8(TBP) - Marcus Armstrong

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"You English people are crazy," Charlotte said as she handed me the textbook from Physics. "Why do the parents give their children strange names?" She smiled as I took the book from her. 

I sat back on the chair and laughed as I thought about her question. "I quite like my name," I shook my head at her as I pulled my pen out of my ponytail. "Anyway, I wanna get this homework finished."

Charlotte got up from her bed before closing the book I had just opened, "There is no way you are doing that right now." She walked towards her closest before opening it, "Marcus is coming home today. He should be home any minute, dad went to pick him up for the airport about an hour ago."

Smiling, I watched her as she picked out a jacket. Charlotte and her family had taken me in on an international placement with the school I was attending. My family was in England but my father wanted me away from the spotlight he had found himself in being a multimillionaire. Sending me to a private school in New Zealand was perfect, in his eyes anyway. I'd been placed with the Armstrong family who let me live in their home like I was one of their own. My father sent them money to make sure that all my expenses were covered whilst I stayed there, which was good for everyone. 

"He's only here for the week though," Charlotte sighed as she slipped the jacket around her. "Then he's flying out to Australia," she sat on the bed and looked at me. 

I crossed my right leg over my left as I smiled, "Don't you miss him?"

"Of course," she waved my question off as she sat back on her bed. 

"Charlotte!" I heard her mother shouting, "Tuesday!"

Charlotte got to her feet before pulling me up to mine, "Let's go then," her voice was loud as she pulled my hand before she let go running ahead.

When I got down the stairs, I walked through to the living room where the family was greeting their oldest child. For a moment, I felt like I shouldn't be there until Marcus looked up at me. "Well, hello, Wednesday." I'd first met him when I came to NZ this school year, the banter and chemistry between us was almost electric and only when he looked at me did I realise how much I missed him even though I had only known him a short while. "Nice to see you again, your hair looks much better than last time I saw you."

Rolling my eyes, I smiled back at him. "I did it especially for you," I laughed as he winked at me. 

"So," Marcus sat on the sofa and looked up at his family. "Are we ordering in tonight?"


After dinner was ordered, Mr Armstrong announced that someone would need to go and collect it. Charlotte shook her head, "I'm not going out. I've committed myself to staying at home for the rest of the evening."

Marcus stood up, "I'll go. Someone needs to come with me, help carry everything." He pulled his jacket on that he'd been sitting on. 

Mr Armstrong looked in my direction, I nodded. "I'll come too," I got to my feet as I smiled in Marcus' direction. 

He headed towards the door after his father handed him the money for the food, I followed, glancing at Charlotte who was sitting on the sofa with her attention on her phone. 

We got into Marcus' car, it was his first car that he'd received from his parents, so it wasn't anything special but it meant something to him. As he drove, I stared out the window just watching everything pass by. 

"So, when do you go home?" He asked me. 

I raised my eyebrows as I looked in his direction, he didn't look at me, his eyes were on the road but there was a smirk on his face. "You've only just got home, bit rude don't you think?" I sighed as I shook my head. "Your parents have committed to the year of the school year."

"Oh good," he laughed as he peeked at me for a moment then looked back to the road. "That means next time I return home you'll be here."

"Why is that a good thing?" I asked him as I relaxed in the chair, putting my hands at my sides on the chair something I did in a car when I was comfortable. "Every time you see me you ask when I am going home."

Marcus chuckled at me, "Give over, Wednesday. You know,  you're so pretty when your mouth is shut."

My mouth fell open as I listened to his words, I felt very self-conscious at this moment in time. "What?"

"I said, give over," he only repeated the first part. He stopped the car outside the takeaway before turning his head to face me. "Come on, babes," he winked before he got out of the car leaving me sitting there like an idiot with my jaw still swinging. 

A few seconds passed before I got out of the car and looked at him, I shook my head before I smiled at him. I didn't know what to say as I grinned like a twat.

"See," he nudged my arm as with his shoulder as we walked side by side towards the door of the takeaway. "Much prettier when you're quiet."

Rolling my eyes, I punched his arm as I laughed, "When have you ever known me to be quiet?"

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