Prompts & Requests (2)

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So, yes I still have some requests to fulfil and I am working through them and other ones but I like to have a constant stream of ideas and stuff going. So here are some new prompts below, a few Christmassy ones thrown in. I also take random requests :) 

1. Isn't my love enough anymore?

2. Kiss me. If there's really nothing there, just kiss me.

3. All we ever seem to do is fight now. I don't want to fight any more.

4. Because tomorrow is my wedding day. Tomorrow is supposed to be the best day of my life, that's why. 

5. Look what we're standing under, it's like it's meant to be. 

6. I am not climbing that bloody thing, it's older than me. 

7. Get out! Get out right now!

8. Don't you love Christmas as such as I do? 

9. Today's the day, come on get up! 

10. It's 3 in the morning, why are you calling?

11. Please, I need to see you. I need to see you right now. 

12. I can't untangle these god damn lights! 

13. How many times have I heard that same old excuse? I'm getting pretty tired of it. 

14. Make me a promise, just this one thing. Please."

15. Flying makes me a little seasick. 

16. Why do you let him do this to you?

17. There's only a couple of things better than pigs in blankets.

18. Do you ever think about the future?

19. Okay, so if we're quick we can still catch the opening lap!

20. Say it, just three little words. 

21. Don't look now, but they are looking over at us. 

22. Do you believe in fate? I do, I believe this was meant to be. Please don't take it away from me. 

23. I keep going round and round, yet I keep coming back to you. That must mean something. 

24. Just go along with it, do this for me and I'll throw some cash your way.

25. You are in a different country, how exactly do you expect us to be together for Christmas?

26. I swear, baby, things are going to be okay. 

27. I just want to shout it from the rooftops, I want to let everyone know. Why don't you feel the same?

28. Do you really think I am that stupid?

29. I don't trust myself, not where you are concerned. 

30. I'm not going to make you do anything. Everything is simply your choice. Just know there are no second chances. 

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