Surprise - Pierre Gasly

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Holding the hand of her little sister, Aveline smiled as she made it home from the shops. "Mother!" Aveline called as she entered the family home, she looked at her little sister, Mimi, "Take your shoes off and hang your coat up."

"Av," their mother appeared from the kitchen. "Why are you yelling?"

Aveline rolled her eyes, "I was not yelling. I was making sure you knew I was home." Sometimes she could act immature for her age; she was not quite ready to grow up yet even though she was 20. 

"You best go and get washed up, ready for lunch." She took the bag from her daughter before she smiled widely. "Then I have a surprise for you."

Aveline groaned before she kicked her sneakers off and headed up the stairs. She trudged to her bedroom where she changed from her sweats into something a little more acceptable for lunch, a pair of leggings and long blue jumper before going into the bathroom and washing her hands. 

Aveline's family was a bit of a traditional family; you had to look smart for mealtimes, wash your hands before eating and be on time. As the middle child, Aveline found everything difficult for herself. Her older brother had moved on with his life, getting a full-time career, spending time away from home and travelling the world with work. Her young sister, Mimi, was a result of her mother's new marriage; therefore, this young girl could do no harm. Aveline found that since her older brother, Pierre left home and Mimi and her father, Robert, came along, she was lost. 

Pierre only returned back to the family home several times a year, leaving his sister feeling very alone. 

"Hurry up, Avvie!" Young Mimi shouted up the stairs getting the attention of the woman, who was staring at her in the mirror. 

Rolling her eyes at the child, she ran her hands over her face before turning away and leaving the bathroom and heading down the steps and into the kitchen. Her lights lit up, and a smile crossed her lips when she saw her brother standing by the back door. 

"Oh, my God!" She shrieked as she stepped towards him and pulled him into a hug. "When did you get home?"

He wrapped his arms around her as he smiled, letting out a chuckle at his sister's emotions. "When you were out, I thought I would surprise you." He answered her as he rested his head against hers. They had always been quite close as children and even closer when their parent's divorced. 

Aveline stepped away and looked at her older brother, a smile on her face at all times. She couldn't believe he was standing in front of her right now. She had missed him so much, she didn't even know how to explain that to him without sounding creepy. 

"How long have we got until lunch, Mere?" Pierre asked his mother, who was watching them as she leaned against the sideboard. 

She smiled at her oldest children, "About fifteen minutes."

Pierre grinned widely, "Let's go." He grabbed Aveline's right hand before pulling her out of the kitchen. 

"Where are we going?" She asked him as she took wide steps to keep up with him dragging her. 

He took her out of the house, ignoring the fact that she had bare feet before he opened the garage. Aveline stood there like an idiot as she stared at the car that was parked in there. It was a yellow Ford Mustang, a vehicle Pierre had admitted to his sister that he had wanted for a long time. 

"What do you think?" He asked her as he looked at her waiting for her to speak. 

Aveline smiled as she looked at him, "It's gorgeous." She took a few steps forward and ran her fingers along the bonnet of the car. "I can't believe you brought one."

He laughed, "What else am I going to do with all my money?"

She looked back at him and shook her head, playfully, "Sub some to your baby sister."

"Sure, where is Mimi?" He teased her as he put his hand into his pocket and pulled out his keys to the vehicle. "Wanna start it up?"

Aveline looked at the keys in his hand before she looked back at the car, she couldn't turn down this opportunity, he might never let her do it again. "Sure," she swiped the keys from him before unlocking the car and getting in, a smirk on her face as she closed the door. 

She pressed on the startup button as the engine roared to life, her eyes lit up happily as she enjoyed this moment. 

The passenger door opened, and Pierre climbed in next to her, "It's weird sitting here." He told her as he closed the door and looked at his sister. 

Aveline laughed at him, "You drive all day when you are working. I am sure you are fine there for two minutes."

He rolled his eyes at her, "Yes. I am fine here while you don't move this car." 

She turned off the engine and turned in her seat and faced her brother, "How did you know that racing is what you wanted to do for the rest of your life?"

Pierre looked at her, seriousness sweeping across his face. "I just couldn't imagine myself doing anything else. Honestly, if you want something enough and work for it, you can do whatever you want." He looked at her as she listened, "What's going on, Av?"

Aveline sighed as she rested her hands on her lap. "I just don't know what I want. I know what I don't want."

"That's a good start," he laughed as he rested his left arm on the dashboard. "You have your whole life to decide, you don't have to pick anything now."

"I want to move out," she admitted to her brother. He would be the only one who would understand how she was feeling right now. "Living here is driving me crazy."

Pierre sighed, "You are just blue because Mere's having another baby."

She raised her eyebrows, her mother had not wasted any time filling Pierre in about her newly discovered pregnancy. Maybe Aveline was a little jealous, it was another person to fill her mother's time, leaving Aveline less and less time with her. 

"You should be happy for her," he reminded his sister. "Don't you remember how much she needed you when she was pregnant with Mimi?"

Aveline looked at her brother through narrowed eyes. "I was only a teenager, I shouldn't have been the one to have to look after her. I wanted to be out having fun. Even now, I have to look after the brat. I just want my own life."

"Get a job then," Pierre told her. "If you want, I can put a word in, Daniil needs a new press assistant."

"A what?" I questioned, confused. 

"You follow him around with a dictaphone and record whatever he says to any press," he told his little sister. "Look, if you're serious, I can put a word in, see what I can do."

Aveline shrugged her shoulders, "Maybe you're right. Maybe, for now, I need to stay here and help Mere."

He reached forward and hugged her even though they were in the car, "Right now you just need to take some time and think about what you need. Mere needs you here at the moment, you will have plenty of time to do whatever you want when you actually know what you want."

"Pierre! Aveline!" Their mother called from the house. "Lunch!"

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