Little Sister - Nico Hulkenberg

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Standing in the garage with my headphones on, I watched as my brother went raced around the track here in his home country. I think sometimes people were so hung up on Sebastian Vettel being from Germany that they forgot about my brother. I smiled as he managed to overtake one of the car belonging to Romain Grosjean before settling in ninth place. 

It wasn't like it was my first time to the track, every year I came here to cheer him on from the garage. The only difference this year was the fact that I was I had some big news for him. For now, though I would not break the routine, I would cheer him on from his garage before we returned to our hometown where our parent's lived before going out as a family for a meal. Nico would bring his partner, our parents would be there together, and I would bring my partner, this being the first time for me. 

As the race came to a close I waited for my brother to return to the garage with his car, ninth was an excellent finish for him, earning some points and a slap on the back from his boss. I hugged him when he had finished getting praise from his team, "Well done."

"It was okay," he told me as he sighed and pulled out of my grip. "Look, I have to get weighed, but then I'm heading to the paddock from some interviews. You might as well go and find something to do while you wait for me."

"Sure," I shrugged my shoulders before he left me standing there. 

He'd had a bit of a moment on the track with another driver, and I was sure all the journalists would have a lot of questions about the incident. I didn't need to ask him anything; I was convinced that he was going to mention it tonight. The post-race meal with our family was the same every year, big congratulations to Nico and then he'd spend the night telling our parent's what happened on the track from his point of view. 

Leaving the headphones on the sideboard, I picked up my handbag from the floor before slinging it over my head and letting it rest over my right shoulder and heading out the garage. I looked over at the car my brother had been driving before I walked along the pits. 

I smiled to myself when I saw him, the man I would be bringing along to dinner with me tonight. I didn't think he would see me, but he turned around and glanced at me, a smile and a wink was sent my way before he returned to whatever he was doing before. I couldn't help but feel a little gooey inside as I looked down at the floor for a moment, my cheeks heating up and reddening as I thought about him. I honestly had no idea how the evening was going to go, but I was happy he was going to be there with me. 

I continued walking on, for a moment glancing back at the man who I would be introducing to my family. This time last year we had barely uttered two words to each other, but now I found myself at a point where I was so tragically in love with him it scared me. 

"Cat!"I heard someone shouting my name. 

Awkwardly I turned to see who it was before I smiled at the familiar face of Kimi Raikkonen who headed my way before pulling me into a hug. "Hi, Kimi. Sorry about your race." I gave him a sad smile as I pulled from his grip and looked up at him. 

"Not your fault, doll." He winked at me before he kissed me on the forehead. 

I narrowed my eyes at him, I wanted to ask him questions, but I didn't want to give anything away if he didn't know anything. It all seemed a little suspect that he was using the nickname I'd become accustomed to hearing from my secret partner. "I'm heading to the paddock," I told him as I changed the subject. 

Kimi put his arm around my shoulder and smiled, "Well, what would you know, so am I."

He had been a good friend of my brother's for a long time; I let him keep his arm around me as we casually walked along to the paddock. I smiled up at Kimi as he looked down at me. "Where's your wife today?" I asked him we neared the paddock where a few of the drivers were doing interviews already.

"She's about somewhere," he told me as he took his arm from around me when she came into his view. "Min," he smiled as she neared us. 

Her lights lit up as she got closer to us, "Well done, babe." She spoke to her husband before she turned to me, "Nice to see you again, Catarina." She gave me a small hug, "Has Nico told you about the plans for the evening?"

I raised my eyebrows, "Plans? We're going out with our parents."

Minttu waved her hand, "I must have misheard." She looked at her husband, "Shall we go?"

Kimi nodded, "I'm sure I'll see you around, Cat."

Bidding them goodbye I walked on, my eyes flitting around seeing who was in the paddock. I could see my brother giving an interview, behind him I could see the man who I would be introducing as my boyfriend to my brother tonight. I smiled; my eyes lighting up as both my brother and my boyfriend looked at me. 

I walked towards the paddock, Nico continued his interview without batting an eyelid. I looked past him and towards my boyfriend, only for a moment before returning my gaze to my brother before walking away. I would have time this evening to see my boyfriend, depending on Nico anyway.


The evening came around too quickly, Nico informed me we'd be meeting at a different restaurant to normal. I didn't complain; I just went along with it. Nico's girlfriend, Egle, picked me up at about 7. Driving me to the restaurant, "Why this one?" I asked as we walked towards it after she parked up. 

"I think Nico wanted a change," she informed me. "You know how he can be."

Laughing I put my head on her shoulder, "Thank you for picking me up. I think I might need a drink or two tonight."

Egle shook her head as I straightened up as we stood together outside the door. I wanted a moment before I was there with my family. "Is Nico in a good mood?" I asked her as I leaned my back against the door and looked at the woman who was special to my brother. 

She smiled at me, "I'm sure whatever is bugging you won't be a problem." She reached forward and placed a hand on my arm, "I promise."

This woman was one in a million; I grinned at her before she reached for the door and we entered the pub. I followed her through the restaurant before she got to a table; it was set for six people already. I hadn't told anyone about bringing him along, so I was confused about it. 

My parents greeted me as I took a seat, my eyes looking around. "Where's Nico?" I asked after a few minutes as I looked between Egle and my parents.

"He's running late," my mother told me slowly. "He text and said he was stuck in traffic."

I looked at the empty chair next to me, "Is someone else coming along?" 

Egle laughed, "Don't be ridiculous. They just didn't have a table for five."

Well, I felt like a bit of an ass right there and then. 

Five minutes passed before I heard my brother's voice. I looked up at him as I got to my feet. "Nico!" I was loud as I stepped out from the table and walked towards him, when he walked closer to me, I froze as I saw who was behind him. 

Nico grinned as he looked back at the man behind him before he looked back to me, everyone standing close to the table. "Cat, you remember Kevin, right?"

I squirmed as I realised he knew, of course, my brother knew. He knew everything. 

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