on his shoulder, enjoying the feel of his toned skin beneath me. 

"She won't be home until around dinner time," he told me before kissing me on the forehead. "We have the rest of the day together."

I grinned widely before I wiggled out of his grip and staddled him before I kissed him on the lips. He put his hands on my bare hips before he smirked up at me. "What you staring at?" I asked him as I moved my hands over his chest before I leaned back down and kissed his neck slowly. 

My whole body froze in place when I heard a noise from downstairs before I heard a voice. "Seb! I'm home!" Panic flowed through my body as I got off him, his wife was home, she was down the stairs and I was in her home with her husband. 

"Shit," my voice was almost a whisper as I scrambled to pick up my clothes, throwing my dress over my body before I looked at Seb. 

He was already out of his bed pulling on his jeans, "Just," he looked around quickly before he pointed to the door that went into the hall leading to the ensuite bathroom and walk-in wardrobe. "Hurry up!"

I narrowed my eyes as I grabbed my shoes from the floor before I scrambled through as I heard footsteps on the stairs. Hiding in the wardrobe area, I crouched down behind Seb's shirts that stuck out a little from the wall. Letting out a deep breath, I shook my head to myself wondering how I had gotten myself into this stupid situation. 

As I waited, I heard the door fly open. "Look, I just want to take a shower," it was her voice. "I've missed you," I listened as they shared a kiss. "Shower with me."

"Baby," Seb replied to his wife. "You know I can't resist an offer like that." 

There were the sounds of hangers moving across the metal railing before she spoke again, "I'll meet you in there." Then I heard footsteps again before the door closed. 

A few seconds passed before I heard him hiss my name. "Corey," I slowly moved out of the clothes before I looked up at him. "We've gotta get you out of here."

"No shit," I whispered. I was ready to slap him for being so obvious. Pulling my knickers on then my jacket before I looked at him, "Get me out then."

Seb walked towards the door, opening it slightly to look out before he waved me over to let me know the coast was clear. As I walked through, I could hear the shower running, in the shower behind the frosted glass was the silhouette of his wife. Moving quickly, we glided through the house before he ushered me out of the front door silently. 

When the door closed behind me and I slipped my shoes on, I knew things had to change. I would always be the other woman, no kiss before I left, nothing, just creeping around and pushing me out before his wife found us together. 


Arriving back at the hotel, I slipped into my room before jumping into my own shower. I hated how dirty I felt right now. I scrubbed my skin, scrubbing until it felt raw. Once I got out, I pulled a large bath towel around my body before I looked in the mirror. 

I closed my eyes as I looked away from myself, I pulled the towel off before I dressed in my pyjamas that were on the back of the door. Once I left the bathroom, I let out a scream when I saw my close friend, Lewis sitting on the bed, arms crossed over his chest and a scowl on his face. 

"We didn't get adjoining rooms for you to just walk in," I sighed as I walked over towards him before I sat on the bed next to him. 

He laughed, "That's exactly why we got them." Lewis raised his eyebrows, "Where have you been, Corey?" His playful tone had disappeared, now he was serious as he stared at me. 

"Just partying," I lied as I laid back on my bed. 

Lewis groaned as he got to his feet, "I know where you have been."

"Why ask then?" I shot back as I rolled my eyes before climbing further up my bed then getting under my blankets. "I don't have the energy for a lecture."

He sat on the chair by the side of the bed, his feet up on the side of my bed. "You're back early? I thought Hanna wasn't back to this evening." 

I glared at him, "Leave it out, Lewis!" I threw the spare pillow at him which he caught. 

"What happened?" His voice was quiet and calm as he asked me. 

He looked like he felt sorry for me at this moment in time. I needed him as a friend right now. "I don't know," I mumbled. "One second we were alone, then she just came home." I buried my head in my blanket before I spoke more. "He just hid me in his wardrobe before pushing me out of the house."

"You have to remember, Corey, you are the other woman."

Looking over at him, I nodded. My voice was weak and quiet, "I know."

"You do this to yourself, when are you going to learn to respect yourself." Lewis was harsh with me as he tried to get me to see sense. "I love you, Corey, but this whole thing baffles me."

Jesus, I hated it when he was right. He always knew the worst things to say, the words that would weight the most on my mind. "Why do you have to be like this?"

"Because unfortunately, I am your best friend. Because I don't want to see you coming home hurt every time you've been with him." He got out the chair before sitting at the top of the bed with me, I laid my head on his left thigh, his hands playing with my hair as he spoke. "He's never going to leave Hanna, you're always going to be sneaking around with him."

I just couldn't bear to look at him. Not when he cared so much and only wanted to help me. The truth was, you can't help someone who's in love. 

"You and him, it's not meant to be. I don't even understand the attraction between the two of you. How did this even start?" Lewis spoke quickly and asked questions. When I didn't reply, he stopped playing with my hair. "You love him, don't you?"

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