2 - Lewis Hamilton PART ONE

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Crossing over the line, I pumped the air with my fist as the realisation set in, I have won my first ever Formula One race, and it was literally by the skin of my teeth. "Yes, Pia!" I heard my race engineer in my ear as I drove my car around a little more listening to the cheers that erupted the arena. 

"Wooo, congratulations Pia!" My brother's voice filled my ears as I listened to the commotion in the garage. "Gut gemacht!" I heard the familiar German words leave Nico's mouth as he told me well done. 

I smiled to myself, "Thanks, guys!" I knew that I wouldn't have been here without the team; they were half the reason for everything I had accomplished. 

Driving the track, I parked the car in the top spot. I yanked my steering wheel out before climbing out of the seat before I took my helmet off, leaving my helmet and wheel in the car as I shook my head letting my long dirty blonde hair regain some life. As I brushed myself down, I watched the other two vehicles pull into their spots, before grinning as Sebastian Vettel and Lewis Hamilton both got out. 

They both ripped their helmets off as they climbed out their vehicles. It was almost instant as they squared up to each other, their anger getting the better of them. I rushed between the both of them; I put my body between them. 

I'd never seen either of them like this; my hands pushed against their chests as profanities spewed from their mouths. "Please, guys!" I tried to reason with them before both Toto and Mattia jumped in, pulling them away from each other, other team members also swooped in to try and defuse the situation. 

Standing in the same spot, I watched as Lewis broke away from Toto. I couldn't let him totally ruin his career; this whole thing was already going to be controversial enough. As I got in front of Lewis, I tried to reason with him, "You can't do this." I pushed against his chest, "Just leave it."

He ignored my words, getting closer to Sebastian before Lewis pulled his fist back. I knew if he hit Sebastian, it would be game over for his career. Moving slightly I tried to put my hands up to block it I ended up receiving the punch, his jewellery encrusted hand hitting my face, my lip felt like it was exploding as I managed to clutch my mouth. Turning away from the situation, I took a few unsteady steps, my mind not quite believing what had happened. There were so many voices, so many people talking. It sounded like I was in a warzone, like in a film when there is a gunshot, and the sound seems so far away. 

"Pia!" I heard a German accent; a voice was so close to me. 

When hands were laid my shoulders behind me I panicked as I swung around quickly, the blood-filled hands going up defensively so whoever it was could no longer touch me. My eyes looked up, and I saw my brother, his face was full of concern and shock when he looked at my face. 

"Pia," his voice was quiet as he pulled me into his chest. My bloody hands and face smeared against his white shirt as I closed my eyes and let him hold me. 

Tainted, all of this was tainted. Maybe I was not destined to win; I knew I only won because Lewis and Sebastian were on the verge of taking each other out. All this squabbling allowed me to take the lead, so yeah, maybe I didn't deserve this win, but it didn't mean I shouldn't have had my victory tainted with these events. 

"Ich will nach Hause gehen," my instructions were clear. I wanted to go home; I hoped that my brother would stop all of this and get me out of here. 

His finger stroked my arms, "Okay." 

"Pia!" I heard someone shouting my name. I already knew it was Lewis, yet I ignored him as I turned in the opposite direction, my brother put his arm around me leading me away from the prying eyes of the cameras and the fans. "Pia, please!" He continued to shout; I didn't know if he was following us. "Wait! Pia!"

Nico stopped walking; I looked at him as he turned around to face Lewis. "This isn't happening," I muttered as my brother stepped forward to Lewis. I watched on, my eyes looking as Nico made his way to Lewis who was standing with Toto and Valtteri. 

"Pia," Nico Rosberg put his arm around me, "Let's get you out of here." 

I nodded as I turned back; I didn't want to be anywhere near this situation right now. 


The news travelled fast; I hated seeing the headlines. Of course, I was a woman, and somehow I got the blame for getting in Lewis' way. My victory wasn't even mentioned in the press. The news stories were all the same, battle for second and third tainted by an altercation between Hamilton and Vettel. My name was mentioned, only as of the injured party and as Nico's sister, nothing more. 

I hated being in the hotel; everyone was so loud as I laid on my bed. My lip was busted up, my white overalls ruined by the blood and my proud out of the window. 

A knock on the door distracted me for a moment, grabbing my scarf I pulled it over the bottom of my face as I opened the door. "What are you doing here?" I asked as I came face to face with Lewis, guilt written all over his face. 

"I needed to see you," he told me as he stared at me. "Are you okay?"

Looking away from him, I laughed as I pulled my scarf away, showing him my fat bottom lip. "Do I look okay?"

His hands reached forward, touching, cupping my face. "I am so sorry."

"So am I," I shook my head slightly as I went to close the door. 

He put his foot in the way as he put his hands on the door, "Please, Pia. Let me explain."

"There is nothing to explain," I reminded him as held the door tightly. "You have to go."

I hated to admit it, but he stronger than me as he kept the door open. "I never meant for this to happen; I am so sorry."

"Please," I stared him straight in the eyes. His brown eyes meeting mine, "I can't do this."

He took a step forward; my hands moved away from the door as I stepped back. "I need you to know," he didn't come any closer as he watched my reactions. "I never meant to hurt you; I love you."

I scoffed at his words. Sure we'd been dating for quite a while; things kept a secret from the rest of the world. I knew the way I felt about Lewis was a feeling I had never felt before. Right now, him being here felt a little threatening, maybe it was all still so raw from the track earlier. "You don't hurt people you love," I spoke almost in a child-like fashion. "Leave, Lewis. This is over; I'm sure there is someone else who can keep you company."

"I don't want anybody else."

"Right now," I backed away a little more. "I don't want you."

I watched as his face fell, that was when I knew his heart broke into a thousand tiny pieces. I could tell he felt so guilty for the events of this morning, but I couldn't forgive him, not now anyway. 

"You need to go," I said, coldly. I waited, and after a few moments, Lewis turned and left, closing the door behind him as he went. 

A deep breath left my lips as I locked the door, then slid back under the covers of my hotel bed. Everything to do with today's events was tainted. My victory, taking a punch to my face and potentially ending my seven-month relationship. 

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