Perfect - Lando Norris

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I heard his voice, my eyes looked up from my laptop, stopping my college work as I saw his face. There on the screen, the same lad I was hanging out with just three days ago, my best friend, Lando. Even though he'd made it big and was now famous, nothing about him had changed in the slightest.

"Well, well, well," I heard my brother, Joey's voice. Turning my head quickly I saw him standing in the doorway with his arms crossed across his chest and a slight smirk on his face as he looked at me. "Watching lover boy again?"

Picking up my pencil I threw it across the room at my older brother, "Shut up!" I narrowed my eyes and shook my head at him. "Don't you have anything better to do?" I asked as I looked at the pencil which did not even touch him, it ended up falling to the floor long before it got to him. 

He bent down to pick up the pencil before he laughed, "I suppose if you want me to go away you won't want what I have for you." He taunted as he reached into his jeans pocket as he straightened up and waved a few small bits of paper around. 

"I'm sure I will live," I looked away from my brother to see Lando had gone from the screen. I was a little disappointed if I was honest, not he would have known anyway. We'd been friends for eight years now, even going to school together, time had changed my opinion of him though. 

We'd started as less than friends, to be honest, at one point I really didn't like him. When he transferred to my school, I had a close-knit bunch of friends and all it took was my friend, Finn to bring him into the group. At the time I had been with my boyfriend, Nate, then along came Lando and things seemed to change within the group. 

I found the relationship I had with Nate changing, growing apart. The friendships with my friends seemed to be strained. Maybe it was my imagination at the time, but I swear people around me started to like me less. we spend less time together. I watched these very same people hang out with Lando, he was new, he was like a toy. 

Nate and I broke up within a year, not that it mattered. The relationship between us was just childish, anyway, so it wasn't like I was going to miss it. Then things really did change, the people who used to be my friend no longer was. The people around me were no longer interested in me and in a way that didn't matter to me any more. I found myself excelling in new ways without those people holding me back. 

With my newfound free time, I had started to do things I had never done before. That was when I really met Lando. My older brother's, the triplets, Joey, Harry and Phillip were all into karting, at the time they were all so good at it. Watching them on the track was where I saw Lando. 

The first day I saw him there, he came over to talk to me after he'd beaten everyone on the track. He ended up telling me he was only there for a bit of fun, he'd already started climbing through the ranks in the professional driving sport. He offered to show me how to drive a kart, he even offered to show me his racing car, I refused. None of it interested me, Lando did though. He became friends with me and my brothers and through the years we became close. 

I was there through his career, not that any of it mattered to me. Things started to change though, the way I felt about him changed. I found myself staring at him a little longer, hanging off his every word, laughing at his lame ass jokes and reading too much into everything he said. 

"Oh come on," Joey teased as he danced into the living room waving the white papers near me. "You don't even know what they are."

Looking up at him I shrugged my shoulders, "Do I look like I even care?"

Joey put the papers in front of my face, then I looked at them and realised what they really were. As I went to grab them, Joey pulled them away from my grasp. "Oh, you care now?"


Standing on the pit straight I looked into the garages that belonged to the Formula One drivers. Joey had been the best brother in the world, buying tickets to the Formula One weekend, although we'd missed the Friday and Saturday, well I had missed them, turns out Joey had gone on Friday to support one of his friends, he then took me along on Sunday. 

Looking up at the garage boards, I smiled to myself when I saw Lando's face next to his number staring back at me. Looking down into his garage I saw him in his overalls, he was looking at his phone with his right headphone in his ear. 

A nudge from Joey brought me back to the real world, "Why don't you go and say hello?" He winked at me as he stood next to me and looked in the same direction I was looking in. 

"Why don't you shut the fuck up?" I groaned as I looked up at my brother before I looked back at Lando's garage. I had an idea, I took my phone from my pocket, opening my social media I sent a picture of my face to Lando with a funny caption about being bored. 

Watching him I heard his text tone go off, a moment past before he laughed and replied to me, he sent me a picture of his face, I watched him take a selfie before sending it to me. I opened it and there in the background was me, I giggled to myself before I screenshotted the pic and drew a ring around myself before sending it back to him. Joey let out a noise of disapproval before walking away leaving me alone. 

Two minutes later he turned around and looked straight at me. I smiled at him, a grin spread across his face as he walked towards me. He pulled me close to him, into a hug and wrapped his arms around me. "What are you even doing here, Lace?" He asked as he held me tightly.

"I had to see a friend, give him some good luck."

He pulled away and looked at me, standing in front of me with a smile on his face. "I'm glad you're here actually." He put his arm around my shoulder, "Come with me, I have someone here I would like you to meet." He escorted me into his garage, his arm around me before he dropped it as we stopped in front of a young woman around my age. "Lace, this is Chelsea."

I smiled at her as she beamed at me. "So, you're the famous Lacey? Lando has told me so much about you." 

"All good I hope," I said as I managed to keep my voice normal as I watched as they held hands in front of me. "Oh, you two?" I laughed nervously. 

Lando nodded, "I wanted to introduce you Chelsea the other day but she was busy." 

She looked at me, her pink lips were so full and her blonde hair was so shiny and glossy in the sunlight. Of course Lando and her were together, she looked so perfect. 

"I hope that me and you are going to be good friends," she was so kind as she looked at me like I was the most important person in the world. I understood that Lando and I weren't meant to be, not right now, Chelsea was here and right now she was right for him. 

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