Best Friends - Pierre Gasly

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Everything was so tense at the moment. Right now, I was sitting in a pub with my two closest friends listening to one of them talk about how he'd been dumped, which I might add was almost a month ago and the other one couldn't stop talking about how happy he was with his upcoming wedding. I was the odd one out, I had never been in a proper relationship, choosing to have meaningless one night stands and friends who I sleep with rather than settling down with. Relationships were something of a strange concept to me, I just couldn't understand the appeal of wanting to be someone's everything, I was happy being with myself, I didn't want anyone else in that empty space right now. 

"I just can't believe she left me," Pierre whined the same sentence for the third time that evening. He looked at me as he grabbed my hand over the table, "Will you speak to her for me?"

Pulling my hand away from his I rolled my eyes, "Give over." I looked at George for support before I returned to look at Pierre, "It's been a month, mate. Maybe it's time you tried to move on."

He looked at me like I was an alien as he shook his head. "She's just so perfect."

"I spoke to Liv about it all last night," George finally piped up as he mentioned his wife to be. "I think it's time to face facts," he glanced at me before he looked at Pierre. "She just doesn't want to be with you any more."

I turned my head to look at George, "When did you get so savage?" I laughed as I put my hand on his shoulder before I shook my head. "Look," I returned my gaze to Pierre, "What will it take to get her out of your system?" My eyes scanned the pub, "What about the blonde by the window?" 

Pierre didn't even look over, "I don't want anyone else."

Moving my hand from George I sighed loudly. "Between the two of you I am getting a headache." I looked at George, "You need to go home and see Liv." I turned my attention back to Pierre, "And you, you need to just get laid."

George slapped me on my exposed back, the joys of wearing certain women's clothing, "I have a brilliant idea." He announced loudly. 

"Me too," I gritted my teeth as I spoke. "Slap me again and you'll lose your hand."

He laughed before he looked between myself and Pierre, "Why don't you two just, you know?"

I slapped my hand down on George's thigh making him get to his feet and move away from me, "Maybe you should shut up." 

George laughed, "I was just making an observation. Hold long have you two been friends? It won't be-"

"George, please!" Pierre turned his nose up as he looked at him. "No offence, Lilah, but no."

"Well, I'm a little offended," I told him as I flipped my red hair over my right shoulder. "And what exactly is there to say no to right now?"

Pierre looked at me with confusion in his eyes, "What are you talking about?"

"There you were saying I'm that repulsive that you wouldn't sleep with me, so what is it that you don't like?" I asked him not letting the subject go. 

George returned to his seat as he smirked watching the two of us. 

I watched as Pierre looked at George for support but he shrugged his shoulders and watched on with a gleeful look on his face. Pierre looked back at me, "It's not exactly anything to do with how you look."

Tapping my fingernails on the table in front of me, I waited as he fell silent. "Look, Pierre, you aren't exactly someone I would take home either."

"You aren't normally this picky," Pierre piped up with a smirk on his lips. 

Raising my eyebrows at him, I pouted my lips as I thought for a second before I spoke. "I don't normally have this much conversation with the men I choose." 

George laughed as he sat at my side, "I'm going now, guys. One of us has someone to go home to."

I sent a glare at George before I smiled, "Enjoy your mundane evening," I winked at him. I always wound him up, saying how boring being with the same person was. 

He rolled his eyes, "One day you'll find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with and I'll remind you of your words."

"Good luck," I laughed as I looked away from him. 

Pierre muttered a goodbye as George left leaving the two of us alone. 

I looked at the man before me, I'd been friends with Pierre for almost four years now. He'd been there for me through some pretty difficult times as had I for him. 

"Shall we get another round in?" Pierre asked me with a slight smile on his lips. "Maybe some shots."

Narrowing my eyes at him I replied in a salty tone, "I wouldn't want you to dirnk too much that you find me a little less repulsive."

He groaned, "You know I don't mean it that way." 

I laughed, "Me and you both know that I intimidate you." I teased him as I got to my feet, "Come on, Gasly. I need a drink."

He got to his feet as I turned away from him. His hand grabbed mine pulling me back to him, I turned back to face him but he didn't speak, instead he pulled me close. He leaned close, our lips almost touching before he spoke, "There is nothing about you that scares me, Lilah."

"Prove it," I dared him as we kept eye contact. 

Pierre didn't need telling twice, his eyes closed as he kissed me, his lips touching mine before he took control of the kiss as I closed my eyes also. His tongue finding the small space between my lips before meeting my own. My hands tangled in his hair as I let him take out his sadness on me. I was letting him use me for his own gain, to make him feel better no matter the cost to our friendship. 

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