Christmas - Sebastian Vettel

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If any was to ask me what my favourite time of the year was, I would answer Christmas, straight up every time. At least that would have been my answer three years ago. Three years ago was when my love for the festive season came to a grinding halt. After working hard on Christmas Eve, I returned home just before five to find my best friend at home with my boyfriend, they were on the sofa watching a film as they drank lager together. I wasn't too concerned at this point, we were having a few friends around that evening for a party anyway, I figured Grace had just turned up early. Well, I was wrong. I caught them later that evening in our shared bed. So, when my new partner's sister asked me to spend Christmas with their family I was very uneasy about the situation.

I arrived Christmas eve, I arrived on time, not early. I had a habit of never arriving early after that Christmas. Nervously, I stood at the front door as I waited for someone to open the door to me. After about half a minute, the door opened and there stood my partner's sister, Johanna. 

"Genevieve, I can't believe you made it," she greeted me before pulling me into a hug. "How did you get here?"

"Taxi," I raised my eyebrows as I held up the bag I had brought with me that was full of gifts. "Do you have anywhere I can put these?"

Johanna smiled, "Of course, come in."

I followed her into her family home. I looked around as I entered the hallway, it was quite grand and beautifully decorated. You wouldn't have known there was children living here, well for a second until I heard the screams before the two girls ran into the hallway and threw their arms around me. "Genny!" They both yelled in unison. 

Sophie, the youngest one at the age of six grinned at me. "Are you spending Christmas with us?" 

"Yes, I am," I assured the young brunette as I knelt down giving her more of a hug myself, my right arm placed around her sister, Kiara who smiled at me. 

"Are you sleeping in my room?" Kiara asked with wide eyes as she flipped back her red hair. She had her mother's red hair, unlike her young sister. Kiara was ten and it was obvious she was on the way to becoming a teenager. 

Johanna laughed as I got back to my feet, the two girls standing by the wall. "Your room is safe," she assured her daughter before Kiara nodded and headed away. "Are you going to help, Sophs?" 

Sophie nodded as she reached for my suitcase, "I can take this."

I reached for the suitcase, "It might be a little heavy for you darling." I handed her my handbag, "Maybe you could carry this for me instead."

She happily grabbed the bag and headed up the stairs, Johanna looked at me and laughed. "She's full of beans, she's so excited about tomorrow."


Sitting on the sofa that evening, the two girls had gone to bed leaving me with Johanna. She reached over and filled my wine glass up and smiled at me, "Hopefully he will be here soon."

"What does he think he's coming for?" I asked her as I held the glass tightly in my right hand. In my left hand, I had my phone, I had been messaging my partner, Sebastian but under the pretence that I was at my mother's home ready for the morning. 

Johanna grinned widely, "Well I asked him to come and stay the night so he could be here to see the girls open their presents in the morning. Surprise them." Her phone bleeped loudly distracting her, she picked it up and checked it. "Sounds like he's not going to swing by until the morning now."

I looked at my phone, before looking back at Johanna. "That's a shame," I was disappointed but I wasn't going to let her in on just how much I was feeling it. "It's okay," I managed a smile as I held up the wine. "We can have fun without him."

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