First Time - Sebastian Vettel

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Flashing my badge at the security guard I smiled as I walked through into the VIP area of the pits. Even after two years of marriage I had never once made an appearance at any track that my husband raced at. Today was different though, it had his birthday and I was going to surprise him. I had paid alot of money to be here today and it didn't even matter. 

As I weaved my way through people keeping my head down holding the red cap down by the peak, my long caramel hair freely blowing in the wind and around my face. As I neared the Ferrari garage I peeked over and spied my husband. He was in the garage with a smile on his face as a few other stood with him, they seemed to be looking at a tablet.

I moved closer, taking small steps towards the garage before I was stopped by a rather burly hand. "No closer, love," the voice was deep and gruff as I looked up a little at the security guard who was stopping me. 

Reaching for my pass I tried to show him not wanting to make a scene. I knew that the pass didn't give me access to the garages but it was worth a try, right? "I have this," I said in a small quiet voice. 

"That is an access pass for the pit stretch, no garages."

My eyes looked up at this man, I wanted to plead with him but I knew just by looking at this man that I was wasting my time. I gave him a smile before I looked over at my husband, obviously he was obilivious to the situation. My eyes turned back to the beefy man in front of me, "But I have come all this way." 

"Rules are rules," he reminded me. "Now please return to the stretch before I have you removed."

I smiled before I spoke, "My husband is in there." I pointed over at the Ferrari garage, my finger pointing at Sebastian. 

The man in front of me laughed, "Oh, sure he is." He shook his head as he stopped cackling. "You wouldn't believe how many times I have heard that one."

Reaching for my bag I pulled my purse out, I fumbled around before pulling out my driving licence and a photo of myself with my husband on our wedding day. The man in frotn of me took them before he looked at them. I watched him as he stared down at the items in his hands before he looked back at me, his eyes returned to the photo then he looked over at Sebastian who still continued to look at the tablet. 

"I'm sorry," the man mumbled as he handed me my belongings which I dumped into my bag before he offered his hand to the side. 

A smile crept across my lips before I walked past him and headed to the garage, my feet light as I wore canvas trainers. A couple of people noticed me as I approached Sebastian from behind, I put my finger to my lips as I wanted to keep them quiet. 

When I was behind him I tiptoed up and placed my hands over my husband's eyes, "Guess who." My voice was a whisper as I smiled to myself. 

He didn't speak, he pulled my hands from his eyes as he turned around and stared at me. A grin spread across his lips as he shook his head slightly, disbelief on his face as he continued to look at me. 

"Surprise," I shrugged my shoulders as I waited for him to finally say something. 

His hands reached for me before he pulled me into a hug, my arms wrapping around his neck as he lifted me off the ground, just a little. "What are you doing here, hase?" He used his pet name for me as I breathed in his scent, my head close to his neck.

"I wanted to see you," I told him as he put me down, allowing me to stand on my own two feet again. "It is your day after all," I reminded him of his birthday today.

He couldn't take his eyes off of me, his grin getting wider by the second as he reached for the red cap on my head and pulled it off. "There's my beautiful wife," he winked as he chucked the cap towards his racing car. "I wish you had told me you were coming."

"But if I told you," I smiled up at him, "It wouldn't have been a surprise." Reaching forward and taking hid right hand in mine I laced my fingers between his. "And I know you love surprises."

He raised his eyebrows at me as the grin left his face and was replaced by a thin line of his lips. "You are trouble," he pointed out before he let out a chuckle. "Come on, hase," he motioned for me to follow him as he pulled me along through the garage. 

As I walked through, I heard a few mumbles of hello to me, I might not have shown up on race days before but I had met quite a few of his work colleagues at various social gatherings. I smiled to myself as the grip on my hand tightened then he took me into another room. 

I looked around as he closed the door behind me before disconnecting our hands and sitting on the sofa. There was not much in here, a sofa, a telly, a games console and a coffee table which was at the side of the room, nothing special at all. "Tell me," he looked up at me as he leaned forward in his seat, his elbows resting on his knees as he pulled me towards him via the loose flowing material of my dress. 

Stepping between his legs I looked down at him, "Tell you what?" I slowly wetted my top lip with my tongue as I stared at him. There was just something about him, even now, five years after starting our relationship, two years into our marriage and when we were alone like this, when he held me tightly, when he looked at me like 'that', I felt that tense feeling in the pit of my stomach, the tightening in my knickers. 

"Lene," he spoke my name, his German accent heavy as he did. He right hand moved under my dress, his hand slowly teasing it's way up my leg. "Why are you really here?"

As his hand reached the inside of my thighs and continued to work his way up I reached for his it and quickly removed it. "I wanted to see you," I told him as I held his hand, my fingers lacing between his. He looked up at me, there was an unreadable look on his face. I wasn't sure, it looked a little like disappointment and paranoia, I knew the look so well as I had perfected it in my last relationship. "Sebastian," I spoke his name when he took his hand from mine. 

"I'm not doing this right now," he told me before he stood up and putting his hands on my shoulders he guided me out of his way before he let me go and headed to the door. "I have a race to get to."

Standing in front of the door I shook my head at him, "Don't go, don't go out there without hearing what I have to say."

He eyed me suspiciously, "And what do you have to say?"

I reached for his hand but he moved it away from me, "I'm pregnant." This moment should have been more joyeous but he'd tainted it by assuming the worse. Why would he think anything but good news? I wouldn't waste my time travelling all this way to deliver him bad news?

"Pregnant?" He stepped back a little as he stared at me. 

My hands shook as I waited to see what he was going to say next. 

No words were needed though, he quickly scooped me up into his arms, his lips finding mine like the bad words and looks we shared never happened. His hands held me tightly, his grip was comforting and everything I ever wanted in my husband. 

"I am-" he started to speak but I stopped him as I put my finger to his lips. 

I gave him a small smile, "It's okay. I love you."

His fingers trailed over my arms before they ghosted over my non-existent bump, "You are so beautiful." He leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek before he stared into my soul. "I love you, my Lene."

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