18 (2) - Lando Norris

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Gripping my phone tightly, I smiled widely as I approached the man I had been seeing on and off for the past year. I say on and off because well we just couldn't make up our mind about each other. Don't get me wrong, Lando is a fucking brilliant guy, I am pretty sure he's probably my soulmate but, and there is always going to be a but where he is involved. I, Nicole Ramsey, have my own fame to deal with let alone being thrust into the spotlight as the girlfriend of a Formula One driver. 

"Hey," he grinned as he stopped in front of me then put his arms around me, kissing me on the cheek before he looked at me, stepping back after a quick embrace. 

I stared up into his beautiful eyes, "Hi." There was something about him that made my insides go all gooey like a creme egg, maybe it was that adorable smile, those sexy blue eyes that look straight into my soul or maybe, just maybe it was just the way he held me and made me feel safe whenever I was with him. 

We walked together towards the front door of my home, our shoulders bumping into each other playfully, smiling up at each other. Just as I reached forward for the handle, the door was pulled open revealing my father who raised his eyebrows as he looked between us. 

"Dad," I widened my eyes as I looked up at him waiting for him to say something annoying. 

My father stepped out of the house, me and Lando stepping back before Lando spoke. "Hey, Mr Ramsey, how are you?" He offered my dad his hand to shake, I watched holding my breath before my dad shook his hand and smiled at him. 

"Nice to see you again," my dad nodded at him as he took his hand back. "Will you be staying for dinner this evening?"

I looked at Lando and waited for him to answer, I had not even thought about it if I was honest. My family knew all about the on and off business between us therefore I didn't think my father would be so polite to extend the invitation. 

Lando's smile was perfect before he replied, "Only if it's not too much trouble." He was so courteous to my mother and father whenever he met them, something I had always wanted in a partner. 

My dad nodded slightly, "It's no trouble at all. I'm just heading to the store," he looked at me with raised eyebrows, "No funny business." Then he winked before he walked passed up leaving me with Lando on the doorstep. 

I shrugged my dad's words off as I stepped into the house, Lando following closing the door behind him before we slipped our shoes off. "So, I just brought that new Call of Duty game," I hinted as I tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear. 

"Let's go," he headed up the stairs instantly before I had a chance to say anything else. 

Following him, I laughed when I got up the stairs a few seconds behind him. He was already making himself comfy on my overly large bed with my favourite Xbox controller in his hand. "Oh come on," I tried to pull it out of his hands as I climbed on the bed next to him. 

"I'm guest, Nicki," he reminded me before sticking his tongue out at me. 

Crossing my arms over my chest, I laid back and watched him as he loaded up the game. Unfortunately, the game only had the option to be one player, so I had no choice but to watch him. I enjoyed it though, he was so engrossed in it that I just couldn't keep my eyes off him. 

There was something sexy about the way he held the controller, his fingers sliding over the buttons and pressing them powerfully with every move he made. My eyes moved to his face, his enticing eyes were wide as they stared at the screen and his lips were pressed into a tight thin line as he concentrated on the match he was currently playing. 

Then I realised what I felt for him was more than infatuation, that moment I felt that spark, I knew this was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. "Lando?" I said his name quietly as I sat up next to him, my voice cracking a little and my hands shaking as I held him in my sights. 

"Hmm, yeah?" He didn't look over at me, his eyes still on the game. 

How was I supposed to tell him I was in love with him? I bit my lip as I tried to think of something to say, my eyes looking down at my black cotton sheets, a fold catching my attention. 

I heard the sound of the game stop, "Nicki, what's up?" He sounded concerned as I felt the bed shift next to me. 

Closing my eyes, I breathed heavily before I looked up at him, my hazel eyes meeting his hypnotic blue ones. "Do you ever think about the future?"  I watched as he furrowed his brows and looked away from me for a second. Looking away wasn't a good sign, was this nothing to him, did he not feel the same as me?

Looking down again, I tried not to act any different but he brought me back to the room when his fingers lifted my jaw so I met his eyes again. "Whatever happens I know I don't want to do it without you," he told me as he kept his hand under my chin. "I don't wanna go to every race without you, I don't wanna go home to a bed where you aren't."

I couldn't drag my eyes from his as I took a deep breath. He didn't stop there though, he continued to tell me sweet words that were like music to my ears. "If you want to be together, I mean properly, then tell me now, Nicola. If we're wasting our time here then lets just end it now."

"No," I was quick to speak up. "I want everything that you want, I think I am in love with you." I gulped hard as I finally told him. 

"I know I am falling in love with you," he told me as he took both of my hands in his. "I know there is no one else I want to spend my time with, there is no one else that makes me feel all the things you do." He pulled me down, laying next to me as he looked into my eyes, "So, what's in our future then?"

My lips curled as I felt his right hand on my hip as his gaze became intense. "Marriage," I said which was more of a suggestion before he smiled giving me encouragement to continue. "Maybe children, three," I said braved it, having children was something I knew I wanted in my life, not yet, but definitely in the future.

"Ah, Lando Jr and his two baby brothers," Lando laughed heartily as he snuggled closer to me. "One day, Nicola."

"What do you want?" I asked him as I rested my left hand on his chest feeling his heartbeat, it was rapid as he stared at me. 

He grinned, "You, a world championship and a beautiful house somewhere in the country. Everything else is just a bonus."

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